Government of Bermuda
Appraisal of Bermuda Airport
Development Business Case
8 May 2015
Deloitte, Ltd.
Corner House
20 Parliament Street
Hamilton, HM 12
Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case Final
Dear Anthony,
We are pleased to submit this Final Report on the business case for developing the
Bermuda Airport Development. This Final Report maps the existing analysis and
documentation on the proposed Bermuda Airport Development,
as provided by the
Government of Bermuda, to the required contents of the Five Case model in a Full Business
Case. It then presents a gap analysis of the existing documentation on the Bermuda Airport
Development against the requirements of a Full Business Case.
The Five Case model is based on HM Treasury’s Green Book guidance for the appraisal
of public sector spending proposals. Under Green Book guidance, a Full Business Case
would be required to progress to the decision point on the investment, known as the “Gate
3 investment decision. This is the decision point for executing a contract with the selected
private sector supplier.
We understand that the Government of Bermuda is not yet ready to make a Gate 3
investment decision, and has the opportunity to close the gaps we have identified before
entering in to contracting for the concession with the selected private sector supplier. We
believe that addressing the key gaps in our analysis will add substantial value to the project,
both by improving Value for Money for the Government of Bermuda, and by reducing risk.
Yours sincerely,
Jessica Mello
Deloitte Ltd.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 4
1. Executive Summary 5
Introduction 5
Approach and Methodology 5
Mapping to the Five Cases 6
Methodology Review 6
Overall Assessment and Conclusions 6
2. Appraisal Approach 8
Introduction 8
Methodology Summary 8
Navigating this Document 10
3. Mapping to the Five Cases 11
Introduction to the “Green Book” Five Case Model 11
Mapping Available Data to the Five Case Model 14
Initial Gap Analysis 19
4. Methodology Review 21
Assessment Criteria 21
Case-by-Case Assessment 22
5. Overall Assessment and Conclusions 39
Full Gap Analysis Assessment 39
Conclusions 44
Appendix 1 Scope of this Report 47
Scope of Services and Timeline 47
Approach 47
Deliverables 47
Limitations and Assumptions 48
Appendix 2 Project Plan 49
Appendix 3 Summary of Available Data 50
Appendix 4 Five Case Model Mapping Summary 69
Appendix 5 Assumptions 70
Appendix 6 FBC Assessment Criteria 71
Strategic Case 71
Economic Case 75
Commercial Case 78
Financial Case 82
Management Case 84
Appendix 7 Methodology Review Supporting Evidence 87
Strategic Case 88
Economic Case 118
Commercial Case 142
Financial Case 172
Management Case 183
Appendix 8 Acronyms and Abbreviations 199
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 5
The Government of Bermuda has developed plans to deliver a new terminal building for the Bermuda
airport. The Government has received a proposal from the Canadian Commercial Corporation (“CCC”), a
Crown Corporation of the Government of Canada, to act as the Prime Contractor to deliver the planned
new terminal building. CCC would structure back-to-back or similar contracts with private Canadian
contractors who will deliver both construction and ongoing facilities management of the Bermuda Airport
under a 35-year Design Build Finance Operate (“DBFO”) or similar concession structure.
The Government of Bermuda and Her Majesty’s Government in London (represented by the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office or “FCO”) wish to ensure that the proposal will represent Value for Money (“VFM”)
for Bermuda, and will be affordable to the Government of Bermuda, before proceeding with the proposal.
The Government of Bermuda wish to compare existing documentation and analysis to the requirements of
a Full Business Case under the HM Treasury’s Green Book (“Green Book”) guidance for appraisal of public
sector spending proposals. Under the Green Book guidance, a Full Business Case (“FBC”) is required prior
to the contracting stage of a project. Key principles of the Green Book guidance for obtaining VFM are
relevant to all public sector spending proposals, irrespective of the procurement process and approach to
market, whether competed, sole-sourced, or otherwise.
This report seeks to map the existing documents to the requirements of an FBC and identify any gaps. The
key outputs of the Final Report are therefore:
1. An outline of the reports and documentation available from the Government of Bermuda, mapped to
the requirements of the FBC under each of the Five Cases, with any major gaps identified (Section 3,
“Mapping to the Five Cases”).
2. Assessment of the reports and documentation against the FBC requirements to produce a full gap
analysis and identify any differences in methodology, or where changes may be needed (Section 4,
“Methodology Review”).
3. A conclusion on the outstanding requirements to progress to an FBC-equivalent evidence set, using
the existing documentation as a base (Section 5, “Overall Assessment and Conclusions”). Where
important gaps are identified, we have suggested examples of opportunities for the Government of
Bermuda to add value to the project or substantially reduce risk by completing additional analysis,
strengthening the business case or documenting evidence, before proceeding.
Approach and Methodology
We recognise that the studies and documents do not form a cohesive business case, and were not explicitly
developed under the Five Case model of the Green Book Strategic Outline Case (“SOC”), Outline Business
Case (“OBC”) and FBC staged process. Importantly, the Government of Bermuda is under no obligation to
align to the Green Book guidance, although it provides a strong framework for considering how to obtain
and evidence VFM.
The methodology to produce our report therefore recognises the need for a pragmatic approach to
synthesise the available information to determine the overall evidence base for a post-FBC investment
decision (“Gate 3” in Green Book terminology
). This includes:
1. Mapping to the Five Cases An assessment of the available documents and data to map them to the
Green Book “Five Case” model, reflecting one-to-one, one-to-many and absent mappings. This is
As provided by HM Treasury, Gate 3 refers to the investment decision of a business case, whereby the decision to spend public
money has been made.
1. Executive Summary
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critical in the development of a view of all the information available within the structure of each case,
and identifying any initial gaps where evidence is not documented.
2. Assessment of alignment with FBC methodology Detailed assessment of the evidence base for each
of the Five Cases against Green Book assessment criteria to produce a full gap analysis and identify
any differences in methodology. We recognise that alternative best practice models may need to be
considered, given that the Government of Bermuda is under no obligation to follow Green Book
guidance specifically.
Whilst our work provides an assessment of coverage to the Green Book, we have not performed due
diligence or assurance of the documentation content.
Mapping to the Five Cases
The objective of this mapping activity was to align the existing evidence base to the Five Case model to
enable further assessment of the methodology used against the Green Book guidance. The full outputs of
this analysis are set out in Appendix 4 (“Five Case Model Mapping Summary”). As expected, a number of
the documents mapped to multiple expected contents of the Green Book, showing that some documents
covered a number of the areas expected in a FBC.
As shown in Appendix 4, we identified a total of 371 ‘mappings’ between the 52 data sources and the 39
sub-contents of the Five Case model. These were split as follows: 116 within the Strategic Case, 81 for the
Economic, 68 for the Commercial, 54 for the Financial, and 52 for the Management Case.
We found that each of the 39 key contents of the Green Book had at least one data source available to
assess against the Green Book methodology, although we found very little documentation related to certain
areas, such as optimism bias, accountancy treatment, and contingency arrangements.
Methodology Review
For the methodology review, each document which had been identified as mapping to any of the Strategic,
Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases was assessed individually for its relevance and
alignment to Green Book methodology in that case.
To conduct the review, we developed a set of consolidated review criteria based on the Green Book
guidance for FBC, incorporating relevant preceding guidance from SOC and OBC. These criteria are
outlined in Appendix 6 (“FBC Assessment Criteria”). These consolidated criteria were then used to assess
methodology gaps for each of the Five Cases.
Full results, structured by each case, are documented in Appendix 7 (“Methodology Review Supporting
Evidence”). This considers the relevance of the document to the ‘Key Review Criteria’ for each case,
assessing the ‘Evidence Covered’ against the relevant case in each document, and any ‘Gaps Identified’.
The results of the activity were summarised into a full assessment of each of the Five Cases in Section 4
(“Methodology Review”).
Overall Assessment and Conclusions
Strategic Case
The Strategic Case is well-defined. Whilst there are some specific areas that could be refined to align to
Green Book methodology, the case is comprehensive in principle the Strategic Case for change has been
developed over a number of years and is the most mature of the Five Cases in the Bermuda Airport
development business case.
Economic Case
Extensive underlying analysis exists and numerous different assessments of different project scopes and
technical solutions have been carried out. This indicates that a full Economic Case may be ready to be
developed, although this has not been done to date.
Key, integral steps are not present in the case. These include an economic assessment of a defined list of
options to identify the most economically advantageous solution for Bermuda, and some specific Green
Book and wider best practice considerations, such as use of a Public Sector Comparator, and optimism
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 7
bias assessment. Under Green Book guidance, this analysis is expected to be performed by Government
prior to engaging with potential suppliers such that the most economically advantageous solution for the
Government is identified in isolation from private sector influence.
As a whole, the Economic Case does not yet appear complete, based on the documents we have received
from the Government of Bermuda. Given the presence of extensive underlying analysis in the existing
documentation, there is an opportunity for the Government of Bermuda to leverage previous work to
develop a full economic analysis of the options, aligned to the Green Book or another internationally
recognised VFM methodology. It will be important to ensure that key drivers of the investment are
appropriately assessed, including the wider socio-economic benefits for the local economy, e.g. job creation
and stimulating the tourism industry.
Commercial Case
Significant evidence exists of considerations on the Commercial Case, including procurement strategy,
commercial options analysis, and approach to the procurement. However, we identified key gaps in
evidencing that the sole-sourced procurement approach that was selected will offer the best VFM, and in
the Government approach to delivering VFM through commercial negotiations. Closing the major gaps in
this case before a concession agreement is negotiated, and indeed potentially to make sure that the
Development Agreement itself is robust from both a commercial and overall VFM perspective, could add
significant value and substantially reduce risk for the Government of Bermuda.
This might include, for example, establishing the preferred procurement approach going forward from the
present date, as well as providing a value driving framework to ground the rest of the procurement process.
Typically, this would include detailed analysis on how to obtain best value from the procurement process
through best and most effective use of legal, technical, financial, transaction and programme management
support, and how negotiations will be conducted.
Financial Case
Extensive analysis exists, particularly on the affordability position for the proposed project Special Purpose
Vehicle (“SPV”), and we understand that the Government of Bermuda’s officials and advisors are focused
on completing elements of the Financial Case. In order to complete this case to an FBC-equivalent level ,
we would expect the Government and their advisors to broaden their assessment of affordability beyond
the SPV to the wider Government perspective by incorporating any retained services or responsibilities of
Government (such as overseeing the concession), continuing to test key assumptions (including
concession structure and terms), and considering specific key treatments of the project’s financials such as
accounting implications and balance sheet impact and associated factors such as government borrowing
metrics and credit ratings.
A complete Financial Case could allow the Government to assess whether the Government can afford their
obligations under the proposed concession arrangement, and to what extent it will achieve the
Government’s stated objectives for the project, including “a minimal impact on the government’s balance
sheet” (2015-2016 Budget Statement).
Management Case
Recognising the current stage of development of the project, this is the least mature of the Five Cases,
indicating that the overall business case is not yet advanced enough for implementation and delivery
considerations to be detailed. The Management Case is an important tool to be completed prior to the
investment decision being made, in order to ensure Government’s ability to deliver its responsibilities and
manage dependencies under the contract, understand wider areas of project scope, manage the supplier
effectively, and to have risk management and contingency plans in place.
One point in the Management Case which could add significant value to the Bermuda Government at the
present time is a contingency plan should the current proposed deal with CCC fall through.
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The Government of Bermuda has planned the redevelopment of Bermuda’s airport, the L.F. Wade
International Airport, to include a new terminal building. Bermuda’s airport provides a critical link to the world
for Bermuda’s residents, local and international businesses, and tourism. The airport development plans
have progressed to an advanced stage. As set out in a June 2014 Letter of Agreement, the Government of
Bermuda has received a proposal from the Canadian Commercial Corporation, a Crown Corporation of the
Government of Canada, to act as the Prime Contractor to deliver the planned new terminal building. In the
proposed delivery model, the CCC would sub-contract with private Canadian contractors who will deliver
both construction and ongoing facilities management of the Bermuda Airport under a 35-year Design Build
Finance Operate or similar concession structure. CCC has selected AECON as the proposed contractor.
The CCC’s proposed role will end after the construction phase is successfully completed, while AECON will
stay on as the operations concessionaire.
The Government of Bermuda are currently considering a June 2015 ‘Go-No-Go’ decision to proceed to
negotiate and enter into an Airport Development Agreement. This agreement would be a step closer to a full
concession agreement. Financial close of a long-term concession agreement could potentially take place a
year later, in or around September, 2016. In reaching this next ‘Go-No-Go’ milestone, the Government of
Bermuda and the FCO wish to be confident that the proposal will represent VFM for Bermuda, and will be
financially affordable and achievable for the Government of Bermuda.
Over recent years, while examining options and developing plans, a number of studies, reports and other
documents have been produced by the Government of Bermuda and their advisors, and more recently by
the CCC and their advisors. These studies and documents evaluate the strategic, economic, commercial,
financial and management aspects of the proposed development, but are standalone documents and do not
form a cohesive business case. The Government of Bermuda therefore wish to compare the existing
documentation and analysis to the requirements of a FBC under the HM Treasury’s Green Book guidance
for appraisal of public sector spending proposals. Under Green Book guidance, an FBC would be required
before entering in to a procurement contract with the private sector. Key principles of the Green Book
guidance for obtaining VFM are relevant to all public sector spending proposals, irrespective of the
procurement process and approach to market, whether competed, sole-sourced, or otherwise.
It is worth noting that the Government of Bermuda does not currently require the Green Book or other
comparable method to prepare a business case for public sector investments, and this analysis is therefore
focusing on the Green Book as a best practice rather than a policy requirement.
The Government of Bermuda have therefore commissioned Deloitte to map the existing studies, reports,
and other documents to the requirements of an FBC, and identify gaps. The Government of Bermuda and
their advisors can then fill any gaps in the business case to satisfy themselves as to whether CCC’s proposal
is the preferred way forward, is affordable, achievable, and represents VFM for the Government and the
people of Bermuda, prior to proceeding.
Methodology Summary
Our approach considered the following
1. The evidence base is comprised of a significant number of documents, produced over a period of several
years. The Green Book is not required in Bermuda and these documents were not developed under the
Additional high-level assumptions and constraints are detailed in Appendix 5.
2. Appraisal Approach
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 9
Five Case model. We therefore recognise that these documents might map to none, one or many of the
components of the Five Case model;
2. In addition to not being explicitly developed under the Five Case model, the process of developing the
business case did not progress in line with the Green Book SOC, OBC and FBC staged process. This
means that some expected contents of the FBC may have been covered relatively early in the project
development timeline, but not explicitly refreshed as the plan to develop the airport has evolved, and
some parts of the business case may be more mature than others; and
3. We also recognise that there is a significant degree of overlap between a number of the studies, and
these exhibit differing levels of maturity in different areas.
Taking these points together, the methodology recognised the need for a pragmatic approach to synthesise
the available information to determine the overall evidence base for a Gate 3 investment decision. It needs
to be explicitly recognised, however, that by its very nature the evidence available is not fully consistent with
the expectations of a FBC. The following methodology was therefore developed based on Green Book
guidance documents for the assessment of business cases
, recognising these constraints:
Methodology for Business Case Appraisal
The key outputs of the Draft Report and Final Report are therefore:
An outline of the reports and documentation available from the Government of Bermuda, mapped to the
requirements of the FBC under each of the Five Cases, with any major gaps identified (Section 3,
“Mapping to the Five Cases”).
An assessment of the reports and documentation against the FBC requirements to produce a full gap
analysis and identify any differences in methodology, or where changes may be needed (Section 4,
“Methodology Review”).
For example, “Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Delivering Public Value from Spending Proposals”, 2013, which is drawn
upon throughout this analysis.
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A summary conclusion on the outstanding requirements to progress to an FBC-equivalent evidence set,
considering existing documentation, taken as a whole, against the requirements for a Gate 3 investment
decision. This is typically required before proceeding with contracting arrangements (Section 5, “Overall
Assessment and Conclusions”). Where specific gaps are identified, we provide examples of opportunities
for the Government of Bermuda to add value to the project or substantially reduce risk by completing
additional analysis, strengthening the business case or documenting evidence.
Navigating this Document
The key outputs from this methodology are contained in this document as follows:
Section 3 “Mapping to the Five Cases”: This section provides an introduction to the Five Case model
and Green Book methodology, summarises the mapping of the evidence base (reports and
documentation) received, and highlights the major gaps identified in an initial gap analysis. This
assessment is supported by:
Appendix 3 Summary of Available Data”: This outlines the data received, and how it aligns to
the Five Case model.
Appendix 4 “Five Case Model Mapping Summary”: This is the detailed analysis that maps the
available data by each case, supporting the analysis performed in Section 3.
Section 4 “Methodology Review”: This section assesses the data available for each case, based on
the mapping activity in Section 3, identifying gaps and differences in methodology. This assessment is
supported by:
Appendix 6 “FBC Assessment Criteria”: This summarises the assessment criteria used to assess
the evidence by each case. This recognises that under the Green Book business case
methodology, the FBC would typically be assessed with reference to the continued veracity of
evidence documented in the OBC and, to a lesser extent, the SOC. Recognising that this is not
relevant to assess whether the evidence aligns to an “FBC-equivalent” at this stage, given that the
Green Book methodology and process has not been followed, a consolidated set of assessment
criteria for SOC, OBC and FBC are designed, based on Green Book guidance.
Appendix 7 “Methodology Review Supporting Evidence”: This appendix contains additional
supporting evidence and analysis where not appropriate for the main body of the Methodology
Review in Section 4.
Section 5 “Overall Assessment and Conclusions”: This section summarises the findings in Section 3
and 4, and provides a conclusion on the extent to which the existing documentation, taken as a whole,
aligns to the Green Book expectations, whilst recognising that a substantively different process has been
followed. This section outlines key areas where additional work could be carried out to bring the business
case to an FBC-equivalent level.
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Introduction to the “Green Book” Five Case Model
Overall Approach
HM Treasury’s Green Book was developed to ensure VFM for public expenditure. The content provides a
method for developing the business case. This method is broken down into three stages, the SBC, the OBC,
and the FBC. Each of these cases is tested using the Five Case Model. The Five Cases provide a framework
for thinking about how best to structure and deliver a project. They comprise of the: Strategic, Economic,
Commercial, Financial, and Management Cases.
The above helps policy makers follow the necessary steps to make informed, responsible, and effective
decisions that are VFM. Put more simply, they answer the following questions comprehensively, throughout
the project lifecycle:
Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
How are we going to get there?
Importance of a Business Case
HM Treasury recognise the following key rational for a robust business case
“Policies, strategies, programmes and projects will only achieve their spending objectives and deliver
benefits if they have been scoped robustly and planned realistically from the outset and the associated risks
taken into account.
The business case, both as a product and a process, provides decision makers, stakeholders and the public
with a management tool for evidence based and transparent decision making and a framework for the
delivery, management and performance monitoring of the resultant scheme.
“Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Delivering Public Value from Spending Proposals”, 2013,p.8
3. Mapping to the Five Cases
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Three-Stage Iterative Process for Developing a Business Case
The process of developing a business case is iterative, developed in three stages. The initial stage is the
high level SOC, which evolves in to the OBC and then to the FBC. The following table sets out the features
of each stage.
Three-stage iterative process for developing a business case
Outline Case
Full Business
Key Features
Why do it?
Considers issues such as needs, objectives,
risks, costs and benefits at a high level
Typically used in larger programmes
Outcome may influence redefining the
To ensure early consultation with
To assess prospects for achieving VFM
To consider achievability and next stages
To rule out undesirable options & avoid
wasted effort later in the programme lifecycle
Detailed assessment of costs, benefits and
Usually considers procurement options
Typically employed before engaging the
market to deliver a solution
To estimate VFM & affordability before going
too far e.g. engaging the market
To refine estimates of benefits/costs
To consider achievability and next stages e.g.
procurement strategy
Reconfirmation of costs, benefits and risks
Final test of the VFM & affordability of actual
market bids or OBC options
To reassess and confirm VFM & affordability
before e.g. committing to a contract/
To confirm estimates of benefits/ costs
To confirm implementation arrangements
To document the procurement process prior
to contract award.
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Decision Gates
The process to develop a business case outlined in the Green Book includes five decision gates. Each
“Gate” requires the business case to have been developed to a certain level before that decision can be
made, helping to safeguard VFM through the project development process.
Decision Gates and Alignment with the Three Stages of the Business Case
Stage 2
Stage 0 Business Planning
Strategic Outline Plan (SOP)
Step 1: Ascertaining strategic fit
Phase 0: Determining strategic
Stage 1
Gate 1
Strategic Outline Case (SOC)
Step 2: Making the case for change
Step 3: Exploring the preferred way
Phase 1: Preparing the SOC
Gate 2
Outline Business Case (OBC)
Step 4: Determining potential VFM
Step 5: Preparing for potential deal
Step 6: Ascertaining affordability
and funding requirement
Step 7: Planning for successful
Phase 2: Preparing the OBC
Stage 5
Stage 3
Full Business Case (FBC)
Step 8: Procuring the VFM solution
Step 9: Contracting for the deal
Step 10: Ensuring successful
Phase 3: Preparing the FBC
Stage 4
Gate 4
Gate 3
Gate 5
Programme and Project
Benefits Realisation (Planning,
Modelling and Profiling)
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 14
FBC Five Case Contents
The method for developing the Five Cases is set out in the Green Book, and is flexible and scalable for
different sizes and types of projects. Each answers a different major question to support the case for making
the proposed investment.
The Strategic Case ensures the project demonstrates a robust case for change, which is in line with the
subject area and the public sector at large. The Economic Case tests the public value of the project. The
Commercial Case deals with marketability, procurement strategy, and commercial viability. Projects
affordability is examined under the Financial Case. Lastly, the Management Case focuses on how
achievable the project is by the proposed stakeholders.
The Five Cases
Mapping Available Data to the Five Case Model
Our first analysis involved mapping the contents expected under Green Book guidance to the available data
on the L.F. Wade Airport (the “Airport”) redevelopment. In all, we received 52 ‘data’ items from both the
Department of Airport Operations (“DAO”) and the Ministry of Finance, ranging from full reports and analysis
to short briefing notes and statements. To align these to the expected contents of each of the Five Cases,
we mapped each item to the “Mapped Contents” below, taken from the Green Book Supplementary
Mapping Contents Overview
Mapped Contents
Expected Sub-Contents
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
Strategic vision, goals, business aims and service objectives
Current activities and services, including key stakeholders and
Organisational structure, staff numbers, business turnover and
geographical position
Existing financial and funding arrangements
Current Business Strategies
How the proposed scheme fits within, supports, and promotes the
Drawn from “Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Delivering Public Value from Spending Proposals”, 2013
Definition of options
Economic cost/benefit analysis and risk
assessment of options
Assessment of Cap Ex and Op Ex funding required
for the preferred option
Assessment against available funding
Procurement strategy, stages and timetable
Overview of commercial model
Governance arrangements
Implementation plan, dependencies & key risks
Benefits realisation plan
Does the project support
the organisation’s strategic
Does the preferred option
represent best value for
Is the preferred option
Is the commercial model
Is the preferred option
The case for action
Investment objectives
Demonstration of strategic fit and synergies
Strategic Case
Economic Case
Financial Case
Commercial Case
Management Case
Key Question
Five Cases
Key Components
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Mapped Contents
Expected Sub-Contents
Scheme's ability to achieve business goals, strategic aims, and
plans of organisation
Business goals of the organisation
Spending Objectives
Defining spending objectives in terms of desired outcomes
objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
time-constrained (SMART)
Customer focused and distinguishable from means of provision
focus on achievement of outcomes and not inputs to a potential
Existing Arrangements
Explains how services are currently organised, provided and
Details about stakeholders, customers and associated throughput
and turnover
Snapshot of 'where we are now' and the basis for 'do nothing'
Business Needs (current and
Identifies difference between 'where we are now' and 'where we
want to be'
Highlights problems, difficulties and inadequacies associated with
status quo
Confirmation of continued need for business operations
Projections of nature and level of demand for future services
Summary of user requirements, clearly distinguishing between
current and future
Potential Scope
Scope of the project from the standpoint of the business, in terms of
affected business areas, functionality, and organisation
Sets boundaries and limitations of the project
Options within this scope will be assessed within the Economic
Benefits and Risks
Cash releasing benefits, financial but non-cash releasing benefits,
quantifiable, and non-quantifiable benefits
Benefits and risks should be direct and indirect to the organisation
Constraints and
Constraints, actions or developments required of others (i.e.
externally imposed) if the ultimate success of the project is
dependent on them
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Strategic fit and business needs
Potential VFM
Potential achievability
Supply-side capacity and capability
Potential affordability
Long Listed Options
As wide a range of options as possible that meet: spending
objectives, potential scope, and benefits criteria, to create a Long
List of Options
Baseline option included
Short Listed Options
Include 'do nothing' option as a benchmark
Reference project or outline public sector comparator
Two other realistic options based on realistic 'second choices'
This narrowed list is the Short List of Options
Do Nothing Option
Included as the minimal or 'status quo' for reference
Economic Appraisals of Costs
and Benefits
Capital costs, revenue costs, fixed, variable, and step costs,
opportunity costs, sunk costs, full economic costs, attributable costs,
organisational development, avoided costs, contingent liabilities
Cash releasing benefits (CRB), financial but non-cash-releasing
benefits (non-CRB), quantifiable benefits (QB), non-quantifiable
benefits (non-QB)
Distributional Analysis
Capturing the effects on: age, gender, ethnic group, health, skill or
Optimism Bias Adjustment
Explicit empirically-based adjustments to counteract optimism bias
in the appraisal
Risk Assessment
Assesses impact and likelihood of each risk with a score (excludes
risks that can be measured financially)
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Mapped Contents
Expected Sub-Contents
Sensitivity Analysis
Tests the vulnerability of options to unavoidable future uncertainties
Tests robustness of the ranking of options
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Focuses on how required services, supplies or works can best be
procured (for example, whether open procurement)
Must follow regulations within the given jurisdiction
Criteria should cover: specification stage, selection stage, and
award stage
Service Requirements
Summarises required services and outputs and the potential
implementation timescales required. This will include:
Scope of procurement
Required service streams
Specifications of required outputs and requirements to be met
Stakeholders and customers
Procurement options
Potential developments and further phases
Charging Mechanism
Consideration of mechanism to incentivise service provider to
continue providing VFM over time
Reflects optimum balance between risk and return
Split into pre-delivery, operational, and extension phases
Risk Transfer
Risk is allocated to party best able to manage it
Optimal allocation over maximisation of risk transfer
Key Contractual
Duration of the contract and break clauses
Roles and responsibilities of service provider and procuring authority
Charging mechanism, prices, tariffs, incentive payments
Change control
Remedies in the event of failure
Treatment of intellectual property rights
Compliance with regulations
Operational and contract administration elements of terms and
Arrangements for dispute resolution
Agreed allocation of risk
Personnel Implications
Whether any Transfer of Undertakings/Employment Protection
Terms regarding subsequent transfers at market testing intervals
Descriptions of terms regarding Trade Union recognition
Requirements for broadly comparable pensions for staff upon
Codes of practice in place for well-being and staff management
Accountancy Treatment
States in whose balance sheet (public/private) the assets
underpinning the service will be accounted for
Explicitly declares the relevant accountancy standards
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Capital and revenue consequences of the preferred option over the
life span of service
How this compares with the original capital ceiling for the scheme
Any shortfall in capital and revenue requirements
Impact on Balance Sheet
Assets that are an integral part of spending, should have their
accounting treatment examined
Independent opinion from the organisation’s auditors
Impact on Income and
Expenditure Account
Assessed in current position and likely outcome should be fully
recorded by a qualified accountant who understands the project and
Overall Funding and
Balance sheet organised with necessary components
Balance sheet of organisation in healthy state
Organisation is solvent and not over-trading
Cash flow of the organisation is sound
Necessary allowance made for risks
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 17
Mapped Contents
Expected Sub-Contents
Commissioner Support
Agreement obtained from the purchasers for the scheme in written
Letter should: demonstrate commissioners are actively involved,
form acceptance of strategic aims, confirm financial costs, state
margins of leeway, demonstrate suitable contingency arrangements
in place, and provided by the appropriate individual
Management Case
Project Management
Project management structure
Reporting arrangements in relation to program
All other management and governance arrangements
Key roles and responsibilities including appointed personnel and
any vacancies
Project Management Plans
Describes how, when, and by whom a specific milestone or set of
targets will be achieved
Detailed analysis of how identified targets, milestones, deliverables,
and products will be delivered to timescales, costs and quality
Use of Specialist Advisers
Where skills and capabilities are in short supply, these are used
Indicates how and when this advice will be utilised along with
expected costs
Change and Contract
Management Arrangements
Change management strategy linked to benefits realisation
Change management framework to manage change
Outline plan to explain what is delivered and when in terms of
underlying activities
Benefits Realisation
Arrangements for identification of potential benefits, their planning
modelling and tracking
Ultimate responsibility for delivery of benefits identified
Register indicating how benefits are to be realised
Risk Management
Identify risks in advance and minimise them
Processes to monitor risks and access to reliable up-to-date
information about risks
Balance of control to mitigate against adverse risks if they
Decision-making processes supported by framework for risk
analysis and evaluation
Monitoring During
Specify arrangements for monitoring during implementation
(including who, when, how and detail of costs)
Post Implementation
Evaluation Arrangements
Specify post implementation evaluation arrangements (including
who, when, how, and costs)
Contingency Arrangements
Detail on the contingency plan with arrangements and provision for
risk management
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 18
The full outputs of this analysis are set out in Appendix 3 (“Summary of Available Data”). The analysis shows
that there were many studies, reports and other documents that were relevant to more than one of the Five
Cases. This reflects that many of the documents were comprehensive, and covered multiple parts of the
business case methodology.
It should be noted that the objective of this mapping exercise was to align the evidence base to the Five
Case model for further assessment of methodology. It was not intended to provide a qualitative or
quantitative assessment of the ‘completenessof the evidence base. In particular, it is noted that a single
detailed document might provide a fuller and more rigorous evidence base than many less-detailed
documents, and therefore the number of alignments itself does not provide a definitive source of comparison.
That said, the number of documents identified as mapping to the expected contents of the Green Book Five
Cases may indicate the relative completeness of different cases. As shown in Appendix 4, we identified a
total of 371 ‘mappings’ between the 52 data sources and the 39 sub-contents of the Five Case model. As
demonstrated in the chart above, we noted a significant number of data sources that mapped to the Strategic
Case (116 ‘mappings’). This declined case-by-case, with only 52 data sources mapping to the Management
Case. Overall this chart tells us that there were 116 ‘hits’ within the Strategic Case, 81 for the Economic, 68
for the Commercial, 54 for the Financial, and 52 for the Management Case.
Number of Data Sources by Case
Strategic Economic Commercial Financial Management
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 19
Clearly not all documents can be equally weighted, and this in itself does not allow us to conclude, for
example, that the Management Case is not fully complete. However, this provides an interesting correlation
with the Green Book guidance on how the Five Cases are typically expected to develop through the SOC,
OBC and FBC stages, as set out in the following chart from HM Treasury’s guidance.
This shows the expected development of each of the Five Cases through SOC, OBC and FBC. Typically the
Strategic Case and Economic Case are developed earlier than the Commercial, Financial and Management
Cases. All five cases are expected to be fully developed by the FBC and Gate 3 investment decision.
Initial Gap Analysis
Our analysis mapped the data sets to the 39 contents of the Five Case model, and this deeper level of
analysis was used to identify specific gaps within the evidence available.
The main finding of this mapping activity is that there are no instances where there is no evidence available
at all of the 39 expected contents within the Five Cases, there was at least one data source that mapped
to each. In Section 5, the full methodology review and gap analysis, we assess the extent to which the
Green Book guidance has been satisfied, or the ‘breadth’ or ‘depth’ of coverage for any of these mappings.
Five Case Mapping Results
The summary results of the mapping exercise are set out below.
Whilst the mapping does not demonstrate the completeness of each case, it does point to several areas
which require attention in the methodology review and full gap analysis:
1. As noted above, the Strategic Case is covered by a number of documents across each expected content
2. The Economic Case appears to have more than 5 data sources relating to most of the content areas, but
few documents considering Optimism Bias Adjustment.
3. Likewise, the Commercial Case has more than 5 data sources relating to most of the content areas, but
few documents considering Accountancy Treatment.
4. The Financial Case has more than 5 data sources for each of the content areas.
5. The Management Case has, relatively speaking, the lowest number of data sources across the content
areas. These include Contingency Arrangements, Post Implementation Evaluation Arrangements, and
Monitoring during Implementation and Risk Management.
“Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Delivering Public Value from Spending Proposals”, 2013, p.21
% Completion of the Case
The 5 Dimensions of the Case
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 20
The key finding of this initial gap analysis is that there is at least one data source available for the Bermuda
Airport Development considering each content area of the Green Book’s Five Cases. The distribution of
data points indicates that the earlier cases (Strategic and Economic) are more developed than the later
cases, and that the later cases may need further development before a Gate 3 investment decision is
supported. There are certain areas where there are notably few data sources, and they may need further
development. These include Accountancy Treatment, Impact on Balance Sheet, and Optimism Bias
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 21
Assessment Criteria
As outlined in our Appraisal Approach”, we developed a set of consolidated criteria based on the Green Book guidance for FBC, incorporating relevant preceding
guidance from SOC and OBC. These are outlined in Appendix 6 (“FBC Assessment Criteria”). These consolidated criteria were then used to assess methodology gaps
for each of the Five Cases.
For the methodology review, each document which had been identified as mapping to any of the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases
was assessed individually in each case-by-case detailed assessment. This means that a document could be assessed for its relevance and alignment to Green Book
methodology in multiple cases. Our methodology review was produced on a document-by-document basis, with the full results structured by each case and documented
in Appendix 7 (“Methodology Review Supporting Evidence”). These consider the relevance of the document to the ‘Key Review Criteria’ for each case, assessing the
‘Evidence Covered’ and any ‘Gaps Identified’.
The results of the activity were summarised into a full assessment of each of the Five Cases. This enabled us to consider the whole body of evidence and all relevant
documents for each of the Five Cases, as detailed in the tables below. It should be recognised that there is a degree of pragmatism in this approach. We recognise that
there was not a requirement for the documentation and development of the business case to follow Green Book guidance, and there are clearly elements of the evidence
required under Green Book that do not align directly to Bermuda’s context or are excessively granular. Whilst these evidence points are a useful tool in evaluation, the
summary assessment below looks to assess the completeness of each case against the ‘Key Review Criteria’ rather than being excessively prescriptive in focus on the
‘Main Evidence Required’. Further supporting detail for each assessment is available in Appendix 7.
4. Methodology Review
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 22
Case-by-Case Assessment
Strategic Case
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the
recommended deal
provide synergy and
best fit with the
business strategy?
Extracts from business and other
relevant strategies
Reference to relevant Government
and organisational policies
Organisational context
Existing and future changes in needs
Expected changes in volumes and
mix of services
Security and confidentiality issues
Understanding any changes in
alignment to strategy during
Ongoing evaluation of business
strategies and plans
Overall there is a clear strategic
rationale for change incorporated in
documents produced over a number
of years. This includes clear
descriptions of business strategies,
context of the airport, existing and
future needs to support the
Bermudian economy and
Government policy objectives. There
is evidence of ongoing evaluation of
the case for change throughout the
Broadly speaking, no major gaps
identified, although there has been
limited consideration of security and
confidentiality issues throughout the
However, it should be noted that a
significant part of the most recent
evidence base for change has been
produced subsequent to or in parallel
to the agreement with the prospective
supplier. Recognising this,
Government may want to be clear
that it owns its own strategy for the
airport and ongoing evaluation of that
strategy, which is distinct from that of
any prospective concessionaire.
Does the
recommended deal
still satisfy the original
spending objectives
and business needs?
Written confirmation of agreement on
part of stakeholders and customers
Clear statement of business
outcomes and service outputs
Are the spending objectives set at an
appropriate level and SMART:
- specific
- measurable
- achievable
- relevant
- timely
Statement of any security and
confidentiality issues
Overall clear stakeholder buy-in to
the case for change, and the
objectives of spend.
As above, it is worth noting that
Government may want to be clear on
owning its own required business
outcomes and service outputs.
When the recommended deal is more
fully developed, the Government may
want to assess the deal against the
original spending objectives. To do
so, it might wish to incorporate these
in a single statement this may
feature within the procurement
strategy in the Commercial Case.
Does the
recommended deal
still provide all of the
required services
Change control arrangements
Notification of any changes during
- additional services
Whilst change control is not
addressed, there is evidence of
agreement of stakeholders.
It is worth noting relatively limited
consideration of the potential for
subsequent change in strategic
context. Government might want to
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 23
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
both current and
- agreement of stakeholders and
- business justification and Cost
Benefit Analysis
consider the need for flexibility within
the solution identified in the
Economic Case, and the provisions
of the Commercial Case.
Have any outstanding
differences between
stakeholders and
customers been
Continued stakeholder commitment
and involvement
Communication strategy
Clear and ongoing involvement of
key stakeholders, including the public
in the form of ministerial statements,
and an indication that the tourism
industry supports the case for
There is no defined communication
strategy for the ongoing delivery of
the project, and there has been no
documented feedback from the public
or travellers (customers).
Has the assessment
of likely benefits, risks,
constraints and
dependencies been
examined in detail?
Outline of benefits realisation plan:
- Direct and indirect to the
organisation and wider public sector
- Cash (£) and non-cash-releasing
- Ranking of benefits by key
Outline of risk management strategy:
- Business risks
- Service risks
- Likely probabilities and impact
(high, medium or low)
Assessment of internal and external
- Evidence of critical path
- Related programmes and projects
High-level benefits are detailed in a
number of places throughout the
documentation as a whole, which
also includes high-level consideration
of risks and internal and external
Some of the more specific aspects of
assessing benefits, risks, constraints
and dependencies have not been
examined in detail. This includes, for
example, production of a benefits
realisation plan and ranking of
benefits by stakeholder. Given a
strong Strategic Case for change,
this is considered as an opportunity
for refinement through the
Management Case and subsequent
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 24
Economic Case
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have the Critical
Success Factors
(“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been
Prioritised CSFs (high, medium or
Relevant performance measures
A number of documents detail the
key drivers of Bermuda’s position in
the overall aviation market, and the
importance of the airport for
international business activities and
the tourism industry.
Other key factors in improving airlift
and the requirements for improving
the airport, are identified throughout.
These include, for example, key
project objectives such as addressing
key challenges like storm protection.
Additionally, the Ministerial Statement
(document 46) provides a clear
summary of some further project
Taken together, there are a number
of different sources which could
readily be interpreted as CSFs.
However, although a number of
factors exist which could be
interpreted as CSFs, the
documentation as a whole does not
explicitly outline CSFs or prioritise
these for the purposes of options
This is to be expected given that the
documentation has not been
prepared according to Green Book
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list
options been
identified and
assessed, and the
short-listed options
subjected to robust
analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
10 to 12 main options for the Long
List full description
Use of the options framework
- for business scope
- for potential solutions
- for service delivery
- for implementation
- for funding
SWOT analysis of options against:
- spending objectives
- critical success factors
- benefits criteria
- evidence of likely support from key
Preparation and assessment of
economic appraisals for:
Throughout the documentation
‘options’ are defined in a number of
different ways. These include:
Options for technical solution for
airport re-development, including
contrasting refurbishment of
existing terminal with new build,
and a range of ‘project concepts’
identified at different stages in the
development process.
Commercial options for delivering
the project, which will be
considered under the Commercial
Case section. The objective of the
Economic Case is to identify the
best VFM for Government, and
Taken as a whole, there is no clear or
structured assessment of all options
performed in order to appraise the
Economic Case of short-listed
options and arrive at a preferred
solution. Whilst it is clear that a wide
variety of solutions have been
identified, there may be a case for
confirming the scope of the preferred
solution and the impact of that scope
on future cases, such as the
Financial Case and affordability
Whilst a large number of the
documents touch on elements of the
Economic Case, these typically
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 25
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
- do nothing/do minimum
- revised PSC
- best and final offers and/or
- preferred bidder (if selected)
Use of appropriate tools:
- sensitivity analysis
- risk (£) quantification
- evaluation of qualitative benefits
(rank, weight and scoring)
Treatment of costs and benefits in
accordance with Treasury ‘Green
Book’ rules
All assumptions recorded
Achievable benefits streams
Stakeholders and customers support
that preferred solution is then
assessed for delivery model and
procurement strategy
considerations in the Commercial
Options associated with wider re-
development opportunities, such
as solar photovoltaic (“PV) and
landside development.
A large number of the available
documents touch on elements of the
Economic Case, including:
Potential revenue streams and
scope options (e.g. commercial
airspace management and
renewable energy development).
Assessment of benefits associated
with a ‘do something’ option,
including benefits associated with
reversing the trend of declining
traffic in Bermuda, and non-
monetary benefits such as support
for national goals, safety and
Assessment of the economic
impact of the proposed project by
direct and indirect economic
impacts during construction.
Identification of some risks
associated with different
commercial options.
Assessment of NPV for the project
based on a private sector WACC.
There is a large volume of evidence
for assumptions used at different
assess different elements of different
option sets, and it is therefore not
clear that a preferred solution has
been identified through a clear
assessment of net present value
(“NPV”), risks, and non-monetary
benefits. Key considerations include:
In a number of instances, options
are proposed by the current
proposed supplier rather than the
Government. This means there is
no clear appraisal of options from
a Government perspective with
which to engage the market.
This means it is not clear that
Government has determined the
optimal scope from the potential
options prior to going to market.
Additionally, the project is
assessed from a project/SPV
rather than holistic Government
perspective. For example, whilst
the affordability analysis performed
by Leigh Fisher includes an NPV
calculation, this looks to focus on
project cash flows only and uses a
developer weighted average cost
of capital (“WACC”) rather than
Government discount rate. The
Green Book guidance uses HM
Treasury’s Social Time Preference
rate of 3.5% p.a. in real terms to
discount economic cash flows for
the NPV.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 26
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
points in the development of the
The economic assessment
performed by the Bermuda
College does not consider NPV.
The economic assessment
performed by the Bermuda
College only considers the
construction period.
Whilst there is reference to
optimism bias, this is not
incorporated into any investment
Additionally, concepts of VFM are
often assessed at theoretical levels
and not always in respect of the
Economic Case or defined options. In
particular, the CCC Project Concept
document concludes on the VFM
case with limited reference to the
preferred solution as compared to
alternative options, and in respect of
the Commercial Case (i.e. the
preferred delivery model) rather than
Economic Case (the preferred
Some analysis of socio-economic
benefits e.g. job creation, impact on
tourism industry, has been performed
in different documents. These are
key factors in the rationale for the
project and may need to be validated
in the Economic Case.
Has the Public Sector
Comparator been
constructed and
assessed in
Realistic solution capable of
Risks identified, apportioned and
measured for all project stages:
- design
High-level assessment of different
commercial options are considered,
including some consideration to
typical risks.
A PSC is not clearly identified as a
delivery option for Economic Case
This is expected given that the
documentation has not been
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 27
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
- build
- finance
- operate
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
costs, where available
prepared according to Green Book
guidance, and the private finance
solution has been a key project driver
from the outset.
Was a wide range of
bids received from
service providers in
response to the
procurement notice?
Assessment of earlier assumptions
Use of evaluation criteria:
- long list of suppliers
- short list of suppliers
Description of each bid received at
Best and Final Offer (“BAFO”)
Method of treatment for varying bids
Basis for selection of preferred bidder
(if applicable)
Not Applicable: A competed
procurement process was not
conducted, so no procurement notice
was issued.
It should be noted that there is not a
clearly-defined evaluation criteria or
methodology for the bid to assess the
VFM of the unsolicited proposal
against Government expectations.
This is considered in more detail in
the Commercial Case.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 28
Commercial Case
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the procurement
strategy for the
successful delivery of
the required services
been considered and
prepared in sufficient
Description of potential deal
Market soundings
Existing service providers
Consideration of procurement options
- use of preferred bidder
- public procurement notice
- evaluation criteria and strategy
- negotiations strategy
- Invitation to Tender (ITT)
- procurement plan and timetable
Overall there is a significant body of
evidence considering the potential
procurement strategy, approach, and
commercial structures.
This includes consideration of
potential commercial airport models
under a public private partnership
(PPP), including:
Management contracts
Lease-term concession
Developer financing and operation
Joint venture
Sale of asset
There is evidence provided to
support the viability of a PPP model
for the airport.
There is also evidence of considering
procurement strategy, including
considerations on:
Market engagement
Use of financial, legal, market
valuation and project delivery
Use of Request for Information /
Request for Quotation RFI/RFQ
Open book negotiation
‘Fairness Review’ to help deliver
The benefits of the proposed
procurement strategy are identified
Reduce and/or eliminate the real
risk of overruns and delays
Whilst there is significant evidence
relating to procurement strategy, it
should be noted that:
The available evidence is typically
quite generic and frequently
theoretical there is very little
specific assessment of
procurement strategy in this
context, recognising the specifics
of the Bermuda airport. There is no
evidence, for example, of
incorporating market soundings
The available evidence is in large
part from earlier stages in project
development. There is a potential
gap in the evidence to support the
sole-source procurement strategy
opted for from June 2014, as
compared to previous evidence
suggesting a competed PPP
procurement process could be
It is not clear that some of the
recommendations of reports from
earlier stages in development were
carried forward into the
procurement strategy now
The proposed deal itself is not very
clearly defined, particularly in respect
of key drivers of value for the
Government on the concession
agreement - this is typically required
to assess how successful a
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 29
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Reduce heavy procurement costs
Address the urgency of job
creation by cutting the time of
Ensure Government gets VFM
Consideration given to the need to
establish procurement parameters
with CCC based on best practices.
procurement process has been prior
to final signing of contracts.
Overall, there is limited evidence of
Government driving the procurement
strategy agenda and how to obtain
best value from a sole-source
arrangement, including:
Whilst there is significant
consideration of delivering VFM,
there is not a clear negotiation
strategy for how Government will
do this under sole-source
proposal. The ‘Fairness Review’
refers to an independent
construction company, but it is not
clear how this will be used in the
negotiation of the concession
under the Letter of Agreement
(“LOA”). Expertise in airport
concessions rather than
construction may be needed too
It should be noted that the
conclusion in favour of a sole-
source procurement (notably citing
lack of investor interest) is made
by CCC, and Government may
want to perform independent
analysis on procurement strategy
to satisfy itself on the validity of
this analysis
In particular, Government may
want to consider how to extract
value from the procurement
process open-book negotiation,
for example, may provide better-
value if open book accounting and
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 30
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
gainshare mechanisms are
enforced in the concession
The LOA with CCC includes
provisions for Government re-
imbursement of costs, a mark-up
on termination and a first right of
refusal it is not clear that this has
been analysed as a preferred
procurement approach, including
the implication on market demand
Whilst sole-source procurements
have some benefits, they give rise
to additional required
considerations to access benefits
in the absence of competitive
Is there sufficient
scope for a potential
deal, which will meet
organisational needs
whilst offering best
Potential for innovation within the
provision of services and solutions
Potential for risk transfer in Design,
Build, Finance, Operate stages
Potential for new business and
alternative revenue streams
Likely contract length
A number of documents outline
potential commercial structures and
associated risk transfer.
In terms of deal scope, CCC note
CCC have a requirement to
demonstrate project viability to
their internal Risk and
Opportunities Committee
Government retains responsibility
for satisfying itself that agreements
contain fair and reasonable terms
and meet VFM requirements
Government will need to satisfy
itself of market-based pricing
through a third-party audit of key
aspects of the capital budget
Documents to define approach to risk
transfer are typically generic -
Government have not produced a
clear service requirement for market,
or defined scope (e.g. for ancillary
opportunities) for risk transfer.
It should be noted that CCC’s internal
processes are likely to consider
CCC’s commercial position, not VFM
for Bermuda.
It is likely that Bermudian
Government will not want to rely on
CCC’s proposals to assess VFM.
There is limited evidence of
consideration of specific mechanisms
to benchmark or assure VFM through
assessing the proposed deal.
Therefore, Bermudian Government
may want to consider testing VFM
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 31
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
not only in respect of capital budget,
but also in terms of concession
structure and provisions. These might
include concession length but also:
Pricing (revenue share, structure
and incentivisation, definition of
revenue, annual escalation
formula etc.)
Service levels (Key Performance
Indicators (“KPIs”), enforcement,
cost effectiveness, safety etc.)
Labour commitments within
contractual documents (levels of
staff retention, training
commitments, local supplier
obligations etc.)
Rights to renegotiate and review
aspects of the agreement
Regulation considerations
Has the potential deal
been considered in
sufficient detail? The
how rather than what.
Core, desirable and optional services
Delivery time-scales (phased
improvements etc.)
Potential payment mechanisms
Ownership of residual assets
Service levels and performance
Outlines some considerations on
scope under different commercial
Significant detail on potential
parameters and intent of proposed
deal included within the project
concept documentation.
There is no defined deal for
consideration. The LOA describes an
agreement to reach an agreement.
To the extent intended scope of
services are expressed, these are
proposed by the potential supplier
rather than as defined requirements
and optimal structure and scope for
Limited detail on concession
structure, including payment
mechanisms, applicable regulation
How will business and
service change be
delivered and
Change management plans
Proposed mechanisms and
Potential supplier documents include
considerations on solutions to enable
Limited evidence of Government
consideration of how to deliver value,
including through benchmarking
and/or market testing.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 32
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
successfully over the
lifespan of the
contract period?
Assessment of personnel
Assessment of known and expected
Formula for handling unexpected
- benchmarking
- market testing arrangements
Considers Government retained risks
and requirements, including (for
example) delivering Governmental
permits and approvals, and
monitoring contract performance.
Limited detail on Government ability
to deliver its dependencies and
requirements for the concession
Is the potential deal
likely to be acceptable
and bankable within
the private sector?
Market research and surveys
Use of standard contractual terms
and conditions
Benchmarks similar projects
Documentation considers potential
funding market for PPP, and
concludes overall on a robust market
for airport debt.
It should be noted that the
documents supporting the bankability
of the project raise considerations for
the procurement strategy on the
relative merits of the sole-source
Was the procurement
undertaken in
accordance with best
Overview of procurement process
- Deviations from procurement
Use of legal and procurement advice
(internal and external advisers)
Documentation includes CCCs
proposal to competitively tender 80%
of construction works, which “will
provide commercial tension
throughout the supply chain during
CCC propose Government use of
legal, financial and technical advisors
to maintain VFM considerations for
Government and help deliver project.
It should be noted that the
procurement process has not been
undertaken for sub-contractors. It is
understood that AECON have been
selected through a non-competed
process, although believed they have
passed through CCC’s due diligence
It should be noted that it is not
unusual for a prime contractor to
compete sub-contracts, but that is not
synonymous with offering the
Government value through the
procurement process. A prime
contractor would expect to take the
risk/reward associated with its sub-
contracting arrangements. In order to
obtain VFM, Government would
therefore be interesting in extracting
value in competitive tension between
potential prime contractors rather
than between sub-contractors, unless
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 33
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
there are specified gain-sharing
mechanisms between the prime
contractor and Government in
respect of sub-contract
arrangements. These are not
referenced in the documentation.
Whilst there is a clear aspiration to
use independent advisors to help
Government obtain VFM, there is
limited evidence of a road map for
how and when to use them
throughout the project development
and procurement process, rather
than on an ad hoc basis. Use of
technical, financial structuring and
wider financial, legal, and programme
management advisory support is
typically documented within the
Commercial Case prior to
commencing the procurement
Can the selected
service provider
deliver the required
deliverables and
Outline of the agreed deal:
- services current and future
- delivery time-scales
- design
- build
- operate
- payment mechanisms
- performance and availability
- volume and usage
- incentives
- future change
- new business and alternative
revenue streams
- ownership of residual assets
- service levels and performance
Evidence of CCC and sub-
contractors strong expertise and
track record on comparable projects
is available.
Documentation as a whole does not
provide details of an agreed deal
against which CCC will deliver.
Further evidence might be explored
in the future to test supplier
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 34
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Business, technical and cultural fit
track record
Have negotiations
resulted in a robust
and legally
enforceable contract?
Use of specialist adviser(s)
Use of standard terms and conditions
Key contractual terms agreed
It should be noted that negotiations
have not commenced, supporting the
overall conclusion that the project
status is more comparable to OBC
than FBC, albeit that the decision to
proceed would leave the Government
liable for bearing supplier costs
through negotiations, and a first right
of refusal. The Government may
want to consider the nature of the
LOA agreement and the CCC
deliverables this ties the Government
to (and associated cost).
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 35
Financial Case
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Indicative costs
Likely sources or organisational
Financial appraisals for
recommended deal, including full
assessment of:
- capital and current requirements
- net effect on prices
- impact on balance sheet
- income and expenditure account
Stakeholder and customers
Preliminary construction cost budget
is provided based on preferred
terminal design.
Preferred design has been selected
based on design which is less capital
intensive and more affordable.
Preferred terminal design is about
50% of 08 Master Plan design costs.
Airfield apron, taxi-lanes, and
taxiways infrastructure listed as 40%
of 08 Master Plan design costs.
CCC developed affordability gap in
operating phase based on air traffic
forecasts, operating cash flows and
financing costs.
CCC’s proposed design shows an
affordability gap of $35m (compared
to $186m reduction from 08 MP).
Sensitivity analysis performed on key
value drivers: passenger traffic,
incremental Airport Improvement
Fee, Commercial Sales Revenue,
and Salaries & Wage costs.
CCC to use limited recourse project
finance structure, based upon
forecast revenue streams.
Source of Funds proposed as 16%
equity from sponsors; mix of debt
from low to near investment-grade
private placement bond financing;
reserves, and export credit financing,
likely from Canada’s EDC totalling
47% debt; 25% Cashflow from Ops;
3% Escrow from AIF; 9% funding gap
covered by BDA Government.
While there has been a great deal of
work on the affordability of the
project, it has been developed by
CCC as opposed to the Government.
CCC’s affordability components fail to
encapsulate all costs to be borne by
the Government during and after the
Financial model requires a peer
The main element missing from the
affordability of the project is that the
perspective it has been developed
under leaves several cost
components of the Government
amiss. It is therefore not robust
enough to make an investment
decision and requires further
Cost of Debt needs to be challenged
by Government through the use of its
own advisors.
Balance sheet analysis for
Government, including impact on
debt and credit ratings this could
have an impact on the project
structure and preferred financing
Clearly set out the agreed accounting
treatment of the project for the
Specifics of the savings and
efficiencies need to be analysed and
supported by evidence.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 36
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Benchmarking for airport charges
and fees in Bermuda (passengers,
airlines, fuel) suggests there is
room to increase passenger and fuel
$200 million capital cost over 4 years
is affordable based on Leigh Fisher’s
Airport Departure Tax revenue would
need to be dedicated to Airport and
needs to be $40/passenger.
Base Case assumes financing is set
at 65:35 (D:E ratio), 11.78% WACC,
$40 departure tax, 30 year
concession, traffic grows 1.6% per
annum until 2045.
Preferred terminal concept selected
on technical and aesthetic criteria
(landslide and terminal construction
costs included).
Estimated cashflows with operating
revenue, costs, and construction
Land side commercial real estate
study included in the 2008 HNTB
feasibility study.
Peer review of air traffic forecasts
including recommended changes,
additions, and explanations
Brief overview of the reasoning
behind selecting CCC as the
procurement solution.
Financial Model and study need to be
updated, and expanded to study the
concession structure and all
Governments costs related to the
Further evidence of stakeholder
consultation and agreement would be
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 37
Management Case
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have the business
and cultural
implications of the
intended service been
fully understood and
taken into account?
Agreed programmes for:
- change management
- business process re-engineering
Staff-side representation
Personnel implications
Taken as a whole, there is relatively
limited detail; CCC’s documents do
include consideration to personnel
and related considerations.
Recognising the stage of
development of the Management
Case, there is currently no agreed
programme. This is expected given
that there is not an agreed scope of
the project or contract against which
to construct a Management Case.
The Government may want to
consider the need for further detail in
this area, and in particular the labour
commitments and personnel
implications in the contractual
commitments made by any supplier.
Are all the
arrangements in place
for the successful
implementation and
delivery of the
required services?
Programme Methodology (MSP)
Project methodology (PRINCE2)
- project board and structure
- project manager and team
- project plan
- project resources and budget
Reporting mechanisms
Use of external advisers
- legal
- financial
- other
Outline arrangements for:
- benefits study and realisation plan
- risk management strategy and plan
- change management strategy and
- contract management
Arrangements for evaluation:
- peer reviews
- Office of Government Commerce
(“OGC”) gateway reviews (if required)
- project implementation reviews
From a Government perspective,
detail is provided on the benefits of
using CCC to guarantee the project is
delivered on time and on budget.
Detail is provided on the use of
external advisors to support
successful delivery on both
Government and contractor sides.
Overall, this part of the case is not
well-developed. There is limited detail
on the practical arrangements to
ensure the successful
implementation of the project.
Additionally, the detail that does exist
is high level and typically relates to
CCC’s delivery of the project, rather
than considering the overall
programme plan and Government
delivery responsibilities.
Whilst an independent construction
company is anticipated to review the
VFM case of the project, it is not
clear whether this scope includes
review of project planning. More
broadly, specific detail of how project
management methodologies and
advisers will be used in the delivery
of the project are not included.
CCC’s contribution, role, and
responsibilities outline some aspects
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 38
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
- post-evaluation reviews
Contingency plans
Contract management strategy,
including disputes resolution
Skilled contract management team
Agreed schedules for service
streams and outputs
of risk management and change
management, but detail is limited.
There is very limited detail on
reporting, contingency planning and
contract management. Some of this
responsibility falls to Government,
and Government may want to play a
proactive role in defining this.
How will the benefits
be delivered and
associated business
and service risks
managed throughout
the lifespan of the
Detailed benefits realisation plan
Robust risk management strategy
Monitoring and reporting
arrangements- registers and regular
Detail is provided on high-level
benefits, and CCC provide high-level
descriptions of effective risk
There is very limited practical detail
on the management of benefits
realisation or risks. It is also worth
noting that the detail that does exist
is typically not ‘owned’ by
Government, who are in the large
part the owner of benefits from the
Further work is required to develop a
robust risk management strategy and
monitoring and reporting
Are contingency plans
in place should the
recommended deal
fail at any stage?
Contingency plans
Arrangements for regular review
Limited detail.
There is no evidence of contingency
planning from Government should
the proposed deal fail.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 39
Full Gap Analysis Assessment
In this section, we set out the findings of the full gap analysis and conclusions on the alignment of the methodology
and approach taken in the documentation available on the Bermuda Airport development against the key criteria
in the Green Book Five Cases model. Recognising that the Government of Bermuda is not required to use the
Green Book for public sector investment business cases, our conclusions are based on the spirit or principle of
the Green Book as a best practice. This is intended to prevent conclusions that are excessively prescriptive or
granular, and to provide an indication of substantive gaps and opportunities to add value to the process, rather
than focusing on detailed technical gaps. More detailed gaps are outlined in Section 4, supported by Appendix 7.
We understand that the equivalent of the Gate 3 investment decision is likely to be made in roughly May 2016,
prior to Financial Close of the deal with CCC, giving the Government of Bermuda a year to complete the FBC.
There would therefore appear to be ample time for the most important gaps to be addressed to complete a FBC.
It is recognised that the Government of Bermuda are looking to proceed to signing a Development Agreement
with CCC in June 2015, which will include commercial terms (including exit provisions) for the period of further
project development and negotiation with CCC prior to prospective Financial Close. There are therefore elements
of the current stage of the project that are comparable to the OBC stage, which seeks to establish the preferred
option and put in place arrangements for procurement. However, it should be recognised that our assessment is
focused on looking forward to the outstanding areas and most important gaps to support overall progress towards
a FBC-equivalent body of analysis and evidence. The question of whether the business case has been developed
to OBC stage and is sufficient to support advancing the procurement process with CCC may be a valuable
exercise, but is outside our scope of work and therefore has not been evaluated.
There are several key areas, particularly in the Commercial Case, which we believe offer opportunities for the
Government of Bermuda to add significant value to the process and substantially reduce risks in the project. The
Government of Bermuda may wish to consider when and how to address these key areas, and whether they wish
to undertake further work prior to signing a Development Agreement, but specific consideration on this roadmap
is outside the scope of this report.
A detailed analysis of each of the Five Cases by key review criteria and against the required supporting evidence
for each is set out in Appendix 7. A summary gap analysis assessment by case is included below:
Strategic Case
The Strategic Case is designed to evidence that the project is supported by “a compelling case for change that
provides holistic fit with other parts of the organisation and public sector”. Through our mapping activity we
identified 39 evidence points as containing information relevant to the Strategic Case.
Overall the case for change is clear--the airport is identified as a critical piece of infrastructure and the current
terminal does not meet Bermuda’s needs or international requirements. This is well documented and consistent
across a number of reports and documents produced since 2006.
The recommended deal looks to provide synergy and fit with Bermuda Airport’s business strategy, and address
spending objectives and business needs. We find that this criteria is discussed in detail in CCC’s proposal entitled,
“Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport,” dated 25th March 2015, and the
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Bermuda and CCC dated 10th November, 2014.
However, we note that a significant part of the most recent evidence base for change has been produced
subsequent to or in parallel to the agreement with the prospective supplier. Recognising this, Government may
want to be clear that it owns its own strategy for the airport and ongoing evaluation of that strategy, which is
distinct from that of any prospective concessionaire.
5. Overall Assessment and Conclusions
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 40
We have also seen significant evidence of continued stakeholder engagement and communication on the plans
to develop the Bermuda Airport over a number of years. We note that there has been no documented feedback
from the public (customers), which could hinder any form of future dispute resolution being carried out.
Likely benefits, risks, constraints and dependencies of the proposed deal have been examined for the Strategic
Case. These areas are present across a number of documents, with a bulk of the risk management strategy
shown in CCC’s proposal entitled, “Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport,”
dated 25
March 2015. Some more specific Green Book aspects of addressing benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies have not been examined in detail (for example, production of a benefits realisation plan and ranking
of benefits by stakeholder). Given a strong Strategic Case for change, there is an opportunity to address and
refine these areas through the Management Case. Likewise, there could be a more thorough assessment of
security and confidentiality issues.
We find that in principle, the Strategic Case is well-defined. Whilst there are some specific areas that could be
enhanced to align to Green Book methodology, the case is comprehensive in principle the Strategic Case for
change has been developed over a number of years and is the most mature of the five cases in the Bermuda
Airport development business case.
Economic Case
Once a ‘case for change’ has been established, the Economic Case examines whether “the intervention
represent(s) best public value”. Our initial mapping exercise showed that there were fewer documents in support
of this case compared to the Strategic Case, with 24 of 52 data sources having some alignment.
There are documents addressing many components of an Economic Case, and a number of the underlying inputs
for an Economic Case have been analysed in earlier and more recent proposed development plans. For example:
A 2014 Traffic Review and Forecast provides a very detailed assessment of key features that would be used
in an options assessment, including understanding in detail the market enablers and how change might impact
traffic. It provides support for a ‘do something’ option in respect of increasing air traffic and reversing the trend
of declining traffic in Bermuda. However, this and other documents do not provide an options analysis or
compare and contrast different options side-by-side to arrive at the most economically advantageous option
to reverse the identified negative trend. Without an options analysis, it is difficult to establish whether the most
economically advantageous option has been selected. In the Economic Case we would expect VFM to be
assessed, taking in to account benefits and costs, the time value of money (NPV analysis), and optimism
bias, as well as an assessment of risks and non-monetary benefits.
Revenue streams, operating costs and CAPEX costs have been assessed, primarily from the perspective of
the project/SPV, for various options over a number of years, and in financial rather than economic terms.
These analyses could potentially be very useful inputs to create an economic NPV analysis of the options to
establish the preferred option on the basis of VFM.
A number of documents detail the key drivers of Bermuda’s position in the overall aviation market, and high
level objectives for the airport project from the Government’s point of view, such as job creation and risk
reduction. Whilst these are not specifically labelled as Critical Success Factors for the options, they could
readily be adapted as such, prioritised, and then used to inform the monetary and non-monetary benefits
assessment in the options appraisal.
The detailed methodology review and assessment also highlighted several key gaps, including:
Most notably, there has been no long-list of options identified, short-listed and assessed for NPV, the wider
economic impact, risks, and non-monetary benefits. Whilst different variants of project scope were assessed
in sequence, these were not clearly defined and compared side-by-side to identify the preferred option as a
solution to the Strategic Case for change.
This gap makes it difficult to assess that the most economically advantageous solution has been selected. This
is particularly significant in satisfying Government that the optimal solution for Bermuda has been selected, prior
to engaging with potential suppliers. There are, for example, a number of areas of sub-scope for the new airport
development (including solar PV, fast ferry, and land-side development) that are not clearly assessed to identify
the optimal scope of the overall airport development project.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 41
We understand that a Public Sector Comparator is currently being generated by the Government and its
advisors. A PSC is important to understand by how much, if at all, the private procurement method will be
more economically sound than a public sector delivery method. This also has implications for the Financial
Case, which needs to consider the pros and cons, constraints and dependencies, of different financing
Consideration to cost overruns on capital programmes has been evidenced, but there is no explicit or
quantitative consideration of optimism bias in the documents related to the Economic Case.
As a whole, the Economic Case does not yet appear complete, based on the documents we have received from
the Government of Bermuda. As there is both theoretical discussion of VFM and extensive analysis of key value
drivers present in existing documentation, there is an opportunity for the Government of Bermuda to leverage
previous work to develop a full economic analysis of the options, aligned to the Green Book or another
internationally recognised VFM methodology.
Commercial Case
The purpose of the Commercial Case is to consider the commercial implications of the most economically
advantageous solution identified from the Economic Case, and establish and evidence that the “proposed deal is
attractive to the market place, can be procured and is commercially viable”.
Whilst sole-source procurements offer certain benefits, the absence of competitive tension may make achieving
VFM more challenging, making a robust Commercial Case potentially more important.
We found 16 data sources that supported this case. In our detailed assessment of these documents we identified
a number of clear gaps in our comparison between the Green Book guidance and the documentation on the
Bermuda Airport project. Key considerations include:
Throughout the analysis we have found substantial evidence pointing toward a potential procurement
strategy, approach, and commercial structures. These are all key to answering whether the procurement
strategy for the successful delivery of the required services been considered and prepared in sufficient detail.
The documentation indicates there has been a great deal of high-level analysis considering various PPP
strategies, most notably in the February 2014 Airport Development Models white paper and the earlier PPP
Opportunity Scan. It appears that these documents indicated a clear direction for the development of a
Procurement Strategy, which appeared to include a PPP (the specific model not yet identified), to be taken to
market through a competitive RFP process. There was also early indication from various sources that while
the market may have been challenging, there was private sector appetite and bankability for airport deals,
and the Bermuda Airport was considered a possible candidate for a PPP and private financing.
In June 2014, representatives of CCC and the Government of Bermuda met, marking the start in the
documentation of a new procurement approach. The documentation we have viewed does not set out how
the Government of Bermuda analysed the costs and benefits of a sole-source procurement strategy against
those of the anticipated competitive RFP process for a PPP, except at a high, conceptual level. As a result,
there is no robust evidence indicating that a sole-source PPP would offer more VFM than a competitive
procurement strategy for a similar concession. There is therefore a potential gap in the evidence to support
the sole-source procurement strategy opted for from June 2014, as compared to previous evidence
suggesting a competed PPP procurement process could be viable. As with the Economic Case, Green Book
guidance typically expects this procurement strategy to be conducted by Government in isolation from the
private sector, including a detailed commercial options analysis to determine the optimal commercial structure
for the project, the terms and provisions with which Government are willing to engage the market, and how to
conduct the procurement in order to obtain best-value from the private sector. This might include, for example,
considering the case of responsibility for bid or project development costs. This process seeks to prevent the
potential private sector bidders from influencing the procurement process and commercial structure in a way
which does not obtain best value for Government. This approach to obtaining VFM is relevant to all public
sector spending proposals, irrespective of the procurement process and approach to market, whether it is
ultimately competed or otherwise. CCC’s proposal does assess some of the arguments for a single-source
procurement approach, for example concluding that there is a lack of investor interest for comparable projects.
Government would typically want to assess this case independently.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 42
The Government has signed both an LOA and an MOU with CCC. There are a number of terms within the
two agreements that may affect the economic viability of exiting negotiations with CCC and choosing an
alternative option. For example, if the Government developed a PSC at this stage and discovered it yields
better VFM than a PPP with CCC, the financial penalties for withdrawing from the CCC arrangement may
offset the benefits of the proposed PSC.
CCC’s internal processes will naturally consider their own commercial position rather than the position of the
Government of Bermuda. While their proposed deal may aim to offer VFM, a supplier’s estimation of VFM will
not consider all components affecting the Bermuda Government. Therefore, the Bermuda Government may
wish to develop its own assessment of the VFM of CCC’s proposal.
In a sole-source procurement approach, the lack of competitive tension and pressure on supplier pricing can
make it more difficult to achieve VFM. For this reason, buyers in sole-source arrangements typically need to
take a more pro-active approach to achieving VFM than in a competitive RFP process. For example, a buyer
in a sole-source arrangement can determine how to deliver value by benchmarking proposed concession
terms to market. Building in such mechanisms to the procurement process outlined by Government may help
obtain a close-to-market on key concession terms such as length, pricing, service levels, labour commitments,
and future rights and obligations.
The documentation we have viewed does not set out how CCC selected AECON, how their process follows
best practices, or how competitive tension in the supply chain between AECON and their competed sub-
contractors would benefit the Government of Bermuda.
Overall the Commercial Case is the area where we believe the Government of Bermuda could add most value to
the process and substantially reduce risk by developing the case further. Two main points of development could
add immediate value:
First, developing a Procurement Strategy, which would establish the preferred procurement approach going
forward from the present date, as well as provide a value driving framework to ground the rest of the
procurement process. Typically, this would include detailed analysis on how to obtain best value from the
procurement process through best and most effective use of legal, technical, financial, transaction and
programme management support, and how negotiations will be conducted.
Second, (and this may be considered within the Procurement Strategy) a method to ensure the proposed
concession arrangement offers VFM and is at market. Benchmarking the proposed concession terms to
market would be one approach. This could be defined in the Procurement Strategy, for completion before the
concession agreement is negotiated with CCC. This may be similar to the Fairness Assessment mentioned
in several documents, although we would typically expect specifics on how this will be conducted and its
commercial implications to be documented to support the Commercial Case.
Financial Case
The Financial Case assesses the affordability of the project, based on the optimal scope and commercial structure
identified in the Economic and Commercial Cases. We would also emphasise that the affordability assessment
does not evidence good VFM a below-market deal could be affordable, and visa-versa.
We understand that affordability was a key driver behind the choice for a private finance solution to fund the
project. The Financial Case asks the critical question, “Is the proposed spending affordable?” Affordability is
based on the Government’s ability to cover all its costs for the project, rather than the SPV’s ability to support
CAPEX. Understanding the expected financial position prior to entering the procurement stage also allows
Government an evidence base to satisfy itself that the procurement has achieved its financial objectives.
There were a total of 21 data sources that helped answer the question of affordability. While the support is detailed
and extensive, the extent of focus on ‘affordability’ appeared to be on making a bankable deal for the private
sector, rather than focused on the overall position of Government. Many of the key studies and models were
developed by the prospective supplier rather than Government. ‘Affordability’ in this context needs to be
understood from the overall Government, rather than project SPV perspective, and incorporate any retained
services or additional requirements of Government. These may include any items of scope within the economically
preferred option that are not being procured from the supplier, such as the solar PV farm.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 43
There is an opportunity to improve consideration of the affordability of the project from the perspective of the
Government. In order to progress the analysis, further areas for consideration include:
We would expect the Government to generate the analysis as to whether it is an affordable project. To the
extent that they may rely on analysis from the prospective supplier, this might need detailed testing and
challenging, and also Government consideration of the key assumptions of the concession structure and
terms (such as payment adjustments for KPIs) that might need to be stress-tested from a Government
affordability perspective. It is typical during this process to see advisors challenged existing studies and
models, to assess their robustness.
The Government’s retained costs associated with the project may need to be assessed, included in the
analysis, and budgeted for. These may include, for example, regulation, monitoring the concession, operating
costs of Customs and Immigration in the new terminal, and associated infrastructure like the Causeway
bridge. The budgetary impact of assigning revenue such as departure tax to the concession may also need
to be assessed.
Accounting treatment and balance sheet impact of the proposed concession arrangement for the Bermuda
Government may need to be established. This typically has implications that may need to be considered for
the preferred commercial structure and Commercial Case, and also potentially for government borrowing
metrics and credit ratings. Minimising the impact on Bermuda’s balance sheet (and by implication, on
Bermuda’s sovereign credit ratings), is one of the criteria set by the Government to give a green light to the
airport project, according to the Bermuda Government’s 2015-16 Budget Statement.
We understand that many of the above points are in process. For example, Government officials are examining
balance sheet impact and accounting treatment.
As the case seems to be actively undergoing development, it appears the Government team intends to close
gaps before Financial Close of the deal. Overall, while many elements of the Financial Case have been
developed, or continue to be in process, the case is not yet complete.
Management Case
The Management Case asks whether the project, as defined in the preceding cases, can be delivered
successfully, and helps equip the Government to achieve this. It covers areas such as programme and contract
management; the use of external advisors throughout the process; transitioning staff and operations to the new
model; evaluation and realisation of expected benefits; risk management; and contingency should the
recommended deal fail at any stage.
Through our mapping activity we identified 14 reports and documentation as containing information relevant to
the Management Case.
CCC’s Project Concept in particular touches on a number of implementation areas including the transition of staff
to the new concession arrangement, the need for risk management, and contingency plans. Being part of a
conceptual document, these are high-level analyses.
A number of documents have highlighted lessons learned from other airport concession projects and large
Bermuda capital projects, which could be used in the development of the Management Case.
Of the five cases for the Bermuda Airport business case, the Management Case is currently the least mature.
Overall, it appears that the business case for the Bermuda Airport has not yet progressed to the stage of
developing the Management Case in full, as key components of the proposal such as the concession structure
will need to be established before implementation and delivery can be fully planned.
It will be important to ensure that adequate time is allowed in the process for the Management Case to be fully
developed before Financial Close, such that the project can be successfully delivered and implemented. The
Government of Bermuda and its advisors may also need to consider the requirements of the Management Case
from a Government perspective, recognising that a number of key areas of scope may be retained by Government.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 44
Strategic Case
The Strategic Case is well-defined. Whilst there are some specific areas that could be refined to align to Green
Book methodology, the case is comprehensive in principle the Strategic Case for change has been developed
over a number of years and is the most mature of the Five Cases in the Bermuda Airport development business
Economic Case
Extensive underlying analysis exists and numerous different assessments of different project scopes and
technical solutions have been carried out. This indicates that a full Economic Case may be ready to be developed,
although this has not been done to date.
Key, integral steps are not present in the case. These include an economic assessment of a defined list of options
to identify the most economically advantageous solution for Bermuda, and some specific Green Book and wider
best practice considerations, such as use of a Public Sector Comparator, and optimism bias assessment. Under
Green Book guidance, this analysis is expected to be performed by Government prior to engaging with potential
suppliers such that the most economically advantageous solution for the Government is identified in isolation from
private sector influence.
As a whole, the Economic Case does not yet appear complete, based on the documents we have received from
the Government of Bermuda. Given the presence of extensive underlying analysis in the existing documentation,
there is an opportunity for the Government of Bermuda to leverage previous work to develop a full economic
analysis of the options, aligned to the Green Book or another internationally recognised VFM methodology. It will
be important to ensure that key drivers of the investment are appropriately assessed, including the wider socio-
economic benefits for the local economy e.g. job creation and stimulating the tourism industry.
Commercial Case
Significant evidence exists of considerations on the Commercial Case, including procurement strategy,
commercial options analysis, and approach to the procurement. However, we identified key gaps in evidencing
that the sole-sourced procurement approach that was selected will offer the best VFM, and in the Government
approach to delivering VFM through commercial negotiations. Closing the major gaps in this case before a
concession agreement is negotiated, and indeed potentially to make sure that the Development Agreement itself
is robust from both a commercial and overall VFM perspective, could add significant value and substantially
reduce risk for the Government of Bermuda.
This might include, for example, establishing the preferred procurement approach going forward from the present
date, as well as providing a value driving framework to ground the rest of the procurement process. Typically, this
would include detailed analysis on how to obtain best value from the procurement process through best and most
effective use of legal, technical, financial, transaction and programme management support, and how negotiations
will be conducted.
Financial Case
Extensive analysis exists, particularly on the affordability position for the proposed project SPV, and we
understand that the Government of Bermuda’s officials and advisors are focused on completing elements of the
Financial Case. In order to complete this case to an FBC-equivalent level, we would expect the Government and
their advisors to broaden their assessment of affordability beyond the SPV to the wider Government perspective
by incorporating any retained services or responsibilities of Government (such as overseeing the concession),
continuing to test key assumptions (including concession structure and terms), and considering specific key
treatments of the project’s financials such as accounting implications and balance sheet impact and associated
factors such as government borrowing metrics and credit ratings.
A complete Financial Case could allow the Government to assess whether the Government can afford their
obligations under the proposed concession arrangement, and to what extent it will achieve the Government’s
stated objectives for the project, including “a minimal impact on the government’s balance sheet” (2015-2016
Budget Statement).
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 45
Management Case
Recognising the current stage of development of the project, this is the least mature of the Five Cases, indicating
that the overall business case is not yet advanced enough for implementation and delivery considerations to be
detailed. The Management Case is an important tool to be completed prior to the investment decision being made,
in order to ensure Government’s ability to deliver its responsibilities and manage dependencies under the contract,
understand wider areas of project scope, manage the supplier effectively, and to have risk management and
contingency plans in place.
One point in the Management Case which could add significant value to the Bermuda Government at the
present time is a contingency plan should the current proposed deal with CCC fall through.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 46
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 47
Appendix 1 Scope of this Report
Scope of Services and Timeline
The purpose of this engagement is to assess whether the existing analysis and documentation on the proposed
Bermuda Airport Development is sufficient to support a go/no-go investment decision based upon HM Treasury’s
Green Book guidance for the evaluation of public sector spending proposals.
The RFP outlines the following timeline, which we will aim to achieve:
12 business days from contract signing Draft report submitted to GOB and FCO for comment
20 business days from contract signing Written and evidence based report with clear assumptions
Due to the nature of this project and its timeline, we will commence work once all the required data has been
collected. The 20 business day engagement timeline will take effect on receipt of the necessary data in order to
avoid our engagement time being spent on data collection. Confirmation of 20 day period commencement will be
sent to Financial Secretary, Anthony Manders.
Based on the above objectives, we will perform a Gap Analysis between the existing reports and documentation
on the Airport development and a Green Book-standard Full Business Case.
1. Mapping to the Five Cases
a. First, we will map existing reports and documentation provided by the client to the Five Cases
Strategic, Economic, Financial, Commercial and Management.
b. We will identify the key elements in each Case and ascertain whether each element has been covered
in the existing documentation.
c. We will identify any major elements which are missing from the Five Cases, and comment whether they
need to be added.
2. Methodology Review
a. For each element of each Case, we will review whether the methodology used in the existing
documentation conforms to Green Book guidance.
b. If another approach was applied, we will note whether it is an internationally recognised methodology.
c. We will assess whether the existing analysis is sufficient to meet Green Book guidance for a Full
Business Case, or if the analysis needs to be re-worked.
d. We will provide comments and observations on whether the underlying assumptions used in the existing
documentation are relevant and supported by evidence. However we will not validate or provide
assurance on the assumptions. The client must retain sole responsibility for the assumptions underlying
the existing analyses.
3. Overall Assessment and Conclusion
a. Given any gaps and methodology differences identified, we will assess whether the existing
documentation satisfies the requirements in each case of the Full Business Case, or if additional work
needs to be undertaken. Such additional work will be outside the scope of this engagement.
As set out in the RFP, we will produce two deliverables: a Draft Report and a Final Report.
We will produce a Draft Report on Day 12 of the engagement, outlining the reports and documentation received
from the client, how these map to the Five Cases, and any major gaps identified.
We will produce a Final Report on Day 20 of the engagement, which will include the full Gap Analysis, identifying
gaps, differences in methodology, whether underlying assumptions are supported by evidence, and improvements
or changes which are needed. We will also set out whether the existing documentation is sufficient to satisfy the
requirements of each case in a Full Business Case so that a Gate 3 investment decision can be taken, and the
project can move into the contracting phase.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 48
Limitations and Assumptions
In order to avoid any discrepancies, the following are activities out of scope:
Legal advice on Commercial Case
Validating assumptions
Comments on cost data
Technical advice
Validating data provided to us
Tax advice
Accounting advice
The purpose of this appraisal is to scrutinise the existing Airport appraisal using HM Green Book. It will serve as
a guideline to help identify any gaps in the process. Work outside of such will not be provided by Deloitte as part
of this project.
The following is a list of Project Assumptions upon which Deloitte has based the scope of services, how they will
be performed, and the associated fees. Any deviation from the Project Assumptions may cause changes to the
timeline, fees and expenses, deliverables, level of effort required, or otherwise impact Deloitte’s performance of
the Services.
The 20 business day engagement timeline will take effect on receipt of the documentation requested by
Deloitte in our initial data request list, in order to avoid engagement time being spent on data collection;
The Client will provide the Deloitte team with access to any further reports or documentation requested in a
timely manner;
Key contacts including the Financial Secretary, General Manager of the L.F. Wade International Airport,
staff and any other key resources will be available to participate in meetings or provide information, etc.
according to the project timelines;
The Client will be responsible for scheduling any meetings, site visits, etc., in the time frame required in order
to achieve the project milestones;
Deloitte will communicate with the key stakeholder group, including the Financial Secretary, General
Manager of the L.F. Wade International Airport, and the appointed FCO representative. Deloitte is not
responsible for managing relations with any additional stakeholders.
Deloitte will submit project deliverables to the Financial Secretary for formal approval and written sign-off.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 49
Appendix 2 Project Plan
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 50
Appendix 3 Summary of Available Data
The following data sources have been used in the construction of this report. Data was received from the Ministry of Finance and the Department of Aviation
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
PLAN -with
3 Year Strategic
Planning 2012/13 -
A strategic plan for the L.F. Wade airport outlining
objectives, action steps, air operations, a SWOT
analysis, and key timelines for achieving strategic
objectives to:
1. Work towards ICAO Category 1 airport
2. Plan and initiate mission critical capital
3. Identify and secure revenue streams.
4. Work towards energy self-sustainability.
However, it should be noted that this 3 year plan
does not cover this proposed airport development.
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
2013 Audit
Inspection Report
12 April
An aerodrome inspection report that outlines
inspection findings on infrastructure, visual aids, and
the Safety Management and Quality System,
recording five non-compliances and three
observations, according to the Convention of
International Civil Aviation.
Strategic Case
Business Needs (current and future)
Economic Case
Commercial Case
Financial Case
Management Case
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 51
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
141202 Topic Guide
Topic List for
List of questions put together by Mott MacDonald to
determine the Economic Impact of the new terminal
complex. Questions were administered in an
interview format. No responses included.
Strategic Case
Spending Objectives
Benefits and Risks
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Government of
organizational Chart
- January 2015
Outlines the entire Bermuda Government structure
as of January 2015.
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
343039 - Bermuda -
Additional data -
Issue 2
Traffic Forecast -
Additional data -
Issue 2
20 March
Key GDP and related input assumptions for air
traffic forecast published (20 March, 2015) by Mott
MacDonald. Forecasting data is organised by
airline, and departure city for 2014 vs 2015.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
343039 - Bermuda -
Additional data
Traffic Forecast -
Additional data
5 March
Key GDP and related input assumptions for air
traffic forecast published (5 March, 2015) by Mott
MacDonald. Forecasting data is organised by
airline, and departure city for 2014 vs 2015.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
343039 - Bermuda -
Air Traffic Forecast -
Air Traffic Forecast
Report on Mott MacDonald’s air traffic forecasts for
a number of scenarios based on four separate air
traffic segments (Bermudians, business visitors,
relatives, vacationers)
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Sensitivity Analysis
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 52
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
343039 - Bermuda
Peak and stand
forecast - Issue 2
Peak and Stand -
Traffic Forecast
Model Results
Peak and Stand traffic forecast model results
published by Mott MacDonald. Data included in data
set 9.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
343039 - Bermuda -
Traffic Forecasting
Assumptions Book v3
Traffic Forecasting
Assumptions Book -
Working Copy
Assumptions behind traffic forecasting models for
each four scenarios and the base case, and
overview of key drivers. Published by Mott
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Sensitivity Analysis
343039 - Bermuda -
Draft Forecast Report
- v1.1 20141218
Draft - Traffic review
and forecast
Report on air traffic by Mott MacDonald. Provides
more context and analysis of opportunities to data
set 7, including examining overview of market,
aviation market context, how airport drives
economic growth, traffic forecast estimates, and
business development. This provides a partial view
of a future potential for Bermuda’s airport.
Strategic Case
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Short Listed Options*
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Commercial Case
Service Requirements
Management Case
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 53
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Benefits Realisation
acrp evaluating
terminal renewal v
Guidebook for
Evaluating Terminal
Renewal Versus
General report produced by the Airport Cooperative
Research Programme (“ACRP”) providing guidance
for evaluating terminal renewals versus terminal
replacement. This is not specific to this project.
N/A this is not a specific evidence
point for the development of this
ACRP Privatisation
Considering and
Evaluating Airport
Generalised, detailed report outlining evaluation and
key considerations in airport privatisation. This
extensive guidebook for policy makers considers
airport privatisation. This is not specific to this
N/A this is not a specific evidence
point for the development of this
Airport Development
and Business Model
Workshop attendee
list 042114
Airport Development
& Business Model
Workshop Attendee
21 April
List of attendees with respective organisations who
attended Airport development and business model
workshop April 21 2014.
N/A whilst evidence a workshop took
place, this does not demonstrate the
considerations on business model and
how they were used in the
development of the project.
Airport Development
Models Report
012714 no TOC
Airport Development
P3 models Report
1 February
Report produced by Aaron Adderley in early-2014
summarising PPP options applicable to the airport,
assessing a high-level Economic Case and CAPEX
implications, and outlining a project development
and procurement timetable.
Strategic Case
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 54
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
Use of Specialist Advisers
Change and Contract Management
Airport Development
Project Concept -
Interim Draft - March
25 2015
Project Concept for
the Redevelopment
of L.F. Wade
International Airport
25 March
An airport redevelopment concept report developed
by CCC in March 2015, covering:
1. Strategic rationale.
2. Market context.
3. Design and construction technical and
planning details.
4. Proposed commercial structure.
5. Proposed operational structure.
6. Economic / VFM analysis.
7. Financial / affordability analysis.
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Long Listed Options
Short Listed Options*
Do Nothing Option
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 55
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Personnel Implications
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
Use of Specialist Advisers
Change and Contract Management
Benefits Realisation
Risk Management
Monitoring During Implementation
Post Implementation Evaluation
Contingency Arrangements
Airport Development
Project Concept
Project Concept for
the Redevelopment
of L.F. Wade
25 March
Attached annexes for data set 15. They include
details about CCC team, MOU, LOA, design brief,
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
Current Business Strategies
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 56
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
International Airport
concept, workshop notes, credit analysis, and cost
of debt analysis.
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Long Listed Options
Short Listed Options*
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Personnel Implications
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Balance Sheet
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 57
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Use of Specialist Advisers
Change and Contract Management
Benefits Realisation
Risk Management
Monitoring During Implementation
Post Implementation Evaluation
Contingency Arrangements
Airport Terminal
Development EIA
The economic
impact of
constructing a new
Terminal Complex at
L F Wade
International Airport
June 2014
Economic Impact Assessment of the new airport
produced by the Bermuda College. Carried out in
late 2014.
Strategic Case
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Optimism Bias Adjustment
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
Financial Case
Impact on Balance Sheet
Airport Terminal
Development Only
EIA Oct 2014
Economic Impact of
constructing a new
Terminal Complex at
L F Wade
International Airport
July 2014
Addendum to the EIA by the Bermuda College,
including the total economic impact of the new
Economic Case
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Optimism Bias Adjustment
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
Article on
Room in the Boom
June 2010
Article on Canadian PPP infrastructure projects,
examining examples of how PPP’s have enabled
large-scale projects. Published in ‘RICS Property
World’ in 2010. This is not specific to this project.
N/A this is not a specific evidence
point for the development of this
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 58
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
BDA Airport Fees and
benchmarking 2015
2015 BDA Airport
Fees and Charges
Overview of Bermuda’s airport fees and charges in
comparison with other regional and leading airports.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Sensitivity Analysis
Financial Case
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Income and Expenditure
BDA Capex
Affordability Analysis
FINAL 8-8-13
Capex Affordability
7 August
Capital expenditure affordability study by Leigh
Fisher in August 2013. Study was performed for
three scenarios with an additional baseline scenario,
and included considerations and lessons learned
from comparator concessions.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Economic Case
Sensitivity Analysis
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Benefits Realisation
BDA May8_final_edit
Terminal Feasibility
8 May 2008
Terminal feasibility study progress report by HNTB
in May 2008. Outlines three separate concepts for
Strategic Case
Spending Objectives
Potential Scope
Economic Case
Long Listed Options
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 59
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Bda Realty Marketing
Report 11july08
Initial Land Use
Assessment Report
Land use assessment report published by Bermuda
Realty in 2008, examining revenue generation
options from airport real estate.
Strategic Case
Potential Scope
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Long Listed Options
Short Listed Options*
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Bermuda Airport -
Project Structure1
Project Structure
Diagram showing the proposed project structure for
the Bermuda Airport, incorporating CCC and
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Bermuda LeighFisher
Phase 1 Review 03
05 2015
Independent Peer
Review of Aviation
Activity Forecasts
March 2015
Independent peer review of aviation activity
forecasts by Leigh Fisher in March 2015. A review
of Mott MacDonald’s forecasts for the airport. This is
currently incomplete pending a further assessment
of Mott MacDonald’s completed forecast.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 60
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Sensitivity Analysis
Financial Case
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Bermuda Master Plan
December 2006
International Airport
Master Plan
Master Plan published by HNTB corporation in
2006. This represents a comprehensive plan
detailing each phase of the proposed project, with
coverage including:
1. Overview of existing facilities.
2. Aviation activity forecasts.
3. Assessment of facility requirements.
4. Evaluation of concepts/options.
5. Recommended option.
6. Cost benefit analysis and financial
assessment of recommended option.
7. Project delivery commercial options.
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Long Listed Options
Short Listed Options*
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Distributional Analysis
Optimism Bias Adjustment
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Personnel Implications
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 61
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
Use of Specialist Advisers
Change and Contract Management
Benefits Realisation
Risk Management
Monitoring During Implementation
Post Implementation Evaluation
Contingency Arrangements
Privatisation Models
Privatization Models
White Paper
Study of privatisation models available to the
Bermuda Government for the airport. Produced by
Jacobs Consultancy in December 2008.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Bermuda National
Tourism Master Plan
11 June
Bermuda National Tourism Plan presentation given
in June 2012. Airport development is mentioned.
Strategic Case
Business Needs (current and future)
Bill of Quantities
Bill Of Approximate
Bill of approximate quantities and estimates for
airport terminal feasibility study. Produced by HNTB,
Woodburne and CG Architects in 2007.
Economic Case
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Financial Case
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 62
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Public Capital and Revenue
Net Effect on Prices
Impact on Balance Sheet
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Management Case
Contingency Arrangements
Budget Statement
New Airport
Public statement in regards to the Bermuda Airport,
the objectives and criteria for the project and its
development, and the affiliation with CCC thus far.
Strategic Case
Spending Objectives
Economic Case
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Risk Assessment
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Risk Transfer
Accountancy Treatment
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Impact on Balance Sheet
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Commissioner Support
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
Use of Specialist Advisers
Risk Management
CapEX FY2013
DAO Capital
Expenditure Report
6 March
Airport’s capital expenditure report for year end
March 31, 2013.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 63
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Copy of Email From
Mott MacDonald (19
March 2015)
Copy of Email
(19/3/15) From Mott
19 March
Correspondence between Mott Macdonald and the
Department of Airport Operations on the Leigh
Fisher peer review, from March 2015.
N/A this is useful context for the
current status of the project, but does
not provide specific detail aligned to the
DAO Energy Survey
Quote 8 Dec 14
Alternate Energy
Evaluation with
Proposal by Onsite Engineering Services for the
evaluation of alternate energy solutions for the
Strategic Case
Potential Scope
Discussion with Price
Waterhouse re
Airport Investment by
Discussion with
Price Waterhouse re
Airport Investment
by telephone
Minutes from meeting between Price Waterhouse
and DAO in November, 2010. Includes
considerations on application of PPP framework.
Strategic Case
Potential Scope
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Long Listed Options
Short Listed Options
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Key Contractual Arrangements
Financial Case
Overall Funding and Affordability
Econ Impact Full
report 2003
2003 Economic
Impact Report
Department of Tourism economic impact report from
2003. An analysis of the impact of tourism on the
Bermudian economy.
Strategic Case
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Economic Indicators
Reference list for the economic indicators found in
the Master Plan and Feasibility study.
N/A this is supporting evidence only
and does not directly contribute to the
evidence base of the project for this
consumption 2
Spreadsheet showing monthly electricity
usage/costs for two units at the airport. Records
from Jan 2009 to Jul 2012.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Financial Case
Impact on Balance Sheet
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 64
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Feasibility Study -
HNTB 2008
Terminal Complex
Feasibility Study
Feasibility study for new terminal published by
HNTB in September 2008.
Strategic Case
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Economic Case
Critical Success Factors
Short Listed Options*
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
Fees and Charges
January 2013
DAO Fees and
List of airport fees and charges administered by the
DAO to passengers, airlines, and aircraft.
Strategic Case
Existing Arrangements
Real Historical GDP
and Growth Rates of
GDP for Baseline
Spreadsheet giving real GDP and annual growth
rates for the world. Separated by regions and level
of development.
N/A this is not a specific evidence
point for the development of this
LeighFisher -
Bermuda - 31 July
2013 v3 3
Financial Model
July 2013
Multiple spreadsheets produced by Leigh Fisher
showing the CapEx affordability and CAPEX and
OPEX under different scenarios.
Economic Case
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Sensitivity Analysis
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
Net Effect on Prices
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 65
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Impact on Balance Sheet
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
LF Wade
PPP Opportunity
PPP Opportunity scan produced by KPMG outlining
business strategy and key objectives.
Strategic Case
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Economic Case
Sensitivity Analysis
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Risk Transfer
Financial Case
Impact on Balance Sheet
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
LOA - Executed Copy
Letter of Agreement
June 2014
Letter of agreement between CCC and Bermuda
Government in June 2014. Signed by both parties.
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Personnel Implications
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
Use of Specialist Advisers
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 66
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Change and Contract Management
Monitoring During Implementation
Terminal Feasibility
Study - Progress
8 May 2008
Feasibility study progress review by HNTB including
short listed options. Outlines the three major
concepts and business strategy. Duplication with
Strategic Case
Spending Objectives
Potential Scope
Economic Case
Long Listed Options
Economic Appraisals of Costs and
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
May2013 Airfield
Sketches of the existing airport layout produced in
Strategic Case
Potential Scope
Redevelopment 2014
Statement by Bob Richards (Minister of Finance) in
regards to the Memorandum of Understanding
between the Government and CCC.
Strategic Case
Organisational Overview
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Business Needs (current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Memorandum of Understanding
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual Arrangements
Personnel Implications
Financial Case
Public Capital and Revenue
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 67
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Impact on Income and Expenditure
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Project Management Plans
MOU Executed Copy
Memorandum of
Signed Memorandum of Understanding between the
Ministry of Finance and CCC from November 2014.
Strategic Case
Business Needs (current and future)
Benefits and Risks
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Key Contractual Arrangements
Personnel Implications
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Privatisation Review
by Roddy Bogus
Presentation by Parsons and Brinckerhoff on airport
PPPs. An informative summary not specific to
N/A this is not a specific evidence
point for the development of this
Statement of
Operations YE March
31 2014 LM
Statement of
Operation Results
Five year trend of revenue and cost streams from
2009-2014 for the Bermuda Airport.
Strategic Case
Business Needs (current and future)
Summary of
Summary of
December 2014 Due
Diligence Visits
Summary of December 2014 visits and meetings.
N/A whilst evidence of this activity, it
does not provide specific evidence of
the considerations in the project
development for this analysis.
CCC Approach
Context behind the LF Wade redevelopment by
MoF. Identifies their key motives behind the project
and discusses why CCC is the best procurement
Strategic Case
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Business Needs (current and future)
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Commercial Case
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 68
File Name
Content Description
Five Case Model Mapping
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Accountancy Treatment
Financial Case
Impact on Balance Sheet
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Plans
Change and Contract Management
Bermuda Airport G2G
Slide deck describing the vision of the project, how
CCC is the best procurement method, and the UK’s
involvement in the decision to contract.
Strategic Case
Current Business Strategies
Spending Objectives
Business Needs (current and future)
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and Dependencies
Commercial Case
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Accountancy Treatment
Financial Case
Impact on Balance Sheet
Overall Funding and Affordability
Management Case
Project Management Methodology
Monitoring During Implementation
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 69
Appendix 4 Five Case Model Mapping Summary
Serial Number
File Type
File Name
Current Business
Spending Objectives
Existing Arrangements
Business Needs
(current and future)
Potential Scope
Benefits and Risks
Constraints and
Critical Success
Long Listed Options
Short Listed Options*
Do Nothing Option
Economic Appraisals
of Costs and Benefits
Distributional Analysis
Optimism Bias
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
Procurement Strategy
Service Requirements
Charging Mechanism
Risk Transfer
Key Contractual
Personnel Implications
Public Capital and
Impact on Balance
Impact on Income and
Expenditure Account
Overall Funding and
Project Management
Project Management
Use of Specialist
Change and Contract
Benefits Realisation
Risk Management
Monitoring During
Post Implementation
1 Word 3 Year Strategic Planning 2012/13 - 2014/15 Department of Airport Operations N/A 3YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN -with UPDATES MARCH 2013
2 PDF Aerodrome Inspection Report Department of Civil Aviation 12-Apr-13 2013 Audit
3 Word Topic List for Interviews Mott MacDonald N/A 141202 Topic Guide
4 PDF Government of Bermuda organizational Chart - January 2015 N/A 1-Jan-15 150121_GOVT ORG_CHART
5 Excel Traffic Forecast - Additional data - Issue 2 Mott MacDonald 20-Mar-15 343039 - Bermuda - Additional data - Issue 2
6 Excel Traffic Forecast - Additional data Mott MacDonald 5-Mar-15 343039 - Bermuda - Additional data
7 PDF Air Traffic Forecast Mott MacDonald 1-Feb-15 343039 - Bermuda - Air Traffic Forecast - v2.0
8 Excel Peak and Stand - Traffic Forecast Model Results Mott MacDonald 18-Dec-14 343039 - Bermuda Peak and stand forecast - Issue 2 - 20131218
9 PDF Traffic Forecasting Assumptions Book - Working Copy Mott MacDonald 16-Feb-15 343039 - Bermuda - Traffic Forecasting Assumptions Book v3 1
10 PDF Draft - Traffic review and forecast Mott MacDonald 18-Dec-14 343039 - Bermuda - Draft Forecast Report - v1.1 - 20141218
11 PDF Guidebook for Evaluating Terminal Renewal Versus Replacement Options ACRP N/A acrp evaluating terminal renewal v replacement
12 PDF Considering and Evaluating Airport Privatization ACRP N/A ACRP Privatisation Report
13 Word Airport Development & Business Model Workshop Attendee List N/A 21-Apr-14 Airport Development and Business Model Workshop attendee list 042114
14 PDF Airport Development P3 models Report Aaron Adderley 1-Feb-14 Airport Development Models Report 012714 no TOC
15 PDF
Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport Bermuda
CCC 25-Mar-15 Airport Development Project Concept - Interim Draft - March 25 2015
16 PDF
Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport Bermuda
CCC 25-Mar-15 Airport Development Project Concept Annexes
17 PDF
The economic impact of constructing a new Terminal Complex at L F Wade International Airport
Bermuda College 1-Jun-14 Airport Terminal Development EIA Oct2014
18 PDF
Addendum: Economic Impact of constructing a new Terminal Complex at L F Wade International Airport
Bermuda College 1-Jul-14 Airport Terminal Development Only EIA Oct 2014
19 PDF Room in the Boom Ross Templeton 1-Jun-10 article on privatisation
20 PDF 2015 BDA Airport Fees and Charges Benchmarking N/A N/A BDA Airport Fees and Charges benchmarking 2015
21 PDF Capex Affordability Analysis Leigh Fisher 7-Aug-13 BDA Capex Affordability Analysis FINAL 8-8-13
22 PPT Terminal Feasibility Study HNTB 8-May-08 BDA May8_final_edit
23 PDF Initial Land Use Assessment Report Bermuda Realty company Limited N/A Bda Realty Marketing Report 11july08
24 PPT Project Structure N/A N/A Bermuda Airport - Project Structure1
25 PDF Independent Peer Review of Aviation Activity Forecasts Leigh Fisher 1-Mar-15 Bermuda LeighFisher Phase 1 Review 03 05 2015
26 PDF Bermuda International Airport Master Plan HNTB 1-Dec-06 Bermuda Master Plan December 2006
27 PDF Privatization Models White Paper Jacobs Consultancy Canada 1-Dec-08 Bermuda Privatization Models
28 PDF Bermuda National Tourism Master Plan Department of Tourism 11-Jun-12 bermuda_master_plan_townhall_061112_v3
29 PDF Bill Of Approximate Quantities HNTB N/A Bill of Quantities
30 PDF New Airport Terminal N/A N/A Budget Statement Airport
31 PDF DAO Capital Expenditure Report DAO 6-Mar-13 CapEX FY2013
32 Word Copy of Email (19/3/15) From Mott MacDonald N/A 19-Mar-15 Copy of E MAIL RE PHASE 1 REPORT MM TO BDA 19 3 15
33 PDF Alternate Energy Evaluation with Recommendations Onsite Engineering Services 8-Dec-14 DAO Energy Survey Quote 8 Dec 14
34 Word Discussion with Price Waterhouse re Airport Investment by telephone N/A 16-Nov-10 Discussion with Price Waterhouse re Airport Investment by telephone
35 PDF 2003 Economic Impact Report TMC 1-Sep-04 Econ Impact Full report 2003
36 Word Economic Indicators N/A N/A ECONOMIC INDICATORS
37 Excel N/A N/A N/A electricity consumption 2
38 PDF Terminal Complex Feasibility Study HNTB 9-Sep-08 Feasibility Study - HNTB 2008
39 Word DAO Fees and Charges N/A 1-Jan-13 Fees and Charges January 2013
40 Excel Real Historical GDP and Growth Rates of GDP for Baseline Countries/Regions N/A 18-Dec-14 HistoricalRealGDPValues
41 Excel Financial Model Leigh Fisher 1-Jul-13 LeighFisher - Bermuda - 31 July 2013 v3 3
42 PDF PPP Opportunity Scan N/A N/A LF Wade International AirportKPMG DRAFT
43 PDF Letter of Agreement CCC 1-Jun-14 LOA - Executed Copy
44 PPT Terminal Feasibility Study - Progress Review HNTB 8-May-08 May8_final-_
45 PDF N/A N/A N/A May2013 Airfield
46 Word Ministerial Statement Ministry of Finance 21-Nov-14 Ministerial Statement_Airport Redevelopment 2014
47 PDF Memorandum of Understanding N/A 10-Nov-14 MOU Executed Copy
48 PDF Public/Private Partnerships Parsons Brinckerhoff N/A Privatisation Review by Roddy Bogus
49 PDF Statement of Operation Results N/A N/A Statement of Operations YE March 31 2014 LM
50 Word Summary of December 2014 Due Dilligence Visits N/A N/A Summary of DECEMBER 2014 DUE DILLIGENCE VISITS
51 Word N/A Ministry of Finance N/A CCC Approach
52 PPT N/A N/A N/A 140501 DELOITTE Bermuda Airport G2G structure-3
Economic Case
Management Case
Commercial Case
Financial Case
Strategic Case
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 70
Appendix 5 Assumptions
The following high-level assumptions framed the completion of this report:
1. We have only been able to review documentation that has been provided to us. We are aware that there
is ongoing project activity that we have not assessed but anticipate this may address some identified
2. The Green Book has been used as a source of best practice only, although it is recognised that it is not
a required standard or guidance in Bermuda.
3. It is recognised that the Government of Bermuda are looking to proceed to signing a Development
Agreement with CCC by the end of June 2015, which will include commercial terms (including exit
provisions) for the period of further project development and negotiation with CCC prior to prospective
Financial Close. There are therefore elements of the stage of the project that are comparable to the OBC
stage, which seeks to establish the preferred option and put in place arrangements for procurement.
However, it should be recognised that our assessment and scope of work is focused on looking forward
to the outstanding areas and most important gaps to support overall progress towards a FBC-equivalent
body of analysis and evidence, rather than assessing ‘OBC-readiness’.
4. As identified in Appendix 2, the following activities are out of scope:
Legal advice on Commercial Case
Validating assumptions
Comments on cost data
Technical advice
Validating data provided to us
Tax advice
Accounting advice
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 71
Appendix 6 FBC Assessment
The following section provides a summary of the review criteria proposed by HM Treasury guidance for
each Case of the “Five Case” model (Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management),
and at each business case stage (SOC, OBC and FBC)
Recognising that the business case for Bermuda airport’s development has not followed this staged
process strictly, each of these review criteria are consolidated to provide an “FBC-equivalent” set of
assessment criteria for use in the analysis in this report. The assessment criteria therefore allow the
assessment of an iterative process to a point in time snapshot.
The tables below outline the ‘mapping’ between the HM Treasury guidance and the consolidated review
criteria used. This ‘mapping’ includes a code to indicate the consolidated criteria each element of the
HM Treasury guidance is used in. The letter indicates the relevant case, and the number indicates the
consolidated review criteria (for example, “E3” refers to the third consolidated review criteria in the
Economic Case). It should be noted that the HM Treasury guidance has been incorporated directly
below, and as such will refer to some procedures and standards of practice specific to the UK. Any and
all of these evidence points that do not translate to Bermuda’s practice have been removed or amended
as appropriate in the consolidated review criteria produced.
Strategic Case
Analysis of Green Book Review Criteria
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Strategic Outline Case
Is the proposed scheme an
integral part of the organisation’s
business strategy?
Extracts from business and
other relevant strategies
Reference to relevant
Government and
organisational policies
Is the proposed scheme
sufficiently large and stand alone
to form a project or could it be
more sensibly be undertaken as
part of another programme or
Relevant extracts from
business and other strategies
Reference to scoping
Relevant extracts from
strategy board minutes
Are the spending objectives and
underpinning business needs
defined clearly and supported by
the key stakeholders and
SMART spending objectives
Evidence of stakeholder and
customer involvement and
Clear statement of business
outcomes and service outputs
“Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Delivering Public Value from Spending Proposals”, 2013 (Chapter 8: “Reviewing
the Business Case: SOC, OBC and FBC”)
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 72
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Is the scope for potential change
to current services and business
processes clearly defined?
Statement of any security and
confidentiality issues
Have the main benefits been
clearly defined by key
stakeholders and customers,
alongside arrangements for their
Outline of benefits realisation
Direct and indirect to the
organisation and wider public
Cash (£) and non-cash-
Ranking of benefits by key
Have the main risks been
identified, alongside
arrangements for their
management and control?
Outline of risk management
Business risks
Service risks
Likely probabilities and impact
(high, medium or low)
Have the key organisational
constraints and business
dependencies been identified?
Evidence of critical path
Related programmes and
Assessment of internal and
external constraints
Outline Business Case
Are the SOC spending objectives
and planning assumptions still
Are they set at an appropriate
level and SMART:
- specific
- measurable
- achievable
- relevant
- timely
Still supported by stakeholders
and customers?
Do the services to be procured in
the SOC still provide best fit in
relation to organisational needs?
Organisational context
Existing and future changes in
Expected changes in volumes
and mix of services
Other existing, planned or
possible services
Security and confidentiality
Have any outstanding
differences at SOC stage
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Continued stakeholder
commitment and involvement
Communication strategy
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies in the SOC been
Updated benefits criteria
benefits study
Updated risk assessment
risk study
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 73
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
revisited and examined in further
Ongoing assessment
business strategies and plans
Full Business Case
Does the recommended deal still
provide synergy and best fit with
other parts of the organisation’s
business strategy?
Notification of any changes
during negotiations
Ongoing evaluation of
business strategies and plans
Strategic fit
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy OBC spending objectives
and business needs?
Notification of any changes
during negotiations
Written confirmation of
agreement on part of
stakeholders and customers
Spending objectives and
business outcomes
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
Related service requirements
and outputs
Change control arrangements
Notification of any changes
during negotiations:
- additional services
- agreement of stakeholders
and users
- business justification and
Consolidated Assessment Criteria Used
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Does the recommended deal provide synergy
and best fit with the organisation’s business
Extracts from business and other
relevant strategies
Reference to relevant Government
and organisational policies
Organisational context
Existing and future changes in needs
Expected changes in volumes and
mix of services
Security and confidentiality issues
Understanding any changes in
alignment to strategy during
Ongoing evaluation of business
strategies and plans
Does the recommended deal still satisfy the
original spending objectives and business
Written confirmation of agreement on
part of stakeholders and customers
Clear statement of business
outcomes and service outputs
Are the spending objectives set at an
appropriate level and SMART:
- specific
- measurable
- achievable
- relevant
- timely
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 74
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Statement of any security and
confidentiality issues
Does the recommended deal still provide all of
the required services both current and
Change control arrangements
Notification of any changes during
- additional services
- agreement of stakeholders and
- business justification and CBA
Have any outstanding differences between
stakeholders and customers been
satisfactorily resolved?
Continued stakeholder commitment
and involvement
Communication strategy
Has the assessment of likely benefits, risks,
constraints and dependencies been examined
in detail?
Outline of benefits realisation plan:
- Direct and indirect to the
organisation and wider public sector
- Cash (£) and non-cash-releasing
- Ranking of benefits by key
Outline of risk management strategy:
- Business risks
- Service risks
- Likely probabilities and impact (high,
medium or low)
Assessment of internal and external
- Evidence of critical path
- Related programmes and projects
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 75
Economic Case
Analysis of Green Book Review Criteria
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Strategic Outline Case
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Prioritised CSFs (high,
medium or low)
Relevant performance
Has a sufficiently wide range of
options been identified and
assessed within the long list?
Use of any feasibility study
10 to 12 main options full
Use of the options framework
- for business scope
- for potential solutions
- for service delivery
- for implementation
- for funding
Has a preferred way forward
been identified following robust
analysis of the available options?
SWOT analysis of options
- spending objectives
- critical success factors
- benefits criteria
- evidence of likely support
from key stakeholders
Has the preferred way forward
been unpacked within a short list
for further examination and
Minimum of four options,
- do nothing or do minimum
- Public Sector Comparator
N/A covered under other
evidence points under E2.
Outline Business Case
Were the long-listed options in
the SOC revisited and subjected
to further scrutiny?
New options
CSFs revisited
Options ranked, weighted and
N/A covered under other
evidence points under E2.
Were the short-listed options in
the SOC revisited and subjected
to robust analysis?
Economic appraisals for
shortlisted options, including:
- do nothing or do minimum
- PFI (PPP) solution(s)
Use of appropriate tools:
- sensitivity analysis
- risk (£) quantification
- evaluation of qualitative
benefits (rank, weight and
Treatment of costs and
benefits in accordance with
Treasury ‘Green Book’ rules.
N/A covered under other
evidence points under E2.
The PSC provides an estimate of how much it will cost the public sector, as a traditional supplier, to deliver the project. This is
distinct from the ‘do nothing’ option.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 76
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Has the PSC been constructed
and assessed in accordance with
HM Treasury guidance?
Realistic solution capable of
Risks identified, apportioned
and measured for all project
- design
- build
- finance
- operate
PFI (PPP) costs, where
Does the preferred option
represent best VFM or the most
economically advantageous
Rigorous use of spending
appraisal tools and techniques
All assumptions recorded
Achievable benefits streams
Stakeholders and customers
Full Business Case
Was a wide range of bids
received from service providers
in response to OJEC [the RFP]?
Assessment of earlier
Use of evaluation criteria:
- long list of suppliers
- short list of suppliers
Description of each bid
received at Best and Final
Offer (“BAFO”)
Method of treatment for
varying bids
Basis for selection of preferred
bidder (if applicable)
Was the most economically
advantageous offer selected?
Preparation and assessment
of economic appraisals for:
- do nothing/do minimum
- revised PSC
- best and final offers and/or
- preferred bidder (if selected)
Use of appropriate tools:
- sensitivity analysis
- risk (£) quantification
- evaluation of qualitative
benefits (rank, weight and
- Treatment of costs and
benefits in accordance with
Treasury ‘Green Book’ rules.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 77
Consolidated Assessment Criteria Used
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Have the Critical Success Factors (“CSFs”) for
options appraisal been identified?
Prioritised CSFs (high, medium or low)
Relevant performance measures
Has a sufficiently wide range of long-list options
been identified and assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to robust analysis?
Was the most economically advantageous offer
10 to 12 main options full description
Use of the options framework
- for business scope
- for potential solutions
- for service delivery
- for implementation
- for funding
SWOT analysis of options against:
- spending objectives
- critical success factors
- benefits criteria
- evidence of likely support from key
Preparation and assessment of
economic appraisals for:
- do nothing/do minimum
- revised PSC
- best and final offers and/or
- preferred bidder (if selected)
Use of appropriate tools:
- sensitivity analysis
- risk (£) quantification
- evaluation of qualitative benefits
(rank, weight and scoring)
Treatment of costs and benefits in
accordance with Treasury ‘Green
Book’ rules
All assumptions recorded
Achievable benefits streams
Stakeholders and customers support
Has the PSC been constructed and assessed
in accordance with HM Treasury guidance?
Realistic solution capable of
Risks identified, apportioned and
measured for all project stages:
- design
- build
- finance
- operate
PFI (PPP) costs, where available
Was a wide range of bids received from service
providers in response to the procurement
Assessment of earlier assumptions
Use of evaluation criteria:
- long list of suppliers
- short list of suppliers
Description of each bid received at
Method of treatment for varying bids
Basis for selection of preferred bidder
(if applicable)
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 78
Commercial Case
Analysis of Green Book Review Criteria
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Strategic Outline Case
Has a high-level assessment of
the potential deal and its likely
acceptability to the supply side
been undertaken?
Description of potential deal
Market soundings
Existing service providers
Outline Business Case
Has the procurement strategy for
the successful delivery of the
required services been
considered and prepared in
sufficient detail?
Consideration of procurement
options including:
- use of EC directives
- use of preferred bidder
- OJEC notice
- evaluation criteria and
- negotiations strategy
- procurement plan and
- draft OJEC
Is there sufficient scope for a
potential deal, which will meet
organisational needs whilst
offering best VFM?
Potential for innovation within
the provision of services and
Potential for risk transfer in
Design, Build, Finance,
Operate stages
Potential for new business and
alternative revenue streams
Likely contract length
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient detail?
The how rather than what.
Core, desirable and optional
Delivery time-scales (phased
improvements etc.)
Potential payment
Ownership of residual assets
Service levels and
performance measures
Is there a clear understanding of
the business change agenda?
Change management plans
Proposed mechanisms and
Assessment of personnel
Is the potential deal still likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
Market research and surveys
Use of HM Treasury standard
contractual terms and
Benchmarks similar projects
Full Business Case
Overview of procurement
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 79
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance with
EC/GATT regulations and
accepted best?
- Deviations from procurement
Use of legal and procurement
advice (internal and external
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
Outline of the agreed deal:
- services current and future
- delivery time-scales
- design
- build
- operate
- payment mechanisms
- performance and availability
- volume and usage
- incentives
- future change
- new business and alternative
revenue streams
- ownership of residual assets
- service levels and
performance measures
Business, technical and
cultural fit track record
Have negotiations resulted in a
robust and legally enforceable
Use of specialist adviser(s)
Use of standard terms and
Key contractual terms agreed
How will business and service
change be delivered and
implemented successfully over
the lifespan of the contract
Assessment of known and
expected change
Formula for handling
unexpected change:
- benchmarking
- market testing arrangements
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 80
Consolidated Assessment Criteria Used
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Has the procurement strategy for the
successful delivery of the required services
been considered and prepared in sufficient
Description of potential deal
Market soundings
Existing service providers
Consideration of procurement options
- use of preferred bidder
- public procurement notice
- evaluation criteria and strategy
- negotiations strategy
- Invitation to Tender (ITT)
- procurement plan and timetable
Is there sufficient scope for a potential deal,
which will meet organisational needs whilst
offering best VFM?
Potential for innovation within the
provision of services and solutions
Potential for risk transfer in Design,
Build, Finance, Operate stages
Potential for new business and
alternative revenue streams
Likely contract length
Has the potential deal been considered in
sufficient detail? The how rather than what.
Core, desirable and optional services
Delivery time-scales (phased
improvements etc.)
Potential payment mechanisms
Ownership of residual assets
Service levels and performance
How will business and service change be
delivered and implemented successfully over
the lifespan of the contract period?
Change management plans
Proposed mechanisms and
Assessment of personnel implications
Assessment of known and expected
Formula for handling unexpected
- benchmarking
- market testing arrangements
Is the potential deal likely to be acceptable and
bankable within the private sector?
Market research and surveys
Use of standard contractual terms and
Benchmarks similar projects
Was the procurement undertaken in
accordance with best practice?
Overview of procurement process
- Deviations from procurement
Use of legal and procurement advice
(internal and external advisers)
Can the selected service provider deliver the
required deliverables and services?
Outline of the agreed deal:
- services current and future
- delivery time-scales
- design
- build
- operate
- payment mechanisms
- performance and availability
- volume and usage
- incentives
- future change
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 81
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
- new business and alternative
revenue streams
- ownership of residual assets
- service levels and performance
Business, technical and cultural fit
track record
Have negotiations resulted in a robust and
legally enforceable contract?
Use of specialist adviser(s)
Use of standard terms and conditions
Key contractual terms agreed
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 82
Financial Case
Analysis of Green Book Review Criteria
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Strategic Outline Case
Has a high-level assessment of
affordability and source(s) of
required funding been
Indicative costs (£)
Likely sources or
organisational funding
Outline Business Case
Is the solution still likely to be
Financial appraisals for
preferred option, including full
assessment of:
- capital and current
- net effective on prices
- balance sheet impact
- income and expenditure
- stakeholder and customers
Full Business Case
Is the proposed spending still
Financial appraisals for
recommended deal, including
full assessment of:
- capital and current
- net effect on prices
- impact on balance sheet
(FRS5 etc.)
- income and expenditure
Stakeholder and customers
Confirmation of finance
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 83
Consolidated Assessment Criteria Used
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Is the proposed spending affordable?
Indicative costs
Likely sources or organisational
Financial appraisals for
recommended deal, including full
assessment of:
- capital and current requirements
- net effect on prices
- impact on balance sheet
- income and expenditure account
Stakeholder and customers
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 84
Management Case
Analysis of Green Book Review Criteria
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Strategic Outline Case
Has a high-level assessment of
the achievability and
deliverability of the project been
Indicative time-scales
Use of special advisers
Feasibility study
Peer review
N/A Items covered under
M2 below.
Outline Business Case
Are all the necessary
arrangements in place for the
successful completion of the next
Programme Methodology
Project methodology
- project board and structure
- project manager and team
- project plan
- project resources and budget
Reporting mechanisms
Use of external advisers
- legal
- financial
- other
Outline arrangements for:
- benefits study and realisation
- risk management strategy
and plan
- change management
strategy and plan
- contract management
Arrangements for evaluation:
- peer reviews
- OGC gateway reviews (if
- project implementation
- post-evaluation reviews
Contingency plans
Full Business Case
Have the business and cultural
implications of the intended
service been fully understood
and taken into account?
Agreed programmes for:
- change management
- business process re-
Staff-side representation
Personnel implications
Are all the arrangements in place
for the successful
implementation and delivery of
the required services?
Contract management
strategy, including disputes
resolution procedures
Skilled contract management
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 85
Green Book Review Criteria
Consolidated Review
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Agreed schedules for service
streams and outputs
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service risks
managed throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Detailed benefits realisation
Robust risk management
Monitoring and reporting
arrangements- registers and
regular audits
Are all the necessary
arrangements in place for post-
project evaluation?
Agreed arrangements for
- peer reviews
- Office of Government
Commerce (OGC) gateway
reviews (if required)
- project implementation
Post-evaluation reviews
Are contingency plans in place
should the recommended deal
fail at any stage?
Contingency plans
Arrangements for regular
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 86
Consolidated Assessment Criteria Used
Key Review Criteria
Main Evidence Required
Have the business and cultural implications of
the intended service been fully understood and
taken into account?
Agreed programmes for:
- change management
- business process re-engineering
Staff-side representation
Personnel implications
Are all the arrangements in place for the
successful implementation and delivery of the
required services?
Programme Methodology (MSP)
Project methodology (PRINCE2)
- project board and structure
- project manager and team
- project plan
- project resources and budget
Reporting mechanisms
Use of external advisers
- legal
- financial
- other
Outline arrangements for:
- benefits study and realisation plan
- risk management strategy and plan
- change management strategy and
- contract management
Arrangements for evaluation:
- peer reviews
- OGC gateway reviews (if required)
- project implementation reviews
- post-evaluation reviews
Contingency plans
Contract management strategy,
including disputes resolution
Skilled contract management team
Agreed schedules for service streams
and outputs
How will the benefits be delivered and
associated business and service risks
managed throughout the lifespan of the
Detailed benefits realisation plan
Robust risk management strategy
Monitoring and reporting
arrangements- registers and regular
Are contingency plans in place should the
recommended deal fail at any stage?
Contingency plans
Arrangements for regular review
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 87
Appendix 7 Methodology Review Supporting Evidence
This appendix summarises the assessment of the reports and documentation against the consolidated FBC requirements outlined in Appendix 6. This
assessment is summarised in the main body of the report within Section 4 (“Methodology Review”).
Each of the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases are assessed here individually, with the following analysis for each case:
Introduction: For clarity, this section restates the purpose of the case, and the documents identified through our first phase activity as mapping to that case
Detailed Data Assessment: This section analyses each relevant report or document against the consolidated review criteria for the Full Business Case, as
outlined in Appendix 6 (“FBC Assessment Criteria”). This recognises the need to perform this analysis on both a case-by-case basis (Strategic, Economic
etc.), as well as at the level of each individual document, given the number of evidence points in each document that provide insight for each case.
Case Summary: In order to produce a full view of how the body of reports, documents and evidence points align to the requirements of the case, a summary
is produced from the analysis of each individual document to demonstrate how these documents, taken as a whole, align to the FBC assessment criteria for
each of the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases. This summary is the key output of the analysis in this appendix, and is
pulled forward to the main body of the report in Section 4 (“Methodology Review”).
“Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Delivering Public Value from Spending Proposals”, 2013, p.8
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 88
Strategic Case
The Strategic Case is designed to evidence that the project is supported by a compelling case for change that provides holistic fit with other parts of the
organisation and public sector”.
Through our mapping activity we identified 39 reports and documentation as containing information relevant to the Strategic Case, which will be assessed in
this analysis.
Detailed Data Assessment
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
1 3 year Strategic Planning 2012/13 2014/15
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Provides general context of the DAO and LF
Wade airport operations.
Details the business needs for the future, more
specifically pertaining to the ICAO airport
Outlines business and operational strategies for
the current operation’s next three years.
The document appears to be a useful input to
plans for the airport redevelopment.
Focuses on the current airport operation rather than the
recommended deal to redevelop the airport.
Does not provide support specific to the recommended
airport redevelopment deal, such as business strategy,
changes in volumes, security and confidentiality issues,
changes in alignment to strategy, nor evaluation of
business strategies and plans.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 89
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
dependencies been examined in
2 Aerodrome Inspection Report (12 April 2013)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Audit developed by ICAO highlighting the areas
of the Airport’s infrastructure that require
Helps to evidence the need for change- the
current facilities are not meeting expected
Provides some detail in regards to the security
of the existing infrastructure.
There is no evidence for business strategy,
organisational context, changes in volumes, changes in
alignment, nor evaluations of business strategies and
Appears to be a useful input in developing the case for
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
3 Topic List for Interviews
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 90
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
4 Government of Bermuda Organizational Chart January 2015
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
While non-specific to the Airport
Redevelopment, this chart provides a diagram
of how the Bermuda Government operates and
is structured.
The document provides context but does not support
business strategies, changes in need, changes in
volumes, security, changes in alignment, nor evaluation
of business strategies.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 91
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
5 Traffic Forecast Additional data Issue 2 (20 March 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Details expected changes in volumes and mix of
services through the projected traffic forecast for
2015 and actuals for 2014.
Addresses change in volume. Does not address other
components of this set of criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
Forecasted data pertaining to the change in
average ticket fare indexes partially justifies the
business action.
Neither change control arrangements, nor notifications of
change negotiations are included in this data set.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
6 Traffic Forecast Data Additional data (5 March 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Details expected changes in volumes and mix of
services through the projected traffic forecast for
2015 and actuals for 2014.
Addresses expected changes in volume and mix of
services. Does not address other components of this set
of criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 92
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
Forecasted data pertaining to the change in
average ticket fare indexes partially justifies the
business action.
Neither change control arrangements, nor notifications of
change negotiations are included in this data set.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
7 Air Traffic Forecast (February 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
While there are no details pertaining to the
proposed plan, there are several scenarios
outlining potential change in volumes.
Addresses expected changes in volume. Does not
address other components of this set of criteria. It should
be noted that forecasts are produced by the prospective
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 93
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Describes four scenarios of potential traffic
forecasts that are crucial to assessing internal
and external constraints.
Data does not support benefit realisation plan, nor risk
management strategy.
Shows limited specific evidence for internal constraints.
8 Peak and Stand Traffic Forecast Model Results (18 December 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Breakdown of the expected changes in volumes
through passenger forecasts, separated by
Addresses expected changes in volumes. Does not
address other components of this set of criteria.
It should be noted that this provides supporting evidence
for other parts of the case, and is not contextualised to
the project.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
9 Traffic Forecasting Assumptions Book Working Copy (16 February 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
While there are no details pertaining to the
proposed plan, there are supporting
assumptions for several scenarios outlining
potential change in volumes.
Addresses change in volumes. Does not address other
components of this set of criteria.
It should be noted that forecasts are produced by the
prospective supplier.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 94
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
10 Draft Traffic review and forecast (18 December 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The forecast and business strategy are in line
with the organisation’s strategy, but are not
specific to the recommended deal.
Provides context for the change in volumes.
Outlines several potential future changes by
highlighting opportunities in the aviation market
to improve the organisation’s position.
No support of organisational context.
Not specific to the recommended deal.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 95
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
customers been satisfactorily
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Provides substantial support assessing the
constraints of the project through analysis of the
aviation market, route development strategy,
and traffic forecasts.
No support for realisation plan, nor risk management
14 Airport Development P3 Models Report (1 February 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Outlines several types of PPP procurement
strategies, fulfilling the need to assess relevant
strategies and organisational policies.
The report lacks support tying potential procurement
options to the specifics of the LF Wade Airport.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
PPP options set out by key DAO personnel.
Other stakeholders’ views are not represented in this
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
15 Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
There is sufficient supporting documentation to
satisfy this criteria.
There are no gaps identified for this criteria.
However, it should be noted that this report is produced
by the prospective supplier, rather than Government.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 96
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
Spending objectives appear SMART, and a
clear statement of business outcomes and
service outputs, although these are documented
by the prospective supplier.
Letter of Agreement provides some support for
agreement between stakeholders and
Little evidence for security and confidentiality issues.
Agreement between Government and concessionaire
does not provide evidence of an agreement between
stakeholders and customers.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Supports a cohesive action plan from key
Ultimately, communication of the Strategic Case may
need to be owned by the Government rather than the
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
16 Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport - ANNEXES (25 March 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Annexes support business strategies within both
MOU and LOA.
Government and organisational policies are
Detail of concept of the project is provided.
The appendix section does not cover the evaluation of
business strategies and plans.
It should also be noted that this report is produced by the
prospective supplier, rather than Government.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
Written confirmation is detailed in the LOA
between Government and the prospective
No details of business outcomes, nor are the spending
objectives outlined.
Security and confidentiality issues are not addressed.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
MOU provides a brief context of the change
control arrangements.
This information relates to change control in the
negotiation process, rather than in respect of the airport
project itself.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 97
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
17 The Economic Impact of Constructing a New Terminal Complex (June 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Calculations of the economic impact support the
organisation’s business strategy.
Evidence requirements outside business strategy are not
detailed in this document.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
A portion of the Benefits analysis from the CBA
are assessed.
Change control arrangements and changes during
negotiations are not supported.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 98
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
20 BDA Airport Fees and Charges Benchmarking (2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Airport fees and charges provide background of
the existing organisational arrangements. Their
subsequent comparison benchmarks to similar
markets provide organisational context and an
understanding of the context of change.
Limited evidence for security issues, changes in
alignment, and evaluation of business plans.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Fees and Charges provide some context for
benefit realisation.
Benefits are not ranked.
No reference to risk management strategy, nor
21 Capex Affordability Analysis (7 August 2013)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
SWOT analysis provides a foundation for the
organisational context, and demonstrates an
element of strategic planning and evaluation.
Other areas of this set of criteria are not covered in this
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
Provides considerations on PPP options and
their implications / lessons learned.
Limited detail on business justification and CBA.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 99
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
services both current and
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
High-level assessment of the impacts of the
proposed procurement strategies.
Does not provide a detailed assessment of each of these
22 Terminal Feasibility Study (8 May 2008)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Provides general context for status of the
project, short-listed design options, and the
recommended concept, as at May 8, 2008.
Design concepts do not appear to align with any
strategies or policies.
The master plan concept covered in this document is no
longer the preferred option.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 100
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
23 Initial Land Use Assessment Report
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
Details the potential revenue streams from the
altered real estate offerings of the existing and
new complexes.
No support for control arrangements or changes during
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Considers potential co-development
opportunities, i.e. related programmes and
Not clear how these opportunities and considerations are
incorporated into options scope within Economic Case.
24 Project Structure
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
A chart outlining the structure of the
recommended deal partially satisfies the
organisational context.
Addresses organisational context. Does not address
other parts of this set of criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 101
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
the organisation’s business
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
25 Independent Peer Review of Aviation Activity Forecasts (March 2015)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Peer review assessing the robustness and
accuracy of MM’s forecast data in relation to air
traffic arrivals in Bermuda. While this only
scrutinises existing data, it does align with future
changes and expected changes in volumes.
Business strategies, organisational policies, security
issues, changes in alignment, nor evaluations are
represented in this data source.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 102
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
customers been satisfactorily
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
As the original forecasted data does, the peer
review also assesses constraints in detail.
The document does not assess benefits and risks of the
recommended deal.
26 Bermuda International Airport Master Plan (December 2006)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Document provides in depth detail of the
context, and reason for change. This plan,
however, has been superseded given that the
scope of the work has been altered significantly.
The bulk of the work behind traffic forecasts,
existing structures, constraints, etc are all still
valid considerations and demonstrate initial
strategic thinking.
This is a 2006 document and shows strategic thinking
earlier in the process. It does not cover strategic fit with
the current airport redevelopment plan.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The spending objectives of this proposal are not
aligned with those in the latest proposals.
This is a 2006 document and the spending objectives
and business needs outlined here are no longer
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
Provides a CBA based on the 2006 concept and
In this 2006 document, the redevelopment is a
stand-alone operation without a proposed
concessionaire. The concept has changed
substantially between 2006 and 2015.
Does not outline the change control arrangements, as
there is no reference to a PPP.
A CBA is provided, but it is not relevant to the current
2015 proposed redevelopment plan.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
Significant relevant evidence is provided,
although some of the numbers included in this
Gaps include the assessment of benefits and constraints
/ dependencies of the new, proposed facility.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 103
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
dependencies been examined in
source are out of date. For example, the
physical plan, as well as the design of the facility
has changed since this source’s publication.
This affects the commercial space and other
proposed rental areas, which have since
27 Privatization Models White Paper (December 2008)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Potential privatisation models are outlined,
which provide background information on the
procurement strategy.
Does not include additional contextual evidence.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required
services both current and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Some assessment of constraints and
dependencies within the proposed privatisation
Limited assessment of benefits or risks.
28 Bermuda National Tourism Master Plan (11 June 2012)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The 2012 Bermuda National Tourism Master
Plan provides sufficient support for business
strategies and the need for new infrastructure
solutions to address traveller volumes. Helps to
support the case for change.
Supports the need for improved tourism infrastructure but
is does not address the airport in detail.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 104
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The tourism industry is a key stakeholder to the
airport. The document shows support from the
tourism industry for a new airport.
Shows that the tourism industry may support a new
airport, but is not detailed or specific to the current
proposed airport deal.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
30 New Airport Terminal
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Provides detail on strategic rationale for airport
redevelopment as part of a wider strategy to
“help reposition and re-brand Bermuda as a
visitor and business destination: First Tier, First
Class, First World”.
As expected in a high-level summary of project, limited
additional detail provided.
Additionally, statement was provided at the same time as
commercial rationale / procurement strategy.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 105
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
dependencies been examined in
31 DAO Capital Expenditure Report (6 March 2013)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
CapEx report for the year end March 2013
supports internal constraints.
As expected for a document of this nature, no mention
made of benefits, risks, or dependencies.
33 Alternate Energy Evaluation with Recommendations (8 December 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Survey into the effects of implementing a more
efficient energy system for the existing airport.
Provides some reference to organisational
As expected for a document of this nature, no detail of
strategies, context, changes, volume changes, security,
changes in alignment.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 106
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
34 - Discussion with Price Waterhouse re Airport Investment by telephone (16 November 2010)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Minutes from a call in 2010, which allude to the
initial suggestion of a PPP procurement strategy
for the project. ‘Roundtable’ discussion of
procurement strategies and redefining business
Covers procurement/PPP strategies.
Does not address other areas of this set of criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 107
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
35 Economic Impact Report (2003)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Addresses dependencies of tourism on the air
traffic arrivals and the air visitor expenditure.
Assessment is dated 2003, so whilst provides a clear
strategic rationale, is not a project-specific assessment.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Assessment of dependencies of tourism on the
air traffic arrivals and the air visitor expenditure.
No assessment of benefits, risks, nor constraints.
37 DAO Electricity Consumption
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 108
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Historical monthly electricity bill for the existing
structure that lends some assessment to
internal constraints.
No assessment of benefits, risks, or dependencies.
38 Terminal Complex Feasibility Study (9 September 2008)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Provides background detail of strategic rationale
for change, including:
Improving storm surge protection
Meeting regulatory safety requirements
Improving financial performance
Increasing operational efficiency
Provides facilities to meet demand
Providing sustainability
Enhancing customer convenience
Does not provide details on volumes.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
Provides detail on anticipated improvements
which could be interpreted as spending
Detail is high level and is not SMART, or considering
multiple impacted stakeholders and their priorities.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 109
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Provides some consideration of risks of ‘do
nothing’ option, e.g. risks of storm surge and
associated damage.
No detailed assessment of benefits, risks, nor
39 DAO Fees and Charges (January 2013)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
All airport fees and charges for the existing
operation provide evidence for a benefit source.
No full outline of benefit realisation plan.
No assessment of risks, constraints, nor dependencies.
42 PPP Opportunity Scan
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Sets out the DAO’s strategies for the project.
Surveys the scope of the work, the stage in the
process, and their relation to executing the
project through a PPP.
Does not address security and confidentiality issues, nor
the expected changes in volumes.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 110
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Addresses budgetary constraints.
No benefit realisation plan, risk management strategy,
nor dependencies are analysed in any detail.
Terminal Feasibility Study Progress Review
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Provides evidence for continued stakeholder
commitment, as it is a briefing to the
Government of Bermuda as to where they are in
their process.
No evidenced communication strategy.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 111
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
45 Airfield Diagram
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
46 Ministerial Statement (21 November 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Provides strategic rationale for change and
strong Government support for new terminal.
This includes that, “The new terminal will show
the arriving passenger that he/she has entered
a country that is indeed First Tier, First Class
and First World. The new terminal will create a
buzz in tourism circles and substantially
enhance the airport terminal experience for the
travelling public”.
As expected for a statement of this nature, this does not
address detailed assessment of strategy.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 112
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Provides public with a clear narrative of what the
Government plans to do to the airport and who
the key stakeholders are. The formal
announcement of the MOU indicates
stakeholder commitment and involvement.
Suggests some stakeholder management is taking place,
but is not evidence of a comprehensive stakeholder
management approach.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
47 Memorandum of Understanding (10 November 2014)
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Demonstrates Government of Bermuda’s
commitment to the airport infrastructure as
“crucial conditions for the promotion of world
class airport services and overall domestic
economic development of Bermuda”.
The data contents do not align with other points in this
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
Non-binding agreement between CCC and the
Government of Bermuda. It provides a short
excerpt on the two parties’ intent to align in the
Spending objectives and business needs are not
addressed, nor are any security or confidentiality issues.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 113
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Document assesses some “General Benefits” of
enacting the MOU.
It should be noted that the benefits were identified with
CCC, rather than Government consideration of benefits
in isolation from potential suppliers.
49 Statement of Operation Results
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Operating revenue and budget for the existing
structure. Provides benchmark information on
the constraints and dependencies for the
No assessment of benefits or risks.
51 - CCC Approach
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Details strategic rationale for change.
Document produced to explain commercial rationale for
engagement with CCC, and therefore does not
demonstrate Government consideration of strategy in
isolation and in advance of engagement with prospective
Security and confidentiality issues.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 114
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Written confirmation of the Government’s
approval of the recommended deal.
Other key stakeholders and customers not represented.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
Document assesses benefits of prospective
Benefits assessed at a high level, not in detail.
It should be noted that this was produced after
engagement with prospective supplier.
52 - Bermuda Airport G2G Structure
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Evidence for the strategy behind the
recommended deal.
Whilst this does provide context of the case for change,
rationale for prospective deal is typically expected as part
of Commercial Case.
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Evidence of stakeholder commitment and
No reference to communication strategy.
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 115
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
dependencies been examined in
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 116
Strategic Case Summary
Based on the analysis above we can conclude the following on how the reports, documents and evidence points provided, when taken as a whole, align to
the FBC assessment criteria:
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does the recommended deal
provide synergy and best fit with
the organisation’s business
Overall there is a clear strategic rationale for
change incorporated in documents produced
over a number of years. This includes clear
descriptions of business strategies, context of
the airport, existing and future needs to support
the Bermudian economy and Government policy
objectives. There is evidence of ongoing
evaluation of the case for change throughout the
Broadly speaking, no major gaps identified, although
there has been limited consideration of security and
confidentiality issues throughout the documentation.
However, it should be noted that a significant part of the
most recent evidence base for change has been
produced subsequent to or in parallel to the agreement
with the prospective supplier. Recognising this,
Government may want to be clear that it owns its own
strategy for the airport and ongoing evaluation of that
strategy, which is distinct from that of any prospective
Does the recommended deal still
satisfy the original spending
objectives and business needs?
Overall clear stakeholder buy-in to the case for
change, and the objectives of spend.
As above, it is worth noting that Government may want
to be clear on owning its own required business
outcomes and service outputs.
When the recommended deal is more fully developed,
the Government may want to assess the deal against
the original spending objectives. To do so, it might wish
to incorporate these in a single statement this may
feature within the procurement strategy in the
Commercial Case.
Does the recommended deal still
provide all of the required services
both current and future?
Whilst change control is not addressed, there is
evidence of agreement of stakeholders and
It is worth noting relatively limited consideration of the
potential for subsequent change in strategic context.
Government might want to consider the need for
flexibility within the solution identified in the Economic
Case, and the provisions of the Commercial Case.
Have any outstanding differences
between stakeholders and
customers been satisfactorily
Clear and ongoing involvement of key
stakeholders, including the public in the form of
ministerial statements, and an indication that the
tourism industry support the case for change.
There is no defined communication strategy for the
ongoing delivery of the project, and there has been no
documented feedback from the public or travellers
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 117
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the assessment of likely
benefits, risks, constraints and
dependencies been examined in
High-level benefits are detailed in a number of
places throughout the documentation as a
whole, which also includes high-level
consideration of risks and internal and external
Some of the more specific aspects of assessing benefits,
risks, constraints and dependencies have not been
examined in detail. This includes, for example,
production of a benefits realisation plan and ranking of
benefits by stakeholder. Given a strong Strategic Case
for change, this is considered as an opportunity for
refinement through the Management Case and
subsequent delivery.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 118
Economic Case
The Economic Case is designed to evidence that the project represents best public value.
Through our mapping activity we identified 24 reports and documentation as containing information relevant to the Economic Case, which will be assessed in
this analysis.
Detailed Data Assessment
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
3 Topic List for Interviews 02 Topic Guide
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
This document details interview questions associated
with a range of potential identified benefits in relation
to the airport and wider development opportunities,
Construction and operation of new terminal.
New developments (solar PV generation, fast ferry
terminal, a landside development, and hotel and
conference centre).
Wider benefits (promoting FDI, tourism and other
forms of economic development).
Document does not detail specific defined scope or clear
options for economic assessment. This is to be expected
given that it is designed to support an activity to refine
scope and specified options, but these may be expected
to be assessed elsewhere under the Economic Case.
Noted that these benefits are identified by supplier rather
than Government side.
The data contents provide limited additional evidence
against these requirements, and do not assess economic
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 119
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
7 Air Traffic Forecast (February 2015)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Details four passenger air traffic forecast scenarios.
Assumptions are outlined to support the range of
scenarios assessed.
Whilst document demonstrates significant work to outline
scenarios and sensitivities for assessment in the business
case in the form of these air traffic forecasts, it provides
very little direct evidence of options assessment.
Additionally, it should be noted that all forecasts anticipate
rising passenger volumes, and we might expect a
sensitivity to test a stronger down-side scenario.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
8 Peak and Stand Traffic Forecast Model Results (18 December 2014)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
Details evidence of use of extensive underlying
assumptions for passenger volume forecasts/
The analysis may be an important input to these aspects
of economic case, but are not developed in to the options
analysis required for this section.
Noted that this analysis and its underlying assumptions
are owned by the supplier rather than government side.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 120
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
9 Traffic Forecasting Assumptions Book Working Copy (16 February 2015)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Details evidence of use of extensive underlying
assumptions for passenger volume forecasts /
Whilst offering supporting evidence, the data contents do
not align with any of the evidence requirements listed in
this criteria.
Noted that these assumptions are owned by the supplier
rather than government side.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 121
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
10 Draft Traffic Review and Forecast (18 December 2014)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Document details key drivers of Bermuda’s position in
the overall aviation market, and international business
activities and tourism industry factors. A number of
these and factors to be considered in developing
greater airlift could be easily re-interpreted as CSFs for
airport development options.
Document does not explicitly outline CSFs to enable
options assessment.
Noted that the document was prepared by the supplier’s
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Document provides a very detailed assessment of key
features that would be used in an options assessment,
including understanding in detail the market enablers
and how change might impact traffic. It provides a
case for a ‘do something’ option in respect of
increasing air traffic and reversing the trend of
declining traffic in Bermuda.
However, the document does not explicitly provide an
options analysis or compare and contrast different options
to arrive at the most economically advantageous option to
reverse this trend.
This is to be expected as the document was prepared by
the supplier, so would only take in to account the range of
options being considered by the supplier.
The range of options considered in the Economic Case by
the Government should be much broader than those
which could be offered by one particular supplier (e.g., Do
minimum, Do nothing.)
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 122
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
14 Airport Development P3 Models Report (1 February 2014)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Document details potential revenue streams and
scope options in the form of commercial airspace
management and renewable energy development.
This could be considered a long-listed set of
procurement options/PPP options, which could form
part of a larger options analysis.
Document does not define clear options for the economic
assessment of the solution for the Strategic Case.
Focuses solely on options in respect of the Commercial
Case (e.g. appropriate PPP model).
Other options scale and scope of the development, non
PPP options, Do Nothing/Do Minimum, are not part of this
The analysis is not developed through to the selection of
an economically preferred option.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
15 Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Document details key drivers of Bermuda’s position in
the overall aviation market, and international business
activities and tourism industry factors. A number of
these and factors to be considered in developing
greater airlift could be easily re-interpreted as CSFs for
airport development options.
Document does not explicitly outline CSFs to enable
options assessment.
Document is produced by the proposed supplier rather
than by the government. It cannot, by its nature, include
CSFs against which a broad range of options could be
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 123
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Document outlines significant assessment and
appraisal of the proposed project concept for the
terminal area, including (but not limited to):
Aviation market, traffic and airline analysis
Analysis of tourism and international business
development initiatives to reverse decline
Development of concept options for terminal area
Development of high-level CAPEX scenarios
High-level operating model, structures and
allocation of scope
Exploration of commercial and organisational
Some options for configuration of the terminal are
considered, for example a Pier Terminal vs. Linear
Document includes a section with considerations on
achieving VFM. This concludes that traditional
procurement routes are not likely to be viable, and
suggests that the “unique combination of project
guarantees, expert aviation knowledge and
construction expertise to de-risk the deal whilst making
it bankable”.
Document does not clearly define options for assessment
using economic appraisal, risk assessment and analysis
of non-monetary benefits. The choice between Pier
Terminal and Linear Terminal, for example, is made
based on high-level qualitative discussion outside a
typical VFM options assessment structure.
Whilst there is a financial assessment represented, this is
a summary of a CAPEX affordability analysis and does
not apply discounted cash flow or Net Present Value
(NPV) approaches to appraise the costs, benefits, and
risks of different options side-by-side in an economic
Whilst the document details that the prospective supplier
are aware of the need to demonstrate VFM through the
procurement process proposed, the means for assessing
this are outlined in theoretical ways and practice
assessment of VFM is not clearly established.
Key platforms of economic value that are discussed in
the document (such as use of local sourcing) are
outlined in an ‘in principle’ rather than in specific ways.
It is noted that the “technical and design aspects of the
airport redevelopment project are still at a very
preliminary stage”, suggesting this is not ready for
contract execution until these are developed and
Taken together these points suggest that the case is more
akin to an OBC, which would be expected to establish the
preferred option and put in place the arrangements for
procurement of the scheme, than the FBC. However,
elements of the OBC case expectations for defining the
options for assessment and selecting the preferred option
and requirements for procurement are not evidenced. This
is expected to some extent, given that this is an outline of
a supplier proposal rather than a government investment
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 124
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted across this assessment that there is not
a clearly defined methodology for treatment of the
unsolicited proposal and how to assess the VFM and
strength of the Economic Case associated with it.
16 Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport - ANNEXES (25 March 2015)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Document provides supporting detail for the proposed
airport design.
Document does not explicitly perform an assessment on
variant options.
Because this is a proposal from one supplier, it does not
include a wide range of options outside this supplier.
Costs, benefits, risks, are not quantified and compared for
different options, side-by-side.
Do nothing/Do minimum, PSC, are not considered.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 125
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
17 The Economic Impact of Constructing a New Terminal Complex at L F Wade International Airport (June 2014)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Document assesses total economic impact of
proposed project, considering direct and indirect
economic impacts.
Document references optimism bias as a factor in
economic appraisals.
Assessment is based on CAPEX estimates from the 2008
Master Plan, and therefore does not provide a direct
Economic Case assessment for the current proposals.
Assessment does not produce economic assessment of
different options.
Assessment is focused on construction period only.
Assessment does not consider economic appraisal of
options from a VFM perspective, i.e. including the time
value of money (NPV analysis).
Document does not address optimism bias as an integral
part of economic assessment, but adjusts for this as a
sensitivity analysis on CAPEX.
Focuses on benefits (positive impacts), and does not
quantify costs and risks.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 126
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
18 Addendum: Economic Impact of Constructing a New Terminal Complex at L F Wade International Airport (July 2014)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Addendum estimates the total economic impact of
construction at a range of building costs / CAPEX
values (ranging from $175m-$300m).
Whilst these CAPEX figure bands are closer to current
proposals, the assessment includes the same gaps as
identified in the above document, i.e.:
Assessment does not produce economic assessment
of different options, and is focused on construction
period only.
Assessment does not consider economic appraisal of
option from a VFM perspective, i.e. including the time
value of money (NPV analysis) or assessment of risks
or non-monetary benefits.
Document does not address optimism bias as an
integral part of economic assessment, but adjusts for
this as a sensitivity analysis on CAPEX.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
20 - BDA Airport Fees and Charges Benchmarking
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 127
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It is noted that whilst this document provides
benchmarking analysis of regional peer airport fees and
charges, it is not clear how it has been used to support an
economic assessment of any given option.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
21 - Capex Affordability Analysis (7 August 2013)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Document includes a SWOT analysis for the airport in
Whilst there is a SWOT analysis this is not used to drive
assessment of different defined options.
Whilst there is a sensitivity analysis of different traffic
scenarios, airport departure taxes and financing options,
the financial model assessment is focused on affordability
as compared to economic appraisal. Considerations on
this and in respect of PPP structuring options are
therefore considered in the Commercial Case and
Financial Case analyses.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 128
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
22 - Terminal Feasibility Study (8 May 2008)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
This study demonstrates that various options have
been considered for the Bermuda Airport over a
number of years, prior to the current (2015) concept
being considered. However it appears that options
have been assessed and dismissed in succession,
rather than compared side-by-side, resulting in the
selection of a preferred option.
Incorporates high-level designs for a range of design
concepts, including Pier Concept, Triangle Concept,
and Bar Concept.
Includes details of a high-level evaluation of these
design concepts using a qualitative ‘Evaluation Matrix’,
concluding on the Pier Concept.
Includes a summary financial analysis with estimated
cash flow and costs. This includes operating revenue
and operating costs for the existing terminal, as
compared to the CAPEX, operating revenue and
operating costs for the new terminal.
Whilst it is clear some different design concepts have
been considered, these are not assessed by an Economic
Case methodology against the strategic objectives. These
concepts also do not appear to map to the current
proposal, which concludes on a different preferred design.
Financial analysis is extremely high level and does not
provide any clear assumptions or method for comparison
between the Existing Terminal and New Terminal options
on an Economic Case basis (i.e. including NPV, risk
assessment and non-monetary benefits). Additionally, it
does not compare the Pier, Triangle and Bar concepts
against the ‘do nothing’ cash flows identified.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 129
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
23 - Initial Land Use Assessment Report
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Outlines potential viability of a range of non-airport
development proposals, including a 152 berth marina
and a fast ferry dock.
These proposals could be included if a long list of
options is developed for appraisal.
Whilst provides some potential sub-options for
redevelopment activity, the document was produced in
2008, and options have not clearly been assessed by
Economic Case or incorporated into subsequent project
development activity.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 130
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
25 - Independent Peer Review of Aviation Activity Forecasts (March 2015)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
This represents an initial peer review of Mott Macdonald
activity forecasts for the airport (with a subsequent review
expected based on detailed bottom-up forecasts), and
could in theory be used to support a sensitivity analysis;
however, the assessment is not conclusive and does not
provide a complete assessment for these purposes.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
26 - Bermuda International Airport Master Plan (December 2006)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
2006 document provides significant detail on airport
facility requirements, background information and key
constraints, that could be interpreted as CSFs.
CSFs are not explicitly identified and prioritised for options
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
Options for development are assessed with reference
to non-monetary benefits, such as support for national
goals, safety, flexibility, and also with financial
Approach taken was technically-led production of a
recommended new terminal concept, based on analysing
a set of terminal configurations to reach a
recommendation. Defined options were not economically
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 131
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Includes comparison between re-development of
existing terminal as compared to construction of a new
The option of developing the existing terminal could be
useful in developing a range of options such as a Do
Minimum option.
assessed in full and no NPV analysis or risk assessment
was included.
Not clear how these are carried forward as requirements
for the current private sector proposal.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
High-level assessment of ‘Design-Build’ commercial
option is included.
This is not defined as an option for assessment under an
Economic Case.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
29 - Bill Of Approximate Quantities
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Includes detailed CAPEX estimates from 2008
Assessment does not feature as part of current proposals
or option, and Economic Case assessment of any options
is not made.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 132
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
30 - New Airport Terminal
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Documents high level objectives for the new airport
terminal, including:
Minimise the impact on Government balance sheet
Reduce the risk of overruns and delays
Reduce procurement costs
Address job creation
Ensure VFM
Objectives are outlined at a high level.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Outlines the proposed mechanism for assessing VFM
through a ‘fairness assessment’.
Clear identification of some risks associated with
different commercial options.
As expected given the nature of the statement, further
detail on the assessment of the proposed option against
the defined criteria is considered elsewhere in the
evidence base.
Risks associated with different commercial options to be
assessed as part of Commercial Case; assessment of
project options is a separate Economic Case assessment
to determine the solution with the best overall economic
value, outside commercial delivery models.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 133
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
34 - Discussion with Price Waterhouse re Airport Investment by telephone (16 November 2010)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
35 - Economic Impact Report (2003)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Whilst considering the economic impact associated with
tourism, the data contents do not align with any of the
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 134
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
evidence requirements listed in this criteria or in relation to
this project or its options.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
38 - Terminal Complex Feasibility Study (9 September 2008)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Assesses key challenges, such as storm protection,
which could be interpreted as CSFs.
CSFs are not explicitly identified and prioritised for options
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Whilst outlining a potential solution for airport
development the Economic Case associated with this is
not detailed.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 135
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
41 - Financial Model (July 2013)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Model enables calculation of NPV based on traffic
scenarios, departure tax scenarios, and additional
revenue streams associated with the ‘Bermuda
Commercial Airspace initiative’, concession length,
and CAPEX values.
Whilst demonstrating consideration of NPV assessment it
is not clear from this and other documents which options
have been assessed for NPV, how these factor in wider
economic impacts, risk assessment, or non-monetary
benefits to assess across different options.
A separate consideration for the Financial Case will be the
extent to which this assesses the financial implications of
different concession assumptions or provisions for
revenue share.
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 136
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
42 - PPP Opportunity Scan
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Incorporates key ‘Project Objectives’ which could be
interpreted as CSFs.
CSFs are not explicitly identified and prioritised for options
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Considers at a high-level the impact of project scope
on the project.
Defined options not identified for Economic Case
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
44 - Terminal Feasibility Study - Progress Review (8 May 2008)
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
Prioritised CSFs (high, medium or low)
Relevant performance measures
Substantively covers same material as #22.
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
10 to 12 main options full description
Use of the options framework
- for business scope
- for potential solutions
- for service delivery
Substantively covers same material as #22.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 137
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
- for implementation
- for funding
SWOT analysis of options against:
- spending objectives
- critical success factors
- benefits criteria
- evidence of likely support from key stakeholders
Preparation and assessment of economic appraisals
- do nothing/do minimum
- revised PSC
- best and final offers and/or
- preferred bidder (if selected)
Use of appropriate tools:
- sensitivity analysis
- risk (£) quantification
- evaluation of qualitative benefits (rank, weight and
Treatment of costs and benefits in accordance with
Treasury ‘Green Book’ rules
All assumptions recorded
Achievable benefits streams
Stakeholders and customers support
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
Realistic solution capable of implementation
Risks identified, apportioned and measured for all
project stages:
- design
- build
- finance
- operate
PFI (PPP) costs, where available
Substantively covers same material as #22.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
Assessment of earlier assumptions
Use of evaluation criteria:
- long list of suppliers
- short list of suppliers
Description of each bid received at BAFO
Substantively covers same material as #22.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 138
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Method of treatment for varying bids
Basis for selection of preferred bidder (if applicable)
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 139
Economic Case Summary
Based on the analysis above we can conclude the following on how the reports, documents and evidence points provided, when taken as a whole, align to
the FBC assessment criteria:
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have the Critical Success
Factors (“CSFs”) for options
appraisal been identified?
A number of documents detail the key drivers of
Bermuda’s position in the overall aviation market, and the
importance of the airport for international business
activities and the tourism industry.
Other key factors in improving airlift and the requirements
for improving the airport, are identified throughout. These
include, for example, key project objectives such as
addressing key challenges like storm protection.
Additionally, the Ministerial Statement (#46) provides a
clear summary of some further project objectives.
Taken together, there are a number of different sources
which could readily be interpreted as CSFs.
However, although a number of factors exist which
could be interpreted as CSFs, the documentation as a
whole does not explicitly outline CSFs or prioritise
these for the purposes of options assessment.
This is to be expected given that the documentation
has not been prepared according to Green Book
Has a sufficiently wide
range of long-list options
been identified and
assessed, and the short-
listed options subjected to
robust analysis? Was the
most economically
advantageous offer
Throughout the documentation ‘options’ are defined in a
number of different ways. These include:
Options for technical solution for airport re-
development, including contrasting refurbishment of
existing terminal with new build, and a range of ‘project
concepts’ identified at different stages in the
development process.
Commercial options for delivering the project, which
will be considered under the Commercial Case
section. The objective of the Economic Case is to
identify the best VFM for Government, and that
preferred solution is then assessed for delivery model
and procurement strategy considerations in the
Commercial Case.
Options associated with wider re-development
opportunities, such as solar photovoltaic (“PV”) and
landside development.
A large number of the available documents touch on
elements of the Economic Case, including:
Taken as a whole, there is no clear or structured
assessment of all options performed in order to
appraise the Economic Case of short-listed options and
arrive at a preferred solution. Whilst it is clear that a
wide variety of solutions have been identified, there
may be a case for confirming the scope of the preferred
solution and the impact of that scope on future cases,
such as the Financial Case and affordability
Whilst a large number of the documents touch on
elements of the Economic Case, these typically assess
different elements of different option sets, and it is
therefore not clear that a preferred solution has been
identified through a clear assessment of net present
value (“NPV”), risks, and non-monetary benefits. Key
considerations include:
In a number of instances, options are proposed by
the current proposed supplier rather than the
Government. This means there is no clear appraisal
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 140
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Potential revenue streams and scope options (e.g.
commercial airspace management and renewable
energy development).
Assessment of benefits associated with a ‘do
something’ option, including benefits associated with
reversing the trend of declining traffic in Bermuda, and
non-monetary benefits such as support for national
goals, safety and flexibility.
Assessment of the economic impact of the proposed
project by direct and indirect economic impacts during
Identification of some risks associated with different
commercial options.
Assessment of NPV for the project based on a private
sector WACC.
There is a large volume of evidence for assumptions
used at different points in the development of the project.
of options from a Government perspective with
which to engage the market.
This means it is not clear that Government has
determined the optimal scope from the potential
options prior to going to market.
Frequently this means that the project is assessed
from a project/SPV rather than holistic Government
perspective. For example, whilst the affordability
analysis performed by Leigh Fisher includes an NPV
calculation, this looks to focus on project cash flows
only and uses a developer weighted average cost of
capital (“WACC”) rather than Government discount
rate. The Green Book guidance uses HM Treasury’s
Social Time Preference rate of 3.5% p.a. in real
terms to discount economic cash flows for the NPV.
The economic assessment performed by the
Bermuda College does not consider NPV.
The economic assessment performed by the
Bermuda College only considers the construction
Whilst there is reference to optimism bias, this is not
incorporated into any investment appraisal.
Additionally, concepts of VFM are often assessed at
theoretical levels and not always in respect of the
Economic Case or defined options. In particular, the
CCC Project Concept document concludes on the VFM
case with limited reference to the preferred solution as
compared to alternative options, and in respect of the
Commercial Case (i.e. the preferred delivery model)
rather than Economic Case (the preferred option).
Some analysis of socio-economic benefits e.g. job
creation, impact on tourism industry, has been
performed in different documents. These are key
factors in the rationale for the project and may need to
be validated in the Economic Case.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 141
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the PSC been
constructed and assessed in
accordance with HM
Treasury guidance?
High-level assessment of different commercial options
are considered, including some consideration to typical
A PSC is not clearly identified as a delivery option for
Economic Case appraisal.
This is expected given that the documentation has not
been prepared according to Green Book guidance, and
the private finance solution has been a key project
driver from the outset.
Was a wide range of bids
received from service
providers in response to the
procurement notice?
Not Applicable: A competed procurement process was
not conducted, so no procurement notice was issued.
It should be noted that there is not a clearly-defined
evaluation criteria or methodology for the bid to assess
the VFM of the unsolicited proposal against
Government expectations. This is considered in more
detail in the Commercial Case.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 142
Commercial Case
The Commercial Case is designed to evidence “that the proposed deal is attractive to the market place, can be procured and is commercially viable”.
Through our mapping activity we identified 16 reports and documentation as containing information relevant to the Commercial Case, which will be assessed
in this analysis.
Detailed Data Assessment
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
10 - Draft - Traffic review and forecast (18 December 2014)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that, in line with other documents
provided by the proposed supplier, whilst this does not
provide evidence for government consideration of the
optimal procurement strategy, it does include some
considerations on parameters of a potential deal, such
as potential agreements between the Bermuda
Tourism Authority, travel agents, airlines and the
airport operator.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 143
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
Document does include considerations of an ‘airlift
development plan’, incorporating:
Airline engagement
Key stakeholders
Marketing and communications
Budget and incentives
Resource and skills
It should be noted that, in line with other documents
provided by the proposed supplier, this does not
provide evidence for government consideration of the
optimal delivery of commercial value from the
prospective contract. Notably, as identified in the ‘Main
Evidence Required’, this might require consideration of
appropriate incentivising mechanisms, and of obtaining
value through benchmarking and/or market testing.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
Document details some parameters of a potential deal to
include use of Bermuda Tourism Authority budgets with
Bermuda airport marketing budgets.
Document not a direct assessment of bankability.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
Document does include considerations of an ‘airlift
development plan’.
However, document does not provide details of an
agreed deal.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria. It should be noted that
negotiations have not commenced, supporting the overall
conclusion that the project status is more comparable to
OBC than FBC, albeit that the decision to proceed would
leave the government liable for bearing supplier costs
through negotiations.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria. It should
be noted that negotiations have not commenced,
supporting the overall conclusion that the project status
is more comparable to OBC than FBC, albeit that the
decision to proceed would leave the government liable
for bearing supplier costs through negotiations.
14 - Airport Development P3 Models Report (1 February 2014)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
Provides an assessment of potential airport development
models under PPP, including:
Management contracts
Lease-term concession
Developer financing and operation
It should be noted that there is limited evidence of how
the recommendations from this report, including the
pre-procurement activity and implementation of the
procurement strategy, were carried forward.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 144
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
and prepared in sufficient
Joint venture
Sale of asset
Outlines a procurement strategy, including:
Details key drivers of viability for potential deal,
including (for example) ensuring appropriate flexibility
in the agreement, and being clear on the scope of PPP
Recommends a pre-procurement pan prior to market
engagement, including “financial, legal, market
valuation and project delivery consultation” prior to
initial engagement with industry.
Outlines a procurement plan for competed RFI/RFQ
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Documents provides consideration on risk transfer
associated with different commercial structures.
It should be noted that there is limited evidence of how
the recommendations from this report were carried
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 145
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
15 - Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Concludes in favour of sole-source procurement over
competitive procurement recognising:
Lack of investor interest.
Costs of setting up and running a traditional
procurement process.
Document provides a description of how commercial
model assures VFM. This includes identifying World Bank
references to the benefits of unsolicited proposals, and
identifying benefits associated with ‘almost halving the
cost and time associated with a traditional procurement
Recommends evidence of market-based pricing to be
obtained through a third=party audit of key aspects of the
capital budget.
Recommends an open-book negotiation, with the
appointment of independent Government advisors to the
deal, to provide independent advice to Government.
Limited supporting evidence in the form of market
soundings to evidence lack of market viability of airport
Evidence for sole-source procurement provided at
theoretical level and not assessed quantitatively in the
context of this procurement.
It should be noted that, in line with other documents
provided by the proposed supplier, this does not
provide evidence for Government consideration of the
optimal procurement strategy. It should be noted that
CCC stress “it is important to emphasise CCC’s
entirely commercial role”.
Limited evidence of consideration of specific
mechanisms to benchmark or assure VFM through the
unsolicited proposal process. Such considerations are
included at a theoretical level, such as acknowledging
a need to demonstrate the process within this
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 146
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
proposal retains the core principle of being
demonstrably value for money”.
Third-party audit remains to be completed, and would
only cover the capital budget under this proposal.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Document notes that the project viability would need to be
demonstrated to CCC’s internal Risk and Opportunities
It should be noted that internal approval processes for
CCC are likely to consider CCC’s commercial position,
rather than Bermudian Government VFM.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
Concludes that Bermuda can access “the benefits of a
competitive, public procurement process without
triggering its drawbacks”.
Document refers to openness to use of local sourcing,
and important consideration for Government.
While the benefits of avoiding the drawbacks of public
procurement are outlined (faster and less expensive),
there is limited evidence to demonstrate how a “risk-
sharing, ‘Government-to-Government’ approach”
achieves “the benefits of a competitive, public
procurement process.”
Scope of services proposed by potential supplier rather
than Government. This includes all design details
(landside development and infrastructure etc.).
Proposal at this stage is not clear on extent of local
sourcing or how this might be contractualised.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
Considers Government retained risks and requirements,
including (for example) delivering Governmental permits
and approvals, and monitoring contract performance.
Recognising that this is a document produced by the
proposed supplier, there is limited detail on
Government ability to deliver its dependencies and
requirements for the concession term.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
Document considers a range of comparators for the
concession model of delivery, and evidences a ‘robust
market for airport debt’.
Recognising the bankability of the project may raise
questions on the relative merits of a sole-source vs. a
competed procurement strategy.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
Document considers the competitive tendering of 80% of
construction works, which “will provide commercial
tension throughout the supply chain during construction”.
It should be noted, of course, that the procurement has
not been undertaken. It is understood from the
evidence available that AECON have been selected
through a non-competed process. It is not unusual for
a prime contractor to compete sub-contracts, but is not
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 147
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
synonymous with offering the Government value
through the procurement process. A prime contractor
would expect to take risk/reward associated with its
sub-contracting arrangements. Government would be
interested in obtaining value in competitive tension
amongst potential prime contractors, unless there are
specified gain-sharing mechanisms between the prime
contractor and Government in respect of sub-contract
arrangements. These are not referenced.
Limited evidence of scrutiny to date on proposals by
independent advisors in advance of go/no go decision.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
Evidence of strong expertise and track record on
comparable projects, from CCC and sub-contractors.
Specifics of structuring and scope are not fully defined
in this document.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
16 Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport - ANNEXES (25 March 2015)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 148
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
This data source includes relevant details from MOU and
LOA, and these will be assessed individually under the
relevant document below.
This data source includes relevant details from MOU
and LOA, and these will be assessed individually
under the relevant document below.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 149
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
21 - Capex Affordability Analysis (7 August 2013)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Documents provides assumption for most likely PPP deal,
30 year concession
Mandatory CAPEX requirement
No upfront payment from Concessionaire
Summarises appetite for private sector involvement in
Summarises key considerations and value drivers for
concession structure and parameters.
Assessment is not specific to proposed terms for
current concession.
Assessment does not incorporate market soundings
for this specific opportunity.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Not clear what concession assumptions or provisions
for revenue share etc. have been incorporated in
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
Provides considerations and lessons learned from
privatising airports in the Americas.
High-level considerations only and it is not clear that
these have been used to inform any current proposed
concession structure.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 150
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
24 - Project Structure
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
Scope of services and commercial relationships outlined
in structure diagram.
Diagram provided by AECON.
It should be noted that, in line with other documents
provided by the proposed supplier, this does not
provide evidence for Government consideration of the
optimal structure and scope of services.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 151
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
26 - Bermuda International Airport Master Plan (December 2006)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 152
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
and prepared in sufficient
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Outlines a range of potential commercial structures for
project including:
Design, Bid, Build, Operate
Agency Construction Manager
Construction Manager at Risk
Concludes with recommendation for further consideration
of market and approach.
Generic considerations are provided only.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
Outlines some considerations on scope under different
commercial structures.
Generic considerations are provided only.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 153
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
27 - Privatization Models White Paper (December 2008)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Concludes that Government may consider assessing the
level of interest by soliciting a Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) from prospective developers.
Limited firm consideration of procurement strategy.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Outlines a range of potential commercial structures for
project including:
Private Developer Designs-Builds-Finances Facility
Private Developer Builds-Finances Facility
Private Developer Designs-Builds-Operates Facility
Generic considerations are provided only.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 154
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
30 - New Airport Terminal
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Statement proposes sole-source procurement strategy to:
“Reduce and/or eliminate the real risk of overruns and
Reduce heavy procurement costs
Address the urgency of job creation by cutting the time
of procurement
Ensure Government gets Value for Money”.
As expected in a high-level statement, limited detail on
how fairness assessment would ensure value for
money, or how commitments such as local
employment would be contractualised through
procurement plan.
Again, as expected in a high-level statement, limited
analysis of relative benefits of sole-source
procurement strategy in the circumstances of this
procurement. There are clearly-identified benefits of a
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 155
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Statement proposes that the CCC sole-source proposal
will achieve this through:
“CCC guarantees the construction project is delivered
on budget and on time
Heavy procurement costs, especially consultants’ fees
that became such a significant cost element in the new
hospital wing project, are mitigated
The overall procurement time is greatly reduced by
about half fulfilling the urgency requirement for the
creation of jobs. Subcontracting to local contractors will
engage local labour
A fairness assessment will be provided by an
independent international firm to ensure value for
sole-source procurement strategy through the current
unsolicited proposal. However, it should be noted that
this is likely to give rise to additional required
considerations on extracting best value from the
procurement process and strategy itself. It should also
be noted that previous procurement failures in
themselves may not be evidence of the failure of a
competed process to secure value through competitive
tension, as such failures could have been due to
ineffective allocation of construction risk, for example.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 156
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
34 - Discussion with Price Waterhouse re Airport Investment by telephone (16 November 2010)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Evidence of early stage (2010) consideration to PPP
models, including potential need to bundle Bermuda
airport with another Caribbean jurisdiction to make this
more attractive, given that the market is very challenging
(or was at the time- 2010).
A procurement strategy was clearly in development in
2010. However, it was not followed, and was
superseded by the preferred sole-source approach.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 157
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
42 - PPP Opportunity Scan
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
“PPP Opportunity Scan” concludes that “The size and
nature of the Airport suggest that, given an appropriate
procurement process and risk assignment meaningful
competition could be generated for the Airport project”.
Whilst these are relatively early-stage considerations in
the project development process, it should be noted
that it is not clear how these considerations were
factored in to decisions on current procurement
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 158
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
and prepared in sufficient
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 159
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
43 - Letter of Agreement (June 2014)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Outlines exclusive negotiation process for the structuring,
development and implementation of the project. This
includes Go/No-Go decision point for the project for
completion of Airport Development Agreement. Prior to
this decision point in order to use the CCC Work Product
both parties may need to agree reasonable commercial
terms and conditions. CCC would have a right of first offer
for three years. Subsequent to the Development
Agreement, CCC would be reimbursed for all costs plus a
20% mark-up on termination.
Outlines preferred long term concession model.
Outlines CCC role to source Canadian development and
construction expertise, through a non-competitive
It is not clear how the preferred procurement strategy
in the LOA was arrived at, recognising previous
evidence to suggest a competed process was viable.
It should be noted that it is not a clearly defined part of
a procurement strategy or an output of market
sounding activity that Government would bear bidder-
side costs.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Document is clear that Bermuda retains responsibility for
satisfying itself that agreements contain fair and
reasonable terms and meet value for money
It should be noted that this is clear that Bermudian
Government should not rely on CCC proposals to
assess VFM.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
LOA describes an agreement to reach an agreement.
LOA does not provide detail on the precise nature of
the agreement and scope of services that is being
pursued within the potential deal.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 160
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
46 - Ministerial Statement (21 November 2014)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Statement outlined benefits of proposed procurement
approach, and notes that prior to delivering procurement
strategy the Government will establish the procurement
parameters with CCC based on best practices.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 161
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 162
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
47 - Memorandum of Understanding (10 November 2014)
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 163
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
51 - CCC Approach
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
and prepared in sufficient
Re-caps key drivers of procurement strategy and choice
to use CCC sole-source procurement route.
Does not include supporting analysis such as market
soundings, robust comparison of costs and benefits of
different procurement options.
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 164
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
52 - DELOITTE Bermuda Airport G2G Structure
Has the procurement
strategy for the successful
delivery of the required
services been considered
Outlines ‘Fairness Assessment’ process to obtain VFM.
“This involves the hiring of an independent, international
construction company to fully examine and assess the
details of the entire arrangement to determine whether or
not Government has obtained VFM.”
It should be noted that the VFM case associated with
the airport will not relate only to the
CAPEX/construction element of the project, but also to
the concession terms and structure.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 165
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
and prepared in sufficient
Detail of the how the fairness assessment will achieve
VFM is not provided. Eg, if it is determined that the
arrangement does not represent VFM, does the
supplier agree to the terms outlined in the fairness
Is there sufficient scope for
a potential deal, which will
meet organisational needs
whilst offering best VFM?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Has the potential deal been
considered in sufficient
detail? The how rather than
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will business and
service change be delivered
and implemented
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Is the potential deal likely to
be acceptable and bankable
within the private sector?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Was the procurement
undertaken in accordance
with best practice?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the required
deliverables and services?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 166
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have negotiations resulted
in a robust and legally
enforceable contract?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It should be noted that final negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 167
Commercial Case Summary
Based on the analysis above we can conclude the following on how the reports, documents and evidence points provided, when taken as a whole, align to
the FBC assessment criteria:
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Has the procurement
strategy for the
successful delivery of
the required services
been considered and
prepared in sufficient
Overall there is a significant body of evidence considering
the potential procurement strategy, approach, and
commercial structures.
This includes consideration of potential commercial airport
models under a public private partnership (PPP), including:
Management contracts
Lease-term concession
Developer financing and operation
Joint venture
Sale of asset
There is evidence provided to support the viability of a
PPP model for the airport.
There is also evidence of considering procurement
strategy, including considerations on:
Market engagement
Use of financial, legal, market valuation and project
delivery consultation
Use of RFI/RFQ process
Open book negotiation
‘Fairness Review’ to help deliver VFM
The benefits of the proposed procurement strategy are
identified including:
Reduce and/or eliminate the real risk of overruns and
Reduce heavy procurement costs
Address the urgency of job creation by cutting the time
of procurement
Ensure Government gets VFM
Consideration given to the need to establish procurement
parameters with CCC based on best practices.
Whilst there is significant evidence relating to
procurement strategy, it should be noted that:
The available evidence is typically quite generic and
frequently theoretical there is very little specific
assessment of procurement strategy in this context,
recognising the specifics of the Bermuda airport.
There is no evidence, for example, of incorporating
market soundings.
The available evidence is in large part from earlier
stages in project development. There is a potential
gap in the evidence to support the sole-source
procurement strategy opted for from June 2014, as
compared to previous evidence suggesting a
competed PPP procurement process could be viable
It is not clear that some of the recommendations of
reports from earlier stages in development were
carried forward into the procurement strategy now
The proposed deal itself is not very clearly defined,
particularly in respect of key drivers of value for the
Government on the concession agreement - this is
typically required to assess how successful a
procurement process has been prior to final signing of
Overall, there is limited evidence of Government driving
the procurement strategy agenda and how to obtain best
value from a sole-source arrangement, including:
Whilst there is significant consideration of delivering
VFM, there is not a clear negotiation strategy for how
Government will do this under sole-source proposal.
The ‘Fairness Review’ refers to an independent
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 168
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
construction company, but it is not clear how this will
be used in the negotiation of the concession under the
Letter of Agreement (“LOA”). Expertise in airport
concessions rather than construction may be needed
It should be noted that the conclusion in favour of a
sole-source procurement (notably citing lack of
investor interest) is made by CCC, and Government
may want to perform independent analysis on
procurement strategy to satisfy itself on the validity of
this analysis.
In particular, Government may want to consider how to
extract value from the procurement process open-
book negotiation, for example, may provide better-
value if open book accounting and gainshare
mechanisms are enforced in the concession
The LOA with CCC includes provisions for
Government re-imbursement of costs, a mark-up on
termination and a first right of refusal it is not clear
that this has been analysed as a preferred
procurement approach, including the implication on
market demand
Whilst sole-source procurements have some benefits,
they give rise to additional required considerations to
access benefits in the absence of competitive tension
Is there sufficient scope
for a potential deal,
which will meet
organisational needs
whilst offering best
A number of documents outline potential commercial
structures and associated risk transfer.
In terms of deal scope, CCC note that:
CCC have a requirement to demonstrate project viability
to their internal Risk and Opportunities Committee.
Government retains responsibility for satisfying itself that
agreements contain fair and reasonable terms and meet
VFM requirements.
Documents to define approach to risk transfer are
typically generic - Government have not produced a clear
service requirement for market, or defined scope (e.g. for
ancillary opportunities) for risk transfer.
It should be noted that CCC’s internal processes are
likely to consider CCC’s commercial position, not VFM
for Bermuda.
It is likely that Bermudian Government will not want to
rely on CCC’s proposals to assess VFM. There is limited
evidence of consideration of specific mechanisms to
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 169
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Government will need to satisfy itself of market-based
pricing through a third-party audit of key aspects of the
capital budget.
benchmark or assure VFM through assessing the
proposed deal.
Therefore, Bermudian Government may want to consider
testing VFM not only in respect of capital budget, but
also in terms of concession structure and provisions.
These might include concession length but also:
Pricing (revenue share, structure and incentivisation,
definition of revenue, annual escalation formula etc.)
Service levels (Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”),
enforcement, cost effectiveness, safety etc.)
Labour commitments within contractual documents
(levels of staff retention, training commitments, local
supplier obligations etc.)
Rights to renegotiate and review aspects of the
Regulation considerations
Has the potential deal
been considered in
sufficient detail? The
how rather than what.
Significant detail on potential parameters and intent of
proposed deal included within the project concept
There is no defined deal for consideration. The LOA
describes an agreement to reach an agreement.
To the extent intended scope of services are expressed,
these are proposed by the potential supplier rather than
as defined requirements and optimal structure and scope
for Government.
Limited detail on concession structure, including payment
mechanisms, applicable regulation etc.
How will business and
service change be
delivered and
successfully over the
lifespan of the contract
Potential supplier documents include considerations on
solutions to enable change.
Considers Government retained risks and requirements,
including (for example) delivering Governmental permits
and approvals, and monitoring contract performance
Limited evidence of Government consideration of how to
deliver value, including through benchmarking and/or
market testing.
Limited detail on Government ability to deliver its
dependencies and requirements for the concession term.
Is the potential deal
likely to be acceptable
and bankable within the
private sector?
Documentation considers potential funding market for
PPP, and concludes overall on a robust market for airport
It should be noted that the documents supporting the
bankability of the project raise considerations for the
procurement strategy on the relative merits of the sole-
source strategy.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 170
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Was the procurement
undertaken in
accordance with best
Documentation includes CCCs proposal to competitively
tender 80% of construction works, which “will provide
commercial tension throughout the supply chain during
CCC propose Government use of legal, financial and
technical advisors to maintain VFM considerations for
Government and help deliver project.
It should be noted that the procurement process has not
been undertaken for sub-contractors. It is understood
that AECON have been selected through a non-
competed process, although believed they have passed
through CCC’s due diligence process.
It should be noted that it is not unusual for a prime
contractor to compete sub-contracts, but that is not
synonymous with offering the Government value through
the procurement process. A prime contractor would
expect to take the risk/reward associated with its sub-
contracting arrangements. In order to obtain VFM,
Government would therefore be interesting in extracting
value in competitive tension between potential prime
contractors rather than between sub-contractors, unless
there are specified gain-sharing mechanisms between
the prime contractor and Government in respect of sub-
contract arrangements. These are not referenced in the
Whilst there is a clear aspiration to use independent
advisors to help Government obtain VFM, there is limited
evidence of may require a road map for how and when to
use them throughout the project development and
procurement process, rather than on an ad hoc basis.
Use of technical, financial structuring and wider financial,
legal, and programme management advisory support is
typically documented within the Commercial Case prior
to commencing the procurement process.
Can the selected service
provider deliver the
required deliverables
and services?
Evidence of CCC and sub-contractors strong expertise and
track record on comparable projects is available.
Documentation as a whole does not provide details of an
agreed deal against which CCC will deliver. Further
evidence might be explored in the future to test supplier
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 171
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have negotiations
resulted in a robust and
legally enforceable
It should be noted that negotiations have not
commenced, supporting the overall conclusion that the
project status is more comparable to OBC than FBC,
albeit that the decision to proceed would leave the
Government liable for bearing supplier costs through
negotiations, and a first right of refusal. The Government
may want to consider the nature of the LOA agreement
and the CCC deliverables this ties the Government to
(and associated cost).
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 172
Financial Case
The Financial Case is designed to evidence that the project is affordable.
Through our mapping activity we identified 21 reports and documentation as containing information relevant to the Financial Case, which will be assessed in
this analysis.
Detailed Data Assessment
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
14 - Airport Development P3 Models Report (1 February 2014)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
The report gives a high level overview of the pros and cons
of various development options and proposes one PPP
model with a high level timeline from setting objectives
through to financial and commercial close.
Briefly summarises and puts in to context Leigh Fisher’s
August 2013 Capital Expenditure Affordability study, which
put the affordability price at $200m, in addition to a scenario
analysis. Highlights the importance of revenue streams to
support affordability and bankability.
Proposes that a Lease Concession and Developer Financing
PPP model is a possible option for the Bermuda Airport.
The document explores procurement options,
affordability, and proposes a way forward, but is
early-stage and states clearly that, “much
consultation will be required before identifying any
PPP model for the Airport project.”
15 - Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015)
Is the proposed spending
A preliminary phased construction cost budget is provided
based on the preferred terminal design.
Sets out the preferred design which is selected largely on the
basis of a streamlined and efficient design which is less
capital intensive and supports affordability.
The estimated capital cost of the preferred terminal design is
stated to be roughly 50% of the 2008 Master Plan design
The estimated capital cost of the airfield apron, taxi-lanes
and taxiways infrastructure is stated to be roughly 40% of the
2008 Master Plan design cost.
Affordability is assessed from the point of view of
CCC rather than the Government of Bermuda. Whilst
the CCC have provided a strong affordability analysis
on the proposal, it focuses on Capital Expenditure
Affordability, i.e., the project itself. The Government of
Bermuda may need to assess affordability from the
point of view of its own budget and balance sheet.
All of the Government’s costs for the new terminal
operation may need to be budgeted for, e.g.,
computers, equipment, fit-out for Customs and
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 173
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
The CCC team identified an affordability gap in the operating
phase based on air traffic forecasts, operating cash flows
and financing costs.
Based on CCC’s proposed design, Sources of Funds
estimated at $353m and Uses of Funds are estimated at
$388man affordability gap of $35m (a $186m reduction in
the gap over the 2008 Master Plan).
The remaining $35m affordability gap is unlikely to be
closed, based on the report, and will remain with the
Government of Bermuda. A Source of Funds is not identified.
Sensitivity analysis performed on key value drivers including
passenger traffic, an incremental Airport Improvement Fee,
Commercial Sales Revenue, and Salaries & Wage costs.
CCC plans to use a limited recourse project finance
structure, financing the project cost based upon forecast
revenue streams rather than upon Government debt or
balance sheet.
The proposed Source of Funds is provisionally identified as
16% equity from sponsors; a mix of debt from low- to near-
investment-grade private placement bond financing;
reserves, and export credit financing, likely from Canada’s
EDC totalling 47% debt; 25% Cashflow from Operations; 3%
Escrow from advanced Airport Improvement Fee; and a 9%
Funding Gap to be covered by the Government of Bermuda.
Immigration. These are Bermuda Government costs
and are not accounted for in CCC’s proposal.
Additionally, the scope of the affordability assessment
is based on CCC’s proposed project scope rather
than the total project scope (i.e. incorporating
Government retained costs and additional project
scope, such as Solar PV panels or fast ferry
The assumptions on costs, revenues, financing and
sensitivity analyses in the construction and operating
phases in CCC’s proposal may need to be challenged
by the Government of Bermuda’s own advisors. E.g.,
Will the entire Departure Tax be allocated to the
airport? Is a 1-month debt service payment reserve
sufficient? Is the Cost of Debt analysis accurate? Is
there appetite in the Private Placement market for this
investment? Is refinancing risk accounted for in the
financial model?
The financial model may need to be challenged if the
Government of Bermuda intends to rely upon it to
make an investment decision. It then may need to be
translated into the context of the Bermuda
Government’s budget and balance sheet.
A Source of Funds for the remaining Affordability Gap
(currently identified by CCC at $35m) may need to be
identified and budgeted for.
The feasibility of collecting $13m in Airport
Improvement Fees from passengers may need to be
The allocation of risk between the Government of
Bermuda and the CCC team may need to be
challenged by the Government of Bermuda’s
advisors. The appropriate sharing of demand risk (air
traffic volumes) between the two parties in particular
should be very closely examined.
The sharing of pre-close transaction costs should be
challenged and examined.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 174
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Responsibilities that remain with the Government of
Bermuda have associated costs and may need to be
budgeted for. E.g., maintaining offsite infrastructure
and airport access; delivering Governmental permits
and approvals; Guaranteeing stability in the legal
framework applicable to the project and project
investments; Coordinating Government agencies and
stakeholders and procuring required enabling
legislation; Oversight and monitoring of the
concession performance including construction,
operational standards, service standards,
environmental standards and; Civil Aviation and
related functions.
We expect the Affordability Analysis performed by the
CCC team will be refined as the design and related
costs are developed and finalised.
A balance sheet analysis for the Government of
Bermuda may be needed.
Accounting treatment for the Government of Bermuda
may be needed.
Stakeholders and customers should be consulted on
the Financial Case
16 - Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
A Credit Analysis and Cost of Debt Analysis, which feed in to
the affordability model in the main Project Concept
document, are outlined in the Annex.
The assumptions underlying the projected Cost of
Debt may need to be challenged by the Government
of Bermuda’s own advisors. Typically, these would be
considered in parallel to the project commercial
17 - The economic impact of constructing a new Terminal Complex at L F Wade International Airport (June 2014)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Document assesses total economic impact of proposed
project, considering direct and indirect economic impacts.
Assessment is based on out-dated CAPEX estimates
from the 2008 Master Plan, and therefore does not
provide a direct assessment of costs for current
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 175
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Does not consider funding options or financial
appraisals for the recommended deal.
20 - BDA Airport Fees and Charges Benchmarking
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Benchmarks charges and fees levied in Bermuda on airport
passengers, on airlines, and on fuel. Suggests that there is
room to increase passenger charges and fees, a small
increase in fuel fees, but no scope to increase charges to
airlines, when compared to Caribbean and US airports.
CCC’s affordability analysis is based upon generating
revenue from a new Airport Improvement Fee, an
increase in the Security Fee (both levied on
passengers), and inflationary increases to all
aeronautical fees.
The benchmarking analysis does not tie directly to the
assumptions made in CCC’s proposal, specifically
relating to which fees and charges have scope for
increase while remaining competitive compared to
Caribbean and North American airport charges and
The benchmarking analysis appears to demonstrate
that on average, ‘all-in’ passenger charges across
Caribbean airports is roughly $58. This differs from
the CCC affordability analysis, which states that a
competitive ‘all-in’ passenger charge in the Caribbean
is $90-95. This is the basis of CCC’s assumption that
an Airport Improvement Fee of $31 can be added,
which would contribute to the Source of Funds
(including $13m accumulated prior to close).
The above points demonstrate how the benchmarking
analysis, if valid, could be used to check and
challenge CCC’s financial assumptions, to ensure
they are robust and achievable.
The author of the benchmarking study (un-named)
states that the benchmarking needs to be validated.
21 - Capex Affordability Analysis (7 August 2013)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Leigh Fisher’s report estimates that, using baseline
assumptions, roughly $200 million capital cost over 4 years
would be affordable.
Leigh Fisher has assessed affordability from the point
of view of the airport project. The Government of
Bermuda may need to assess affordability from the
point of view of its own budget and balance sheet,
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 176
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
A key underlying assumption is that the Airport Departure
Tax revenue would need to be dedicated to the Airport and
would need to be $40 per enplaned passenger.
Base Case assumptions include: financing set at 65:35 D:E
ratio, 11.78% WACC, $40 departure tax, 30-year
concession, Traffic grows 1.6% annually through to 2045,
i.e., from 795k pax in 2012 to 1.4mn pax in 2045.
Based on a 30-year concession.
Identifies challenges and success factors of Airport PPPs,
and recommendations to avoid issues.
and take in to account its own costs outside the
project SPV. The proposed concession structure will
impact affordability and this 2013 study may need to
be updated to take in to account the proposed
concession structure.
The assumptions are similar to those in the 2015
CCC proposal but slightly different e.g., Departure
Tax estimated at $40. These may need to be updated
and tested.
Underlying assumptions may need to be challenged
and tested by the Government of Bermuda or its
advisors. E.g., is it realistic that air traffic growth will
continue at the same rate through 2045? Is the useful
life of the asset 25 years? Is a 50% reduction in
energy costs realistic?
Should more sensitivity analyses be performed, e.g.,
a reduction or stagnation in passenger traffic growth?
(only positive growth scenarios are shown);
sensitivities on the WACC and hurdle rate.
As Leigh Fisher’s model is critical to the affordability
assessment, it should be quality reviewed and tested
by the GOB or another third party.
22 - Terminal Feasibility Study (8 May 2008)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Presents several terminal concepts written in 2008.
Provides an overview of the terminal concept options,
selects a preferred option based primarily on technical and
aesthetic criteria, with Landside and Terminal construction
costs included (2 of 42 concept evaluation criteria).
Presents summary estimated cashflows including operating
revenue, operating costs and construction costs. Affordability
is not estimated.
The concepts in this presentation are no longer
considered options. CCC’s current proposal is based
upon a concept with a much lower capital cost
(roughly half), which should be more affordable than
the 2008 concept.
The 2008 concept is therefore no longer relevant in
terms of affordability, except as a proposal against
which the affordability of CCC’s current concept can
be compared.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 177
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
23 - Initial Land Use Assessment Report
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Considers the potential for land side commercial real estate
development, and was an input to a 2008 feasibility study by
HNTB on the Bermuda airport terminal redevelopment.
Provides recommendations on what land uses, square footage
and lease/sale rates would be appropriate based on market
Does not provide comprehensive evidence to satisfy
criteria and is no longer relevant
Focuses on land side which is out of scope for the
Does not consider affordability.
25 - Independent Peer Review of Aviation Activity Forecasts (March 2015)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Prepared for the Bermuda Department of Airport Operations.
Assesses and challenges the assumptions and methodology
of Mott MacDonald’s Bermuda air traffic forecasts, which
were prepared for CCC. Suggests recommended changes,
additions and explanations required from Mott MacDonald in
order for the Bermuda Airport to rely upon the figures for
their planning.
Air traffic forecasts are a critical input to a financial
affordability model, for both revenue and design specs (size)
of the planned terminal building.
No gaps this achieves what it sets out to achieve,
although further review is required as the forecasts
are updated.
26 - Bermuda International Airport Master Plan (December 2006)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
The plan presents a chapter of financial implications
including capital and operating costs, passenger forecasts,
revenue enhancement opportunities, a benefit-cost-analysis,
and a discussion of procurement structures.
Mentions that “private funding of the entire terminal complex
appears unlikely, as the expense of the project cannot be
entirely covered by projected revenues,” and asserts that the
key benefits are off-airport developments including lodging,
dining, and shopping. The report indicates that the 2006
master plan for the terminal building was not affordable.
The concepts in this report are no longer considered
options. (By comparison, CCC’s current proposed
design is roughly half the cost and intends to close
the affordability gap.)
The 2006 Master Plan is therefore no longer relevant
in terms of affordability, except as a proposal against
which the affordability of CCC’s current concept can
be compared.
29 - Bill Of Approximate Quantities
2008 construction cost estimates for the HNTB Bermuda
airport master plan provided by a quantity surveyor.
No longer relevant to the current proposed airport
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 178
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
30 - New Airport Terminal
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Outlines the GOB’s reasoning for selecting CCC as the
procurement solution for the Bermuda Airport Development.
Discusses affordability at a conceptual level including:
limitations on the Government’s ability/willingness to raise
debt for the project; developer financing minimises impact on
the Government’s balance sheet; reduces risk of overruns,
delays and heavy procurement and consultant costs;
ensures the Government gets value for money.
A fairness assessment is mentioned, to ensure value for
The statement is conceptual and focuses on the
benefits of the CCC procurement solution. A more
robust and evidence based review of affordability,
balance sheet impact, GOB budgetary impact,
quantifying both potential positive and negative
impacts on affordability resulting from the sole-source
procurement proposal.
The specifics of the savings and efficiencies may
need to be analysed and supported by evidence.
The scope and nature of the fairness assessment
may need to be set out to ensure it can indeed help
achieve value for money. Will it also help ensure
34 - Discussion with Price Waterhouse re Airport Investment by telephone (16 November 2010)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
2010 discussion of PPP and other financing and delivery
opportunities for the Bermuda Airport development based on
the 2008 HNTB master plan.
PwC indicated that PPP financing would be challenging
based on market conditions at that time.
Suggested a financial review, among other things.
Very top level indication of financing and affordability
challenges under the market conditions at that time
(November 2010).
This conversation does not meet any requirements
for the Financial Case but does indicate the Airport
team were considering the Financial Case at that
37 - DAO Electricity Consumption
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Excel tables showing actual electricity consumption by the
Bermuda Airport.
This may be an input to the financial analysis. No
further information is provided.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 179
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
38 - Terminal Complex Feasibility Study (9 September 2008)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Outlines high level construction costs and cash flow over the
life of the project, based on HNTB’s 2008 Bermuda Airport
master plan.
No longer relevant to the current Bermuda Airport
proposal, except as a comparison.
41 - Financial Model (July 2013)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Excel model underlying the Leigh Fisher 8 August 3013
Capex Affordability study.
The model and study may need to be updated, and
expanded to study affordability for the Bermuda
Government, taking in to account the concession
structure and including all of the Government’s costs
and responsibilities related to the airport, aviation,
and supporting services and infrastructure.
42 - PPP Opportunity Scan
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
KPMG reviewed at a high level the opportunity for a PPP to
construct HNTB’s 2006 airport masterplan concept and
HNTB’s $544m total capex estimate ($398m for the terminal
complex itself).
KPMG indicates that Financial Considerations (affordability)
are “Acceptable”, and that a large component of costs could
be covered by its revenue by increasing the current levy per
passenger by 2,628% in the base case.
KPMG note that the project could be viewed by the public as
“excessive” given the $544m cost.
Suggests that the 2006 Master Plan could be
affordable. This review was intended to be very high
level, and was based on a terminal concept which is
no longer being considered.
Some of the insights are nonetheless still applicable
and should be re-checked against the current
proposed project concept.
Underlying assumptions may need to be tested.
44 - Terminal Feasibility Study - Progress Review (8 May 2008)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Similar to earlier document, “BDA May8_final_edit”
Similar to earlier document, “BDA May8_final_edit”
46 - Ministerial Statement (21 November 2014)
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Statement considers that the proposed commercial structure
will mean “no new debt for Bermuda”.
Implication for Bermudian balance sheet treatment
might need more detailed assessment, including
implications (for example) on Government debt rating.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 180
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
51 - CCC Approach
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
Outlines the GOB’s reasoning for selecting CCC as the
procurement solution for the Bermuda Airport Development.
Discusses affordability at a conceptual level including:
limitations on the Government’s ability/willingness to raise
debt for the project; minimising impact on the Government’s
balance sheet; reduces risk of overruns, delays and heavy
procurement costs; ensures the Government gets value for
The document is conceptual and a more robust and
evidence based review of affordability, balance sheet
impact, GOB budgetary impact, quantifying potential
positive and negative impacts on affordability
resulting from the sole-source procurement proposal.
52 - DELOITTE Bermuda Airport G2G Structure
Is the proposed
spending affordable?
This document appears to have been developed for local
stakeholder consultation.
Budgetary and balance sheet impacts are mentioned, as
Revenues will support repayment of debt of the developer.
Details are yet to be determined.
Will the Departure Tax become earmarked for the airport?
Won’t this deplete the Consolidated Fund by removing one
of its revenue sources?
Very little, because the expenses from running the airport will
also be removed from central Government. Only the net of
the two will affect the Consolidated Fund.
High Level view of affordability.
Further evidence of stakeholder consultation and
agreement would be useful.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 181
Financial Case Summary
Based on the analysis above we can conclude the following on how the reports, documents and evidence points provided, when taken as a whole, align to
the FBC assessment criteria:
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Is the proposed spending
Preliminary construction cost budget is provided based on
preferred terminal design.
Preferred design has been selected based on design which
is less capital intensive and more affordable.
Preferred terminal design is about 50% of 08 Master Plan
design costs.
Airfield apron, taxi-lanes, and taxiways infrastructure listed
as 40% of 08 Master Plan design costs.
CCC developed affordability gap in operating phase based
on air traffic forecasts, operating cash flows and financing
CCC’s proposed design shows an affordability gap of $35m
(compared to $186m reduction from 08 MP).
Sensitivity analysis performed on key value drivers:
passenger traffic, incremental Airport Improvement Fee,
Commercial Sales Revenue, and Salaries & Wage costs.
CCC to use limited recourse project finance structure, based
upon forecast revenue streams.
Source of Funds proposed as 16% equity from sponsors;
mix of debt from low to near investment-grade private
placement bond financing; reserves, and export credit
financing, likely from Canada’s EDC totalling 47% debt; 25%
Cashflow from Ops; 3% Escrow from AIF; 9% funding gap
covered by BDA Government.
Benchmarking for airport charges and fees in Bermuda
(passengers, airlines, fuel) suggests there is room to
increase passenger and fuel fees.
$200 million capital cost over 4 years is affordable based on
Leigh Fisher’s estimates.
Airport Departure Tax revenue would need to be dedicated
to Airport and needs to be $40/passenger.
While there has been a great deal of work on the
affordability of the project, it has been developed by
CCC as opposed to the Government.
CCC’s affordability components fail to encapsulate all
costs to be borne by the Government during and after
the project.
Financial model requires a peer review.
The main element missing from the affordability of the
project is that the perspective it has been developed
under leaves several cost components of the
Government amiss. It is therefore not robust enough
to make an investment decision and requires further
Cost of Debt needs to be challenged by Government
through the use of its own advisors.
Balance sheet analysis for Government, including
impact on debt and credit ratings this could have an
impact on the project structure and preferred
financing solution.
Clearly set out the agreed accounting treatment of the
project for the Government.
Specifics of the savings and efficiencies need to be
analysed and supported by evidence.
Financial Model and study need to be updated, and
expanded to study the concession structure and all
Governments costs related to the airport.
Further evidence of stakeholder consultation and
agreement would be useful.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 182
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Base Case assumes financing is set at 65:35 (D:E ratio),
11.78% WACC, $40 departure tax, 30 year concession,
traffic grows 1.6% per annum until 2045.
Preferred terminal concept selected on technical and
aesthetic criteria (landslide and terminal construction costs
Estimated cashflows with operating revenue, costs, and
construction costs.
Land side commercial real estate study included in the 2008
HNTB feasibility study.
Peer review of air traffic forecasts including recommended
changes, additions, and explanations
Brief overview of the reasoning behind selecting CCC as the
procurement solution.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 183
Management Case
The Management Case is designed to evidence “that what is required from all parties is achievable”.
Through our mapping activity we identified 14 reports and documentation as containing information relevant to the Management Case, which will be assessed
in this analysis.
Detailed Data Assessment
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
10 - Draft - Traffic review and forecast (18 December 2014)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Provides some detail on how benefits will be delivered.
While not aligned with the actual proposed plan, the traffic
forecasts and aviation market details outline how a key
benefit is generated.
No benefits realisation plan, or risk management
Lacks detail for the lifespan of the proposed project.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 184
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
14 - Airport Development P3 Models Report (1 February 2014)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
Considers at a high-level how different PPP structures
impact management control and responsibilities.
These considerations are not in respect of the
preferred commercial option (concession agreement)
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The document considers benefit streams associated with
commercial airspace management and renewable energy.
Detail on delivery of these opportunities is not
Are contingency plans in
place should the
High level timeline is provided on planning for and
delivering the procurement process for a competed PPP
Detail underpinning this timeline has changed
significantly since the document was produced and
single-source procurement strategy determined.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 185
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
15 - Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
This document touches on staff transition to the new
concession arrangement in Section 7.2: Embracing and
Enhancing the Existing team. This section outlines
principles of the proposed approach to staff transition, a
proposed org chart of the management team, and
anticipated changes in headcount. No detailed change
plans are provided.
It is worth noting that the document is prepared by the
prospective supplier rather than Government. Full
detail is not yet available on key elements of the
supplier offer in respect of labour commitments (such
as staff retention and staff training commitments) and
use of local labour.
Recognising the sensitivity and local importance of
these plans, Government may want to retain control of
key elements of this part of the Management Case.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
The document indicates that Phase 1 of the current
planning process with CCC will include risk management.
No detail is provided.
Mention of providing external advisors to assist in the
contract although there is nothing reported in detail.
Broad description of the project structure. Includes a
diagram showing how CCC fits into the airport operation.
Currently a lack of detail on key elements of
implementation planning and approach.
No reference to programme management, change
management, reporting mechanisms.
Contingency plans have not been documented.
Service streams and outputs have yet to be agreed.
Evaluation, contract management, schedules, are
mentioned but not detailed in this document.
Use of advisors for CCC is mentioned but the
Bermuda Government’s use of advisors may need to
be documented separately by the Government.
Overall CCC’s “Project Concept” document is, by its
very nature, conceptual, and outlines principles of
programme management and delivery from CCC’s
point of view, but does not detail a delivery plan or
address delivery from the GOB’s point of view.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
Limited current detail on benefits and risk management for
concession period. Some high-level consideration of how
commercial structures support risk management and deliver
Robust risk and benefit management strategy and
monitoring and reporting have not yet been included in
the plan.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 186
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
Brief and high-level analysis behind contingency plans.
There are currently no contingency plans set in place if
the development fails.
16 - Project Concept for the Redevelopment of L.F. Wade International Airport (25 March 2015)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
Full outline of the contracting team, yet to be agreed by the
Bermuda Government.
No agreed programmes.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Project approach is conceptually outlined in Annexes 1-5:
CCC Team, CCC Bermuda MOU, Letter Agreement,
Design Brief, and Conceptual Drawings. These touch on
certain aspects of project management methodology,
reporting, risk management, contract management, but are
not fleshed out with detail yet at this stage.
Some inputs provided by CCC’s external advisers to-date
are included.
Brief overview of the contract management team (AECON).
Specific detail of how project management
methodology and advisers will be used in the delivery
of the project are not included at this stage.
Whilst many areas are touched upon conceptually, the
full delivery plan may need to be completed as the
concession plan matures.
The Government of Bermuda may need its own
implementation and delivery plans, distinct from
CCC’s. Areas such as contingency, contract
management, reporting, use of external advisors, and
evaluation may need to be driven by the Government
of Bermuda for their own benefit.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 187
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
21 - Capex Affordability Analysis (7 August 2013)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Provides lessons learned for privatisation of airports in Latin
America and Caribbean, and identification of risk issues in
respect of:
Aeronautical charging regime
Concession arrangements
Financial objectives of concessionaire
CAPEX investment
Does not provide any detail on robust management of
risks in practice.
Whilst this document provides lessons learned from
comparable developments, a full benefits delivery and
risk management plan is required.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 188
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
26 - Bermuda International Airport Master Plan (December 2006)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Benefits study has been included.
Benefits realisation plan is not included, and overall
Master Plan is from 2006 and does not form part of
current management proposals.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 189
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
29 - Bill Of Approximate Quantities
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Several advisors were used to generate the estimates for
this project.
As expected given the nature of the document, no
specific arrangements are in place for use of advisers.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 190
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
30 - New Airport Terminal
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Document details poor track record for delivering of public
capital projects in Bermuda, and proposed use of CCC to
guarantee the project is delivered on time and budget.
As expected in a document of this nature, detail on
how CCC will ensure delivery on time in terms of
practical management methodologies is not included.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 191
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
38 - Terminal Complex Feasibility Study (9 September 2008)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Document includes section on ‘Implementation’ covering:
Moving forward with enabling projects
Public outreach
Causeway coordination
Land development
Ongoing financial due diligence
Delivery is addressed at a very high level.
Whilst this provides evidence of past consideration of
implementation, this is based upon the 2008 plan and
does not form part of current proposals.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 192
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
43 - Letter of Agreement (June 2014)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
Preliminary intent letter shows the high level concession
structure under which implementation would be carried out,
including the use of ProjectCo as the prime contractor with
Specifics of agreed programmes have not been
Staff-side representation is not included.
Personnel implications are not included.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Document outlines use of specialist consultants, advisors
and subcontractors.
As expected for a project of this nature, very limited
detail provided on specifics of implementation.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
46 - Ministerial Statement (21 November 2014)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 193
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Document highlights CCC’s guarantee that the project will
be delivered on time. It also notes the use of an
independent construction firm to review the project model to
ensure VFM.
As expected for a document of this nature, there is
limited detail on specific provisions for project
management, or whether the scope of this review
would include project management methodology.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
It is worth noting that there is limited provision for
contingency plans should the procurement not be
47 - Memorandum of Understanding (10 November 2014)
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
Agreed programme to engage with CCC on any airport
related matters. Does not detail any specifics of the plan.
Business and cultural implications of service are not
fully taken into account.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 194
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
51 - CCC Approach
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
Change management strategy is addressed at a high-level.
Outlines the overall structure of the concession agreement.
There are no arrangements in place.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 195
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
delivery of the required
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria.
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria.
52 - DELOITTE Bermuda Airport G2G Structure
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
Document highlights CCC’s guarantee that the project will
be delivered on time.
It also notes the use of an independent construction firm to
review the project model to ensure VFM.
There is no detail on specific provisions for project
management, or whether the scope of this review
would include project management methodology.
Very high level outline provided on project timing.
Detail is high level and not a detailed plan.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 196
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
The data contents do not align with any of the evidence
requirements listed in this criteria
The data contents do not align with any of the
evidence requirements listed in this criteria
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 197
Management Case Summary
Based on the analysis above we can conclude the following on how the reports, documents and evidence points provided, when taken as a whole, align to
the FBC assessment criteria:
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
Have the business and
cultural implications of
the intended service
been fully understood
and taken into account?
Taken as a whole, there is relatively limited detail; CCC’s
documents do include consideration to personnel and
related considerations.
Recognising the stage of development of the
Management Case, there is currently no agreed
programme. This is expected given that there is not an
agreed scope of the project or contract against which to
construct a Management Case.
The Government may want to consider the need for
further detail in this area, and in particular the labour
commitments and personnel implications in the
contractual commitments made by any supplier.
Are all the arrangements
in place for the
implementation and
delivery of the required
From a Government perspective, detail is provided on the
benefits of using CCC to guarantee the project is delivered
on time and on budget..
Detail is provided on the use of external advisors to support
successful delivery on both Government and contractor
Overall, this part of the case is not well-developed.
There is limited detail on the practical arrangements to
ensure the successful implementation of the project.
Additionally, the detail that does exist is high level and
typically relates to CCC’s delivery of the project, rather
than considering the overall programme plan and
Government delivery responsibilities.
Whilst an independent construction company is
anticipated to review the VFM case of the project, it is
not clear whether this scope includes review of project
planning. More broadly, specific detail of how project
management methodologies and advisers will be used
in the delivery of the project are not included.
CCC’s contribution, role, and responsibilities outline
some aspects of risk management and change
management, but detail is limited.
There is very limited detail on reporting, contingency
planning and contract management. Some of this
responsibility falls to Government, and Government may
want to play a proactive role in defining this.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 198
Key Review Criteria
Evidence Covered
Gaps Identified
How will the benefits be
delivered and associated
business and service
risks managed
throughout the lifespan
of the service?
Detail is provided on high-level benefits, and CCC provide
high-level descriptions of effective risk management.
There is very limited practical detail on the management
of benefits realisation or risks. It is also worth noting that
the detail that does exist is typically not ‘owned’ by
Government, who are in the large part the owner of
benefits from the project.
Further work is required to develop a robust risk
management strategy and monitoring and reporting
Are contingency plans in
place should the
recommended deal fail
at any stage?
Limited detail.
There is no evidence of contingency planning from
Government should the proposed deal fail.
© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates Appraisal of Bermuda Airport Development Business Case 199
Appendix 8 Acronyms and
Full Title
Green Book
HM Treasury’s Green Book
Canadian Commercial Corporation
Design Build Finance Operate
UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Value for Money
Strategic Outline Case
Outline Business Case
Full Business Case
Department of Airport Operations
Cash Releasing Benefits
Quantifiable Benefits
Cost Benefit Analysis
Request for Proposal
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Airport Cooperative Research Program
Memorandum of Understanding
Letter of Agreement
Economic Impact Assessment
Public-Private Partnership
Best and Final Practice
Special Purpose Vehicle
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
Critical Success Factors
Net Present Value
Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Key Performance Indicators
Office of Government Commerce
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© 2015 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates