Robust Scene Text Recognition with Automatic Rectification
Baoguang Shi, Xinggang Wang, Pengyuan Lyu, Cong Yao, Xiang Bai
School of Electronic Information and Communications
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Recognizing text in natural images is a challenging task
with many unsolved problems. Different from those in
documents, words in natural images often possess irreg-
ular shapes, which are caused by perspective distortion,
curved character placement, etc. We propose RARE (Robust
text recognizer with Automatic REctification), a recognition
model that is robust to irregular text. RARE is a specially-
designed deep neural network, which consists of a Spatial
Transformer Network (STN) and a Sequence Recognition
Network (SRN). In testing, an image is firstly rectified via
a predicted Thin-Plate-Spline (TPS) transformation, into a
more “readable” image for the following SRN, which rec-
ognizes text through a sequence recognition approach. We
show that the model is able to recognize several types of
irregular text, including perspective text and curved text.
RARE is end-to-end trainable, requiring only images and
associated text labels, making it convenient to train and
deploy the model in practical systems. State-of-the-art or
highly-competitive performance achieved on several bench-
marks well demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed
1. Introduction
In natural scenes, text appears on various kinds of ob-
jects, e.g. road signs, billboards, and product packaging. It
carries rich and high-level semantic information that is im-
portant for image understanding. Recognizing text in im-
ages facilitates many real-world applications, such as geo-
location, driverless car, and image-based machine transla-
tion. For these reasons, scene text recognition has attracted
great interest from the community [28, 37, 15]. Despite the
maturity of the research on Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) [26], recognizing text in natural images, rather than
scanned documents, is still challenging. Scene text images
exhibit large variations in the aspects of illumination, mo-
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Rectied ImageInput Image
Figure 1. Schematic overview of RARE, which consists a spatial
transformer network (STN) and a sequence recognition network
(SRN). The STN transforms an input image to a rectified im-
age, while the SRN recognizes text. The two networks are jointly
trained by the back-propagation algorithm [22]. The dashed lines
represent the flows of the back-propagated gradients.
tion blur, text font, color, etc. Moreover, text in the wild
may have irregular shape. For example, some scene text is
perspective text [29], which is caused by side-view camera
angles; some has curved shapes, meaning that its characters
are placed along curves rather than straight lines. We call
such text irregular text, in contrast to regular text which is
horizontal and frontal.
Usually, a text recognizer works best when its input im-
ages contain tightly-bounded regular text. This motivates
us to apply a spatial transformation prior to recognition, in
order to rectify input images into ones that are more “read-
able” by recognizers. In this paper, we propose a recog-
nition method that is robust to irregular text. Specifically,
we construct a deep neural network that combines a Spatial
Transformer Network [18] (STN) and a Sequence Recogni-
tion Network (SRN). An overview of the model is given in
Fig. 1.
In the STN, an input image is spatially transformed into
a rectified image. Ideally, the STN produces an image that
contains regular text, which is a more appropriate input for
the SRN than the original one. The transformation is a thin-
plate-spline [6] (TPS) transformation, whose nonlinearity
allows us to rectify various types of irregular text, includ-
ing perspective and curved text. The TPS transformation is
configured by a set of fiducial points, whose coordinates are
regressed by a convolutional neural network.
In an image that contains regular text, characters are ar-
ranged along a horizontal line. It bares some resemblance
arXiv:1603.03915v2 [cs.CV] 19 Apr 2016
to a sequential signal. Motivated by this, for the SRN we
construct an attention-based model [4] that recognizes text
in a sequence recognition approach. The SRN consists of
an encoder and a decoder. Given an input image, the en-
coder generates a sequential feature representation, which
is a sequence of feature vectors. The decoder recurrently
generates a character sequence conditioning on the input
sequence, by decoding the relevant contents which are de-
termined by its attention mechanism at each step.
We show that, with proper initialization, the whole
model can be trained end-to-end. Consequently, for the
STN, we do not need to label any geometric ground truth,
i.e. the positions of the TPS fiducial points, but let its train-
ing be supervised by the error differentials back-propagated
by the SRN. In practice, the training eventually makes the
STN tend to produce images that contain regular text, which
are desirable inputs for the SRN.
The contributions of this paper are three-fold: First, we
propose a novel scene text recognition method that is ro-
bust to irregular text. Second, our model extends the STN
framework [18] with an attention-based model. The original
STN is only tested on plain convolutional neural networks.
Third, our model adopts a convolutional-recurrent structure
in the encoder of the SRN, thus is a novel variant of the
attention-based model [4].
2. Related Work
In recent years, a rich body of literature concerning
scene text recognition has been published. Comprehensive
surveys have been given in [40, 44]. Among the tradi-
tional methods, many adopt bottom-up approaches, where
individual characters are firstly detected using sliding win-
dow [36, 35], connected components [28], or Hough vot-
ing [39]. Following that, the detected characters are in-
tegrated into words by means of dynamic programming,
lexicon search [35], etc.. Other work adopts top-down ap-
proaches, where text is directly recognized from entire in-
put images, rather than detecting and recognizing individual
characters. For example, Alm
azan et al. [2] propose to pre-
dict label embedding vectors from input images. Jaderberg
et al. [17] address text recognition with a 90k-class con-
volutional neural network, where each class corresponds to
an English word. In [16], a CNN with a structured out-
put layer is constructed for unconstrained text recognition.
Some recent work models the problem as a sequence recog-
nition problem, where text is represented by character se-
quence. Su and Lu [34] extract sequential image represen-
tation, which is a sequence of HOG [10] descriptors, and
predict the corresponding character sequence with a recur-
rent neural network (RNN). Shi et al. [32] propose an end-
to-end sequence recognition network which combines CNN
and RNN. Our method also adopts the sequence prediction
scheme, but we further take the problem of irregular text
into account.
Although being common in the tasks of scene text de-
tection and recognition, the issue of irregular text is rela-
tively less addressed in explicit ways. Yao et al. [38] firstly
propose the multi-oriented text detection problem, and deal
with it by carefully designing rotation-invariant region de-
scriptors. Zhang et al. [42] propose a character rectification
method that leverages the low-rank structures of text. Phan
et al. propose to explicitly rectify perspective distortions via
SIFT [23] descriptor matching. The above-mentioned work
brings insightful ideas into this issue. However, most meth-
ods deal with only one type of irregular text with specifi-
cally designed schemes. Our method rectifies several types
of irregular text in a unified way. Moreover, it does not re-
quire extra annotations for the rectification process, since
the STN is supervised by the SRN during training.
3. Proposed Model
In this section we formulate our model. Overall, the
model takes an input image I and outputs a sequence l =
, . . . , l
), where l
is the t-th character, T is the variable
string length.
3.1. Spatial Transformer Network
The STN transforms an input image I to a rectified im-
age I
with a predicted TPS transformation. It follows the
framework proposed in [18]. As illustrated in Fig. 2, it first
predicts a set of fiducial points via its localization network.
Then, inside the grid generator, it calculates the TPS trans-
formation parameters from the fiducial points, and gener-
ates a sampling grid on I. The sampler takes both the grid
and the input image, it produces a rectified image I
by sam-
pling on the grid points.
A distinctive property of STN is that its sampler is dif-
ferentiable. Therefore, once we have a differentiable local-
ization network and a differentiable grid generator, the STN
can back-propagate error differentials and gets trained.
Input Image
Fiducial Points
Sampler V
Rectied Image
Figure 2. Structure of the STN. The localization network localizes
a set of fiducial points C, with which the grid generator generates
a sampling grid P. The sampler produces a rectified image I
given I and P .
3.1.1 Localization Network
The localization network localizes K fiducial points by di-
rectly regressing their x, y-coordinates. Here, constant K
is an even number. The coordinates are denoted by C =
, . . . , c
] <
, whose k-th column c
= [x
, y
contains the coordinates of the k-th fiducial point. We use
a normalized coordinate system whose origin is the image
center, so that x
, y
are within the range of [1, 1].
We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) for the
regression. Similar to the conventional structures [33, 21],
the CNN contains convolutional layers, pooling layers and
fully-connected layers. However, we use it for regression
instead of classification. For the output layer, which is
the last fully-connected layer, we set the number of output
nodes to 2K and the activation function to tanh(·), so that
its output vectors have values that are within the range of
(1, 1). Last, the output vector is reshaped into C.
The network localizes fiducial points based on global im-
age contexts. It is expected to capture the overall text shape
of an input image, and localizes fiducial points accordingly.
It should be emphasized that we do not annotate coordinates
of fiducial points for any sample. Instead, the training of the
localization network is completely supervised by the gradi-
ents propagated by the other parts of the STN, following the
back-propagation algorithm [22].
3.1.2 Grid Generator
The grid generator estimates the TPS transformation param-
eters, and generates a sampling grid. We first define another
set of fiducial points, called the base fiducial points, de-
noted by C
= [c
, . . . , c
] <
. As illustrated in
Fig. 3, the base fiducial points are evenly distributed along
the top and bottom edge of a rectified image I
. Since K
is a constant and the coordinate system is normalized, C
always a constant.
Input Image
Rectied Image
Figure 3. Fiducial points and the TPS transformation. Green mark-
ers on the left image are the fiducial points C. Cyan markers on
the right image are the base fiducial points C
. The transformation
T is represented by the pink arrow. For a point (x
, y
) on I
, the
transformation T finds the corresponding point (x
, y
) on I.
The parameters of the TPS transformation is represented
by a matrix T <
, which is computed by
T =
, (1)
is a matrix determined only
by C
, thus also a constant:
0 0 1
0 0 C
where the element on the i-th row and j-th column of R is
= d
ln d
, d
is the euclidean distance between c
and c
The grid of pixels on a rectified image I
is denoted
by P
= {p
, where p
= [x
, y
is the x,y-
coordinates of the i-th pixel, N is the number of pixels. As
illustrated in Fig. 3, for every point p
on I
, we find the
corresponding point p
= [x
, y
on I, by applying the
= d
ln d
1, x
, y
, r
, . . . , r
= T
, (4)
where d
is the euclidean distance between p
and the k-th
base fiducial point c
By iterating over all points in P
, we generate a grid
P = {p
on the input image I. The grid generator
can back-propagate gradients, since its two matrix multipli-
cations, Eq. 1 and Eq. 4, are both differentiable.
3.1.3 Sampler
Lastly, in the sampler, the pixel value of p
is bilinearly
interpolated from the pixels near p
on the input image. By
setting all pixel values, we get the rectified image I
= V (P, I), (5)
where V represents the bilinear sampler [18], which is also
a differentiable module.
The flexibility of the TPS transformation allows us to
transform irregular text images into rectified images that
contain regular text. In Fig. 4, we show some common types
of irregular text, including a) loosely-bounded text, which
resulted by imperfect text detection; b) multi-oriented text,
caused by non-horizontal camera views; c) perspective text,
caused by side-view camera angles; d) curved text, a com-
monly seen artistic style. The STN is able to rectify images
that contain these types of irregular text, making them more
readable for the following recognizer.
3.2. Sequence Recognition Network
Since target words are inherently sequences of charac-
ters, we model the recognition problem as a sequence recog-
nition problem, and address it with a sequence recognition
network. The input to the SRN is a rectified image I
, which
Input Image Rectied Image
Figure 4. The STN rectifies images that contain several types of
irregular text. Green markers are the predicted fiducial points on
the input images. The STN can deal with several types of irregular
text, including (a) loosely-bounded text; (b) multi-oriented text;
(c) perspective text; (d) curved text.
ideally contains a word that is written horizontally from left
to right. We extract a sequential representation from I
, and
recognize a word from it.
In our model, the SRN is an attention-based model [4, 8],
which directly recognizes a sequence from an input image.
The SRN consists of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder
extracts a sequential representation from the input image I
The decoder recurrently generates a sequence conditioned
on the sequential representation, by decoding the relevant
contents it attends to at each step.
3.2.1 Encoder: Convolutional-Recurrent Network
A na
ıve approach for extracting a sequential representation
for I
is to take local image patches from left to right, and
describe each of them with a CNN. However, this approach
does not share the computation among overlapping patches,
thus inefficient. Besides, the spatial dependencies between
the patches are not exploited and leveraged. Instead, follow-
ing [32], we build a network that combines convolutional
layers and recurrent networks. The network extracts a se-
quence of feature vectors, given an input image of arbitrary
As illustrated in Fig. 5, at the bottom of the encoder is
several convolutional layers. They produce feature maps
that are robust and high-level descriptions of an input im-
age. Suppose the feature maps have the size D
× W
, where D
is the depth, and H
are the height and width respectively. The next oper-
ation is to convert the maps into a sequence of W
tors, each has D
dimensions. Specifically, the
“map-to-sequence” operation takes out the columns of the
Input image
Figure 5. Structure of the SRN, which consists of an encoder and
a decoder. The encoder uses several convolution layers (ConvNet)
and a two-layer BLSTM network to extract a sequential represen-
tation (h) for the input image. The decoder generates a character
sequence (including the EOS token) conditioned on h.
maps in the left-to-right order, and flattens them into vec-
tors. According to the translation invariance property of
CNN, each vector corresponds to a local image region, i.e.
receptive field, and is a descriptor for that region.
Restricted by the sizes of the receptive fields, the fea-
ture sequence leverages limited image contexts. We further
apply a two-layer Bidirectional Long-Short Term Mem-
ory (BLSTM) [14, 13] network to the sequence, in order
to model the long-term dependencies within the sequence.
The BLSTM is a recurrent network that can analyze the de-
pendencies within a sequence in both directions, it outputs
another sequence which has the same length as the input
one. The output sequence is h = (h
, . . . , h
), where
L = W
3.2.2 Decoder: Recurrent Character Generator
The decoder recurrently generates a sequence of characters,
conditioned on the sequence produced by the encoder. It is
a recurrent neural network with the attention structure pro-
posed in [4, 8]. In the recurrency part, we adopt the Gated
Recurrent Unit (GRU) [7] as the cell.
The generation is a T -step process, at step t, the decoder
computes a vector of attention weights α
via the
attention process described in [8]:
= Attend(s
, α
, h), (6)
where s
is the state variable of the GRU cell at the last
step. For t = 1, both s
and α
are zero vectors. Then, a
glimpse g
is computed by linearly combining the vectors
in h: g
. Since α
has non-negative values
that sum to one, it effectively controls where the decoder
focuses on.
The state s
is updated via the recurrent process of
GRU [7, 8]:
= GRU(l
, g
, s
), (7)
where l
is the (t 1)-th ground-truth label in training,
while in testing, it is the label predicted in the previous step,
The probability distribution over the label space is esti-
mated by:
= softmax(W
). (8)
Following that, a character
is predicted by taking the class
with the highest probability. The label space includes all
English alphanumeric characters, plus a special “end-of-
sequence” (EOS) token, which ends the generation process.
The SRN directly maps a input sequence to another se-
quence. Both input and output sequences may have arbi-
trary lengths. It can be trained with only word images and
associated text.
3.3. Model Training
We denote the training set by X = {(I
, l
To train the model, we minimize the negative log-likelihood
over X :
L =
; θ), (9)
where the probability p(·) is computed by Eq. 8, θ is the pa-
rameters of both STN and SRN. The optimization algorithm
is the ADADELTA [41], which we find fast in convergence
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6. Some initialization patterns for the fiducial points.
The model parameters are randomly initialized, except
the localization network, whose output fully-connected
layer is initialized by setting weights to zero. The initial
biases are set to such values that yield the fiducial points
pattern displayed in Fig. 6.a. Empirically, we also find that
the patterns displayed Fig. 6.b and Fig. 6.c yield relatively
poorer performance. Randomly initializing the localization
network results in failure of convergence during training.
Figure 7. A prefix tree of three words: “ten”, “tea”, and “to”. and
are the tree root and the EOS token respectively. The recognition
starts from the tree root. At each step the posterior probabilities of
all child nodes are computed. The child node with the highest
probability is selected as the next node. The process iterates until
a leaf node is reached. Numbers on the edges are the posterior
probabilities. Blue nodes are the selected nodes. In this case, the
predicted word is “tea”.
3.4. Recognizing With a Lexicon
When a test image is associated with a lexicon, i.e. a set
of words for selection, the recognition process is to pick the
word with the highest posterior conditional probability:
= arg max
|I; θ). (10)
However, on very large lexicons, e.g. the Hunspell [1]
which contains more than 50k words, computing Eq. 10
is time consuming, as it requires iterating over all lexicon
words. We adopt an efficient approximate search scheme
on large lexicons. The motivation is that computation can
be shared among words that share the same prefix.
We first construct a prefix tree over a given lexicon. As
illustrated in Fig. 7, each node of the tree is a character la-
bel. Nodes on a path from the root to a leaf forms a word
(including the EOS). In testing, we start from the root node,
every time the model outputs a distribution
, the child
node with the highest posterior probability is selected as the
next node to move to. The process repeats until a leaf node
is reached, and a word is found on the path from the root to
that leaf. Since the tree depth is at most the length of the
longest word in the lexicon, this search process takes much
less computation than the precise search.
Recognition performance could be further improved by
incorporating beam search. A list of nodes is maintained,
and the above search process is repeated on each of them.
After each step, the list is updated to store the nodes with
top-B accumulated log-likelihoods, where B is the beam
width. Larger beam width usually results in better perfor-
mance, but lower search speed.
Table 1. Recognition accuracies on general recognition benchmarks. The titles “50”, “1k” and “50k” are lexicon sizes. The “Full” lexicon
contains all per-image lexicon words. “None” means recognition without a lexicon.
50 1k None 50 None 50 Full 50k None None
ABBYY [35] 24.3 - - 35.0 - 56.0 55.0 - - -
Wang et al. [35] - - - 57.0 - 76.0 62.0 - - -
Mishra et al. [25] 64.1 57.5 - 73.2 - 81.8 67.8 - - -
Wang et al. [37] - - - 70.0 - 90.0 84.0 - - -
Goel et al. [11] - - - 77.3 - 89.7 - - - -
Bissacco et al. [5] - - - 90.4 78.0 - - - - 87.6
Alsharif and Pineau [3] - - - 74.3 - 93.1 88.6 85.1 - -
an et al. [2] 91.2 82.1 - 89.2 - - - - - -
Yao et al. [39] 80.2 69.3 - 75.9 - 88.5 80.3 - - -
Rodrguez-Serrano et al. [31] 76.1 57.4 - 70.0 - - - - - -
Jaderberg et al. [19] - - - 86.1 - 96.2 91.5 - - -
Su and Lu [34] - - - 83.0 - 92.0 82.0 - - -
Gordo [12] 93.3 86.6 - 91.8 - - - - - -
Jaderberg et al. [17] 97.1 92.7 - 95.4 80.7 98.7 98.6 93.3 93.1 90.8
Jaderberg et al. [16] 95.5 89.6 - 93.2 71.7 97.8 97.0 93.4 89.6 81.8
Shi et al. [32] 97.6 94.4 78.2 96.4 80.8 98.7 97.6 95.5 89.4 86.7
RARE 96.2 93.8 81.9 95.5 81.9 98.3 96.2 94.8 90.1 88.6
RARE (SRN only) 96.5 92.8 79.7 96.1 81.5 97.8 96.4 93.7 88.7 87.5
4. Experiments
In this section we evaluate our model on a number of
standard scene text recognition benchmarks, paying special
attention to recognition performance on irregular text. First
we evaluate our model on some general recognition bench-
marks, which mainly consist of regular text, but irregular
text also exists. Next, we perform evaluations on bench-
marks that are specially designed for irregular text recogni-
tion. For all benchmarks, performance is measured by word
4.1. Implementation Details
Spatial Transformer Network The localization network
of STN has 4 convolution layers, each followed by a 2 × 2
max-pooling layer. The filter size, padding size and stride
are 3, 1, 1 respectively, for all convolutional layers. The
number of filters are respectively 64, 128, 256 and 512. Fol-
lowing the convolutional and the max-pooling layers is two
fully-connected layers with 1024 hidden units. We set the
number of fiducial points to K = 20, meaning that the lo-
calization network outputs a 40-dimensional vector. Acti-
vation functions for all layers are the ReLU [27], except the
output layer which uses tanh(·).
Sequence Recognition Network In the SRN, the en-
coder has 7 convolutional layers, whose {filter size,
number of filters, stride, padding size} are respec-
tively {3,64,1,1}, {3,128,1,1}, {3,256,1,1}, {3,256,1,1,},
{3,512,1,1}, {3,512,1,1}, and {2,512,1,0}. The 1st, 2nd,
4th, 6th convolutional layers are each followed by a 2 × 2
max-pooling layer. On the top of the convolutional layers
is a two-layer BLSTM network, each LSTM has 256 hid-
den units. For the decoder, we use a GRU cell that has 256
memory blocks and 37 output units (26 letters, 10 digits,
and 1 EOS token).
Model Training Our model is trained on the 8-million
synthetic samples released by Jaderberg et al. [15]. No extra
data is used. The batch size is set to 64 in training. Follow-
ing [17, 16], images are resized to 100 × 32 in both training
and testing. The output size of the STN is also 100×32. Our
model processes 160 samples per second during training,
and converges in 2 days after 3 epochs over the training
Implementation We implement our model under the
Torch7 framework [9]. Most parts of the model are GPU-
accelerated. All our experiments are carried out on a work-
station which has one Intel Xeon(R) E5-2620 2.40GHz
CPU, an NVIDIA GTX-Titan GPU, and 64GB RAM.
Without a lexicon, the model takes less than 2ms recog-
nizing an image. With a lexicon, recognition speed depends
on the lexicon size. We adopt the precise search (Sec. 3.4)
when lexicon size 1k. On larger lexicons, we adopt the
approximate beam search (Sec. 3.4) with a beam width of
7. With a 50k-word lexicon, the search takes 200ms per
4.2. Results on General Benchmarks
Our model is firstly evaluated on benchmarks that are de-
signed for general scene text recognition tasks. Samples in
these benchmarks mostly contain regular text, but irregular
text also exists. The benchmark datasets are:
IIIT 5K-Words [25] (IIIT5K) contains 3000 cropped
word images for testing. The images are collected
from the Internet. For each image, there is a 50-word
lexicon and a 1000-word lexicon. All lexicons con-
sist of a ground truth word and some randomly picked
Street View Text [35] (SVT) is collected from Google
Street View. Its test dataset consists of 647 word im-
ages. Many images in SVT are severely corrupted by
noise and blur, or have very low resolutions. Each sam-
ple is associated with a 50-word lexicon.
ICDAR 2003 [24] (IC03) contains 860 cropped word
images, each associated with a 50-word lexicon de-
fined by Wang et al. [35]. Following [35], we dis-
card images that contain non-alphanumeric characters
or have less than three characters. Besides, there is a
“full lexicon” which contains all lexicon words, and
the Hunspell [1] lexicon which has 50k words.
ICDAR 2013 [20] (IC13) inherits most of its samples
from IC03. After filtering samples as done in IC03, the
dataset contains 857 samples.
In Tab. 1 we report our results, and compare them with
other methods. On unconstrained recognition tasks (rec-
ognizing without a lexicon), our model outperforms all the
other methods in comparison. On IIIT5K, RARE outper-
forms prior art CRNN [32] by nearly 4 percentages, indi-
cating a clear improvement in performance. We observe
that IIIT5K contains a lot of irregular text, especially curved
text, while RARE has an advantage in dealing with irregu-
lar text. Note that, although our model falls behind [17] on
some datasets, our model differs from [17] in that it is able
recognize random strings such as telephone numbers, while
[17] only recognizes words that are in its 90k-dictionary.
On constrained recognition tasks (recognizing with a lexi-
con), RARE achieves state-of-the-art or highly competitive
accuracies. On IIIT5K, SVT and IC03, constrained recog-
nition accuracies are on par with [17], and slightly lower
than [32].
We also train and test a model that contains only the
SRN. As reported in the last row of Tab. 1, we see that
the SRN-only model is also a very competitive recognizer,
achieving higher or competitive performance on most of the
4.3. Recognizing Perspective Text
To validate the effectiveness of the rectification scheme,
we evaluate RARE on the task of perspective text recog-
nition. SVT-Perspective [29] is specifically designed for
evaluating performance of perspective text recognition al-
gorithms. Text samples in SVT-Perspective are picked from
side view angles in Google Street View, thus most of them
are heavily deformed by perspective distortion. Some ex-
amples are shown in Fig. 8.a. SVT-Perspective consists
of 639 cropped images for testing. Each image is associ-
ated with a 50-word lexicon, which is inherited from the
SVT [35] dataset. In addition, there is a “Full” lexicon
which contains all the per-image lexicon words.
Figure 8. Examples of irregular text. a) Perspective text. Samples
are taken from the SVT-Perspective [29] dataset; b) Curved text.
Samples are taken from the CUTE80 [30] dataset.
We use the same model trained on the synthetic dataset
without fine-tuning. For comparison, we test the CRNN
model [32] on SVT-Perspective. We also compare RARE
with [35, 25, 37, 29], whose recognition accuracies are re-
ported in [29].
Table 2. Recognition accuracies on SVT-Perspective [29]. “50”
and “Full” represent recognition with 50-word lexicons and the
full lexicon respectively. “None” represents recognition without a
Method 50 Full None
Wang et al. [35] 40.5 26.1 -
Mishra et al. [25] 45.7 24.7 -
Wang et al. [37] 40.2 32.4 -
Phan et al. [29] 75.6 67.0 -
Shi et al. [32] 92.6 72.6 66.8
RARE 91.2 77.4 71.8
Tab. 2 summarizes the results. In the second and third
columns, we compare the accuracies of recognition with the
50-word lexicon and the full lexicon. Our method outper-
forms [29], which is a perspective text recognition method,
by a large margin on both lexicons. However, this gap
is partially due to that we use a much larger training set
than [29]. In the comparisons with [32], which uses the
same training set as RARE, we still observe significant im-
provements in both the Full lexicon and the lexicon-free
settings. Furthermore, recall the results in Tab. 1, on SVT-
Perspective RARE outperforms [32] by a even larger mar-
gin. The reason is that the SVT-perspective dataset mainly
consists of perspective text, which is inappropriate for di-
rect recognition. Our rectification scheme can significantly
alleviate this problem.
In Fig. 9 we present some qualitative analysis. Fiducial
points predicted by the STN are plotted on input images in
green crosses. We see that the STN tends to place fidu-
cial points along upper and lower edges of scene text, and
Input Image Rectified Image
Figure 9. Examples showing the rectifications our model makes
and the recognition results. The left column is the input images,
where green crosses are the predicted fiducial points. The mid-
dle column is the rectified images (we use gray-scale images for
recognition). The right column is the recognized text and the
ground truth text. Green and red characters are correctly and mis-
takenly recognized characters, respectively. The first ve rows
are taken from SVT-Perspective [29], the rest rows are taken from
CUTE80 [30].
hence produces rectified images that are more readable for
the SRN. However, the STN fails sometimes in the case of
heavy perspective distortion.
4.4. Recognizing Curved Text
Curved text is a commonly seen artistic-style text in nat-
ural scenes. Due to its irregular character placement, rec-
ognizing curved text is very challenging. CUTE80 [30] fo-
cuses on the recognition of curved text. The dataset contains
80 high-resolution images taken in natural scenes. Origi-
nally, the dataset is proposed for detection tasks. We crop
the words, resulting in 288 word images for testing. For
comparisons, we evaluate the trained models of [17] and
[32]. All models are evaluated without a lexicon.
From the results summarized in Tab. 3, we see that
RARE outperforms the other two methods by a large mar-
gin. [17] is a constrained recognition model, it cannot rec-
ognize words that are not in its dictionary. [32] is able to
recognize arbitrary words, but it does not have a specific
mechanism for handling curved text. Our model rectifies
Table 3. Recognition accuracies on CUTE80 [29].
Method Accuracy
Jaderberg et al. [17] 42.7
Shi et al. [32] 54.9
RARE 59.2
images that contain curved text before recognizing them.
Therefore, it is advantageous on this task.
In Fig. 9, we demonstrate the effect of rectification
through some examples. Generally, the rectification made
by the STN is not perfect, but it alleviates the recognition
difficulty to some extent. RARE tends to fail when curve
angles are too large, as shown in the last two rows of Fig. 9.
5. Conclusion
We study a common but difficult problem in scene text
recognition, called the irregular text problem. Traditional
solutions typically use a separate text rectification compo-
nent. We address this problem in a more feasible and el-
egant way by adopting a differentiable spatial transformer
network module. In addition, the spatial transformer net-
work is connected to an attention-based sequence recog-
nizer, allowing us to train the whole model end-to-end. The
extensive experimental results show that 1) without geomet-
ric supervision, the learned model can automatically gen-
erate more “readable” images for both human and the se-
quence recognition network; 2) the proposed text rectifi-
cation method can significantly improve recognition accu-
racies on irregular scene text; 3) the proposed scene text
recognition system is competitive compared with the state-
of-the-arts. In the future, we plan to address the end-to-
end scene text reading problem through the combination of
RARE with a scene text detection method, e.g. [43].
This work was primarily supported by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 61222308, No.
61573160 and No. 61503145), and Open Project Program
of the State Key Laboratory of Digital Publishing Technol-
ogy (No. F2016001).
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