Analysis of Text-to-Image AI Generators
Ziyu Huang (Cheryl)
IPHS300 AI for the Humanities (Spring 2022) Prof Elkins and Chun, Kenyon College
This project is an analysis of text-to-image artificial intelligence
generators. The comparison will mostly focus on the newly-
released DALL-E 2, but will also include two other AI art producers
from earlier generations. Each AI generator will be fed the same
text prompt for the analysis. Three metrics will be used to analyze
the images generated by each AI generator in response to the same
text prompt. This project will utilize three metrics: aesthetic,
comprehension and interpretation, and creativity. This project will
result in a conclusion and a recommendation for the improvement
of future AI art generators based on a comparison of the
performance of several AI art generators and different text prompts.
1. Twitter posts of DALL-E 2:
As I currently have no access to DALL-E 2, the only sources
that can be drawn from DALL-E 2 are from Twitter. This project will
therefore collect artwork created by DALL-E 2 from Twitter posts.
The spectrum is limited to the arts and excludes photographs. In
addition, I will utilize the identical text prompts to feed the other two
AI art generators and evaluate the performance of the different
generators by comparing their outputs.
2. Hotpot AI Art Maker & 3. Starryai AI Art Generator (Orion)
These are open-sourced AI art generators, featuring fast
generating speed (1-2 min) and superior visual quality than other
open-source AI art generators.
There is no access to the code underlying these models, thus
all evaluation will be based on text input and output images.
All of the text prompts will include an indication of a certain art
style and at least one from the subject identification and activity
The three metrics developed for this project are aesthetic,
comprehension and interpretation(C&I), and creativity. The aesthetic
will be the formal analysis of the images produced from the
perspective ofhuman art historians. Composition, color palette, and
lines and shapes will be the primary factors for conducting the formal
analysis. The comprehension and interpretation metricwill assess the
accuracy with which you comprehend and interpret the text prompt
in terms of artistic style, subject matter, and iconography. The
creativity will investigate the originality of combining the formal
components of the particular art style with the narrative and
Material and Methodology
Comparison with AI Art Generators from Earlier Generation:
- post-modern style:
“Remembrance of nostalgia, surrealist painting by Dalí.”
Comparing the performance of AI art generators, DALLE-2
outperforms earlier generations of AI art generators on all three
metrics. It can generate images with a high level of aesthetic quality,
an accurate interpretation of the text prompt, and some creativity
in blending information with style. Nonetheless, the outcome
demonstrates that DALL-E 2 has several limitations. First, its
spelling ability is relatively poor. When asked to generate graphics
with some text on them, typographical errors are quite probable.
Several DALL-E 2 users are also aware of this shortcoming. Second,
it has different levels of art style comprehension. It has a greater
understanding of postmodern and contemporary art styles,
especially digital art and some cartoon styles linkedto popular
animations. According to one of the user reports, DALL-E 2 has
trouble assigning specific attributes to particular characters. This
circumstance occurs when the text prompts involve two or more
figures and indicate distinct characteristics for each figure. In
addition to some fundamental characteristics like as gender, DALL-
E 2 can easily mix up age, hairstyle/color, and clothing. Even while
DALL-E 2 exhibits its strength in analyzing and comprehending
subjects, it cannot create satisfactory results when the text prompt
contains a novel subject, as stated in the same user report.
The majority of these constraints can be overcome by by
modifying the parameters of the DALL-E 2 model. For example, the
disparity between the amounts of accessible digital data for works
of art generated throughout different eras is the primary cause of
different degrees of comprehension of art styles. The majority of
the premodern artworks are paintings or sculptures on easels.
Their reliance on artistic expertise and lengthy production time
restricts their quantity, and many of them are damaged or
destroyed. Postmodern artworks, in this case the digital arts,
require less painting or sculpting expertise and less time to execute.
Therefore, there is a disparity in the amounts of artworks created
throughout different time periods, which persists in the DALL-E 2
training data. This bias in the trainningdata results in various levels
of art style comprehension. However, this could be improved by
altering the parameter to have more pre-modern iterations than
post-modern iterations.
Currently, there are numerous critiques about the ethical
issues posed by Deepfakes created by AI art generators. However,
as several users have pointed out, DALL-E 2 appears to have
deliberate flaws in its ability to generate photorealistic human faces.
Some say that this flaw is one of DALL-E 2's defects. However,
DALL-E 2 is capable of producing photorealistic images of objects
and non-human animals. Therefore, it is more plausible to believe
that the flaw is an intentional attempt to prevent the creation of
Deepfakes. One of the additional worries regarding DALL-E 2 is
that the AI art generators may lead to the unemployment of artists,
particularly digital artists. DALL-E 2's exceptional s creativity can
occasionally surpass human intelligence, as it can produce
combinations of style and content that have never been observed
by humans. However, rather of eliminating employment, AI art
producers are more likely to changethem. For instance, AI art
generators like DALL-E 2 requires domain expertise to improve the
Conclusion and Recommendation
With the spring 2022 release of DALL-E 2, there is
heightened interest in the debate of AI-generated art. In
comparison to existing AI art generators that convert text to images,
the revolutionary DALL-E 2 is an AI system that can generate more
realistic and accurate imagesbased on the text input. Furthermore,
DALL-E 2 can make complex artworks with only relatively brief
text inputs. In addition to these, DALL-E 2 is capable of visually
integrating distinctand irrelevant objects. While earlier AI
generators could only produce crude and low-quality images,
DALL-E 2 has reached the State of the Art (SOTA) since its
products satisfy practically all artistic requirements.
Compared to Generative Adversarial Networks-based
model (GAN), DALLE-2 is a newer model that supplants and even
excels GAN. Unlike other elementarymodels that rely mostly on
GAN, DALL-E 2 benefits from Contrastive Learning-Image Pre-
training (CLIP) and diffusion models. The CLIP parallels the trainings
of the texts and images, functions like the encoder; while the
diffusion models learn to generate image by nosing and denosing
the training set, function like the decoder. DALL-E 2's architecture
is to first train the CLIP model and then use it to train the diffusion
models. Last but not least, the diffusion models use CLIP to
construct text embeddings and generate images corresponding to
the text. The most notable benefit of this design is that it does not
require massive amount of text-image paired data for training. In
other words, it is a model that is unsupervised or "self-supervised."
The self-supervised system can save a substantial amount of
humanlabor. At the same time,the unsupervised construct
maximizes creativity and novelty, as the AI may discover surprising
outcomes that are never observed by humans.
Dickson, Ben. “Dall-e 2, the Future of AI Research, and OpenAI's Business Model.”
TechTalks, April 11, 2022.
O'Connor, Ryan. “How Dall-e 2 Actually Works.” AssemblyAI Blog. AssemblyAI
Blog, April 22, 2022.
Ramesh, Aditya, Prafulla Dhariwal, Alex Nichol, Casey Chu and Mark Chen.
“Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation with CLIP Latents.” ArXiv
abs/2204.06125 (2022): n. pag.
Swimmer963. “What Dall-e 2 Can and Cannot Do.” LessWrong, May 1, 2022.
Wang, Zihao, Wei Liu, Qian He, Xin-ru Wu and Zili Yi. “CLIP-GEN: Language-
Free Training of a Text-to-Image Generator with CLIP.” ArXiv abs/2203.00386
(2022): n. pag.
Aesthetic: 6/10
C&I: 3/10
Creativity: 5/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
C&I: 6/10
Creativity: 6/10
Aesthetic: 9/10
C&I: 9/10 (closest to Dalí)
Creativity: 7/10
- pre-modern style:
“a hot dog in the style of a renaissance painting.
Aesthetic: 2/10
C&I: 2/10
Creativity: 3/10
Aesthetic: 6/10
C&I: 6/10 ()
Creativity: 5/10
Aesthetic: 9/10
C&I: 7/10 (more Baroque)
Creativity: 6/10
Comparison with Different Text Prompts Using DALL-E 2:
- in the style of Vermeer:
- text prompts from left to right:
Ai generated 'Robot girl with a pearl earring' by Johannes Vermeer”
"Mother, by Vermeer"
"Good morning, in the style of Vermeer"
Aesthetic: 8/10
C&I: 8/10
Creativity: 9/10
Aesthetic: 9/10
C&I: 7/10
Creativity: 9/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
C&I: 9/10
Creativity: 7/10
- DALL-E 2 generates art by combining the most distinctive and
recognizable features of the subject and the style. These "features" may
include facial characteristics, costumes, hairstyles, makeup, accessories,
color palettes, brushstrokes, modeling of light and shadow, compositions,
lines and shapes, etc. But here comes the question, how does DALL-E 2
choose which feature(s) to combine? When text prompts include the
name of the style (or the artist's last name if the style is named after the
artist), DALL-E 2 is more likely to select the formal stylistic features. In the
case above, when "Vermeer" appears as a style, DALL-E 2 generates
work with Vermeer's distinctive sketchy brushstrokes and bluish, cold-
toned color palette. While the first does not incorporate Vermeer's
painting style.