Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Prince William County
Public Schools
Superintendent’s Advisory
Council on Instruction
Annual Report
2020-21 Academic Year
Adopted by the
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction
April 8, 2021
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Introduction 3
Organization of the Council 3
Functions of the Council 4
Guiding Principles 4
Topics of the Council for the 2020-21 Academic Year 5
Commendations 5
Best Practices Conference for Parents 2021 6
Mental Health 6
Technology and Communication 6
Grading 7
Budget 7
“Quick Fix” Suggestions 8
Topics of Interest for the 2021-22 Academic Year 8
Appendix I: 2020-21 Council Membership 9
Elected Officers 9
School Representatives and Alternates 9
Elementary Schools 9
Middle Schools 11
High Schools 12
At-Large Representatives—None. 13
Appendix II: 2020-21 Yearly Agenda 14
Appendix III: Highlights from the Best Practices Conference for Parents 2021 15
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Each year, the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction (the Council) submits an annual
report to the Superintendent of Schools. This report:
Documents the Council’s activities during the school year.
Provides the Council’s recommendations and views on issues for consideration.
Serves as a source of information for local School Advisory Councils, parent
organizations, community groups, and local school administrators.
The annual report is part of the Council’s on-going communication strategy to share Council
activities, ideas, and recommendations with the Superintendent, administrators, individual School
Advisory Councils, and the community at large.
Organization of the Council
The Council was established in the Fall of 1996 to promote communication between the Office of
Student Learning (previously the Office of Instruction, Office of Student Learning and
Accountability) and parent representatives from each of the schools in the Division. The Council
provides advice/recommendations from parents and members of the community on curriculum
and instructional program planning to the Division Superintendent. The Council is the only
Division-wide parent advisory body whose membership includes a representative from each
Council membership is comprised of Individual School Representatives:
Parent or guardian representatives from each Prince William County Public School who
are also members of their respective school advisory councils.
Individual School Representatives must have at least one student enrolled in the school
the parent represents.
Individual School Representatives include both “primary” and “alternate” members.
Throughout the report, the term “parent(s)” shall be construed to mean parent(s) and/or
Council membership may also include At-Large Representatives:
Representatives from business, civic, citizen groups or organizations or other
stakeholders of Prince William County as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.
At-large members may or may not have students enrolled in Prince William County
Public Schools.
All members of the Council are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Superintendent.
For the 2020-21 Academic Year, the Council was comprised solely of Individual School
Representatives from each of the schools in the Division, with 82 of 99 schools being represented
at Council meetings. See Appendix I for a complete membership list.
The Executive Committee is elected by the Council membership. The Council Chair is elected by
the general membership and is assisted by five Vice Chairs, (3 from Elementary School, 1 from
Middle School, and 1 from High School). The Vice Chairs are elected by the school
representatives from their respective levels. The Executive Committee also includes a Secretary
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
elected from the general membership. The Associate Superintendent for Student and Professional
Learning serves as the Council’s chief advisor and appoints a member of his/her staff to serve as
the Council’s facilitator.
The Associate Superintendent for Student and Professional Learning, the Council’s facilitator,
and the Council Chair developed a schedule of meetings for the 2020-21 Academic Year. See
Appendix II for the 2020-21 Yearly Agenda.
The Council’s bylaws, yearly agenda, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes for the year, as well
as presentations from speakers appear on the Council’s webpage on the website.
Functions of the Council
The primary function of the Council is that of an advisory body but may also include that of an
advocacy group for curriculum and instructional programs and initiatives. To fulfill these
functions, the Council has the following responsibilities:
Review the curriculum, instructional programs, and instructional priorities of the
Provide guidance for improving, expanding, and implementing curriculum and
instructional initiatives.
Communicate information on current programs, new initiatives, and implementation
strategies to parents, guardians, students, and organizations within the school community.
The Council accomplishes these responsibilities through the following actions:
Reviewing the instructional plan of the Office of Student Learning and its proposed
Reviewing the School Division budget.
Reviewing the current curriculum and instructional priorities to aid in the determination
of Division-wide initiatives.
Evaluating Division-wide needs and priorities.
Reviewing strategies for meeting Division-wide needs and implementing new programs
Providing information, as needed, on current priorities, new initiatives, and
implementation strategies to parents, guardians, students, and other members of
organizations within the school community, as well as other advisory groups.
Fulfilling other responsibilities as requested by the Division Superintendent.
Guiding Principles
Since its inception in 1996, the Council has adhered to seven guiding principles:
1. The School Division should maintain high academic standards, continuity in applying
those standards within every school and to every student, and consistency in
implementing standards and initiatives throughout the School Division from kindergarten
through grade twelve.
2. For any new curriculum or instructional initiative, there must be a corresponding
professional development component.
3. The use of technology should be appropriately incorporated into instruction.
4. Each new curriculum or instructional initiative must include an evaluation component;
and, once the initiative has been implemented, there must be a comprehensive, on-going
evaluation of its effectiveness.
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
5. Communication must include listening and responding to achieve a well-informed and
involved school community.
6. The School Division should incorporate a streamlined process to collect, store, and
exchange information and best practices.
7. The education of all studentsregardless of economic condition, disabilities, learning
requirements, English proficiency, or cultural and ethnic background—is the duty of all
members of the School Division: administrators, faculty, and staff have a joint
responsibility to help all students succeed.
Topics of the Council for the 2020-21 Academic Year
As representatives from various schools gathered virtually to develop this report, they reflected
on the many presentations and conversations that took place during the year. Members of the
Council took into consideration the views, priorities, and needs of the individual schools and
advisory councils represented. With the unique situation presented to the Council this year,
members electronically submitted recommendations and held virtual discussions for each of the
topics covered during the 2020-21 Academic Year including: mental health, technology,
communication, grading practices, and the budget. The Writing Committee reviewed the
submitted information, grouped similar items, and collaborated to create a report that reflected the
accolades, concerns, and/or suggestions from the majority of participating Council members.
The Council wishes to commend the amazing teachers, staff, and administration of our Division
for their leadership in providing an outstanding education for our Prince William County students
during this unprecedented school year. There have been numerous challenges during the
COVID-19 outbreak. The Division adapted and employed innovative approaches to meet these
challenges. The Council wishes to recognize these efforts and express our appreciation for the
dedication of so many throughout the Division.
The Council would like to acknowledge specific areas of Division excellence in relation to the
topics addressed by the Council this year. The Council urges the continuation of the cited
programs and/or policies by the Division, as well as the requisite funding to support such efforts.
The Council would like to highlight:
Improved communication throughout the Division using The Hub, School Messenger,
weekly emails/texts from the schools, effective dissemination of information in crisis
situations, and the Division-wide newsletter (The Scoop).
Flexibility and adaptability of administrators, teachers, and staff to the ever-changing
challenges of this school year.
Focus on the student-first approach to education this year.
Technology improvements throughout the Division including working towards the
implementation of a 1:1 program for devices for all students, the distribution of hot spots
to families in need of internet access, increased bandwidth capabilities, and the use of QR
codes to help monitor movements in the schools.
The increased focus on mental health and additional staffing and funding to support such
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Providing flexibility and the choice of in person or virtual learning opportunities to
Live instruction for virtual students.
The availability of Specialty Programs with express busing.
Excellence in School Food and Nutrition Programs and the meal distribution program
implemented this year which benefited all Prince William County students.
SPARK- The Education Foundation for Prince William County Schools and the support
it provides to the Division including tutoring provided to high schoolers enrolled in
certain math classes.
Best Practices Conference for Parents 2021
Each year, the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction (SACI) hosts parents
representing Principal’s Advisory Councils (PACs) and Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs, as
well as PTAs and PTSOs) to share successful practices used within their own communities. This
year the Best Practices Conference for Parents will take place in May, after the adoption of this
report. An addendum summarizing the highlights of the conference will be added to this report as
Appendix III at the conclusion of the conference.
Mental Health
Representatives from Student Services provided the Council with an overview of the services
provided by their office. Information was presented on the Comprehensive Plan to address
student health during the current school year including how students were being supported during
the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Council recommends:
o Supporting teachers and staff with additional mental health resources.
o Providing additional support for students as they return to in-person instruction
with improved proactive outreach to students and additional 1:1 check in
o Providing support for students who lost loved ones due to COVID-19.
o Increasing focus on diversity and inclusion including: supports for students facing
racial trauma; increased lessons on diversity and anti-racist curriculum; and
increased access to literature celebrating diversity and inclusion.
o Cross-pollination of age-appropriate mental health best practices amongst schools.
o Increasing the utilization of “Care Reports'' that all stakeholders (teachers, staff,
students, parents) can utilize to report concerns about an individual within the
school. These reports would be addressed by representatives from Prince William
County Schools.
Technology and Communication
The Director of Student Learning provided an update from the Associate Superintendent for
Communication and Technology on the status of communication and technology improvements
within the Division.
The Council recommends:
o Connecting Canvas and the HUB.
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
o Ensuring consistency in communication across schools.
o Supporting the management and replacement of laptops and other devices.
o Providing additional Instructional Technology Coaches (ITCs) in all schools.
o Including a virtual instruction coordinator in each school.
o Encouraging teachers to utilize a standard format for Canvas courses to allow
families to easily locate tools and materials within the course.
o Aligning the use of software within grade levels within a school.
o Focusing and streamlining the use of software in order to reduce the number of
software tools required for students.
o Continuing virtual options for families including options for short term virtual
learning when students are absent due to illness.
o Providing additional technological support for families including additional
training and support in the evenings when students are completing homework.
o Ensuring courses that employ YouTube use ad-free clips and provide access that
does not require students to have YouTube accounts.
The Director of Student Learning provided clarification of revisions to the grading regulation
(Regulation 661). This discussion included the difference between formative and summative
assessments, reassessment practices, and transparency in grade calculations.
The Council recommends:
o Providing regular feedback to students about their work with timely reporting
and posting of grades.
o Encouraging consistency and transparency on grading practices across all
schools, departments, and classes in relation to open testing windows, time
allotments for assignments, due dates, unlocking assignments, and reassessment
o Encouraging consistency within departments with the use of rubrics and
formative and summative assessments.
o Evaluating the retake policy to ensure it is preparing students for college
assessment practices.
o Providing greater communication to the general public on these grading
The Associate Superintendent for Finance and Risk Management provided an overview of the
budget timeline and process for the adoption of the FY2022 Prince William County Public
Schools budget. This presentation included information on the Superintendent’s Budget Priorities.
The Council also received an update on the Capital Improvement Plan by the Supervisor of
Planning and Financial Services and the Supervisor of Land Acquisition and CIP.
The Council recommends:
o Continuing support from Central budget for the distribution, upkeep, and
replacement of devices to ensure equity among all schools and students.
o Providing additional information to the Council on the cost per pupil spending
between jurisdictions and the impact on student support and success.
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
“Quick Fix” Suggestions
The Council identified suggestions for low to no cost solutions to simple challenges, or “Quick
Fixes.” These are suggestions that would improve the experiences of parents in interacting with
the Division.
Placing mental health resources as its own heading on the Division homepage rather than
listing it under another topic.
Updating the search function on the PWCS website to exclusively search PWCS.EDU.
Improving labeling of questionnaires and surveys to eliminate confusion for parents (ex.
Return to Learn Survey vs the Return to Learn Packet).
Encouraging 1-page guides for each school on points of contact for major concerns (ex.
Laptop support).
Topics of Interest for the 2021-22 Academic Year
During the report-writing process, Council members identified possible topics to be discussed
during the 2021-22 Academic Year.
Pandemic update including information on the impact of the pandemic on academic
outcomes, lost learning recovery efforts, and the transition back to in-person instruction.
Virtual learning opportunities and support including updates on offering a Virtual
Substitute teachers and bus drivers including recruitment and training.
Equity and anti-racist instructional pedagogies.
Testing practices including testing changes and SOLs.
Mental health.
Site-based management.
Gifted services and special education.
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Appendix I: 2020-21 Council Membership
Elected Officers
Karen Martin
Vanessa Olson
Secretary (Leesylvania ES)
Candice Johnson
Elementary School Vice Chair- Mr. Provencio
(Mary Williams ES)
Tracy Blake
Elementary School Vice Chai- Mr. Erickson
(Minnieville ES)
Tim Kirkpatrick
Elementary School Vice Chair- Ms. Hart
(Haymarket ES)
Rana Kahl
Middle School Vice Chair- Mr. Bixby
(Benton MS)
Doresa Pickett
High School Vice Chair- Mr. Mulgrew
(Osbourn Park HS)
School Representatives and Alternates
Elementary Schools
School Primary Representative Alternate Representative
Alvey Elementary
Krysta Ardigo
Aleah Forrest
Antietam Elementary
Elizabeth Hernandez
Jessica York
Ashland Elementary Aline Mays
Bel Air Elementary Darianella Baret
Erin Simpson
Belmont Elementary
Bennett Elementary
Bristow Run Elementary
Sarah Matthews
Tory Brixius
Buckland Mills Elementary Catherin Hart
Heather Dempsey
Cedar Point Elementary
Chris Yung Elementary
Edie Rutz
Amanda Whitfield
Coles Elementary
Kathryn Forgas
Jenn Testerman
Kathryn Edmond
Dale City Elementary
Dumfries Elementary
Dayana Rodriguez
Ellis Elementary Tabatha Carlson Siomara Lopez
Enterprise Elementary
Gayle Stengl
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Primary Representative Alternate Representative
Featherstone Elementary Nuslys Gomez Yeri Santizo
Fitzgerald Elementary
Zenia Anthony
Glenkirk Elementary
Victoria Peacock
Tracey Hladky
Gravely Elementary Tulip Saad
Haymarket Elementary Tim Kirkpatrick Kim Lee
Henderson Elementary Leyla Hopkins
Jenkins Elementary Candace Miles Angela Savage; Candice Miles
Kerrydale Elementary
Kilby Elementary
Edis Valenti
Kimberly Moore
Kyle Wilson Elementary Sabrina Romero Lynne Mason
Lake Ridge Elementary
Carrie Glaeser
Leesylvania Elementary Vanessa Olson Lindsay Kelsey
Loch Lomond Elementary
Marshall Elementary Katherine Pierret
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Gracie Pendleton
Paula Johnson
Marumsco Hills Elementary
Mary Williams Elementary
Candice Johnson
Earl Johnson
McAuliffe Elementary
Minnieville Elementary
Tracy Blake
Brian Rust
Montclair Elementary
Katie Phillips
Mountain View Elementary Tiffany Brown
Mullen Elementary Kesia Miller Tracy Scoresby
Neabsco Elementary
Hela Bejaoui
Samira Rahi
Occoquan Elementary
Tamarra Youngblood
Meera Komitsky
Old Bridge Elementary Aurora Hurtado Jenilyn Hatch
Pattie Elementary
Trish Helchinger
Penn Elementary
Ramanjit Raini
Piney Branch Elementary
Tracy Houchens
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Primary Representative
Alternate Representative
Potomac View Elementary
River Oaks Elementary
William Nau
Vanhanda Harris
Rockledge Elementary
Nadra Boussouar
Diana Lewis-Chun
Rosa Parks Elementary
Marianna Lyulchenko
Raina Nettles
Signal Hill Elementary
Holly Beemer
Madeline Charboneau
Sinclair Elementary
Hubert Naydroh
Emil El-Ayazra
Springwoods Elementary
Sudley Elementary Caleb Strickland
Swans Creek Elementary Poornima Kumar
Sharon Hall
T. Clay Wood Elementary
Sarah Shaalan
Cheryl Strzemienski
Triangle Elementary Rebecca Emminizer
Kelly Boehm
Tyler Elementary Tyler Harris Charles Proffitt
Vaughan Elementary
Elsy Ventura
Blanca Sorto
Victory Elementary
West Gate Elementary Brigette Ring
Ana Rivera
Westridge Elementary
Yorkshire Elementary
Elvanely Munoz
Woodbine PreSchool
Middle Schools
School Primary Representative Alternate Representative
Benton Middle
Rana Kahl
Beville Middle
Makda Hintsa
Almyrtle Brown
Bull Run Middle
Kimberly Mushlak
Julie Batchos
Fred Lynn Middle
Gainesville Middle Tracy Houchens Nancy Dahdouh
Graham Park Middle
Sasha Simmons
Hampton Middle
Lake Ridge Middle
Janet Matsuda
Stephanie Sealock
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
School Primary Representative Alternate Representative
Marsteller Middle
Nicole Stewart
Mary G. Porter Traditional
School Erin Thomas Rebecca Arraya
Parkside Middle Adrianna Berk Lisa Hunt
Pennington Traditional Emily Baisch
Michele Oehlbert
Potomac Middle
Reagan Middle Pamela Walker
Michael Kier
Rippon Middle Angela McKelvey
Saunders Middle Sarah Maynard Anne Dean
The Nokesville School Naureen Ghani
Sabrina Kinyon
Unity Braxton
Emil El-Ayazra
Adam Garrity
Woodbridge Middle
Valerie Tolan
Maria Rodriguez
High Schools
School Primary Representative Alternate Representative
Battlefield High Wendi Gruninger Montrece Bell
Brentsville District High
Charles Colgan Sr. High Rana Kahl Gabrielle Goggin
Forest Park High Vanessa Olson
Freedom High
Alexis Major
Angela Piscitelli
Gar-Field High
Giselle Feliciano
Michael Petruzzi
Hylton High Tara Houston
Osbourn Park High Doresa Pickett Adrianna Berk
Patriot High
Linda Ashpole
Potomac High
Lynette Simmons
Tiffany Taylor
Unity Reed High Carey Shenal
Katy McMahon
Woodbridge High Stephanie Martin
Governors School at
Innovation Park
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Primary Representative Alternate Representative
Independence Non Traditional Judyvette Acevedo
PACE West Carey Brown Alison Swanson
At-Large RepresentativesNone.
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Appendix II: 2020-21 Yearly Agenda
2020-21 Yearly Agenda
All meetings held virtually via Zoom
October 15, 2020 Welcome Address to the Council
Dr. Steven L. Walts, Superintendent of Schools
November 12, 2020 Presentation: Mental Health
Dr. Deborah Ransom, Supervisor of Elementary Counseling and Related
Ms. Betsy Young, Supervisor of School Social Workers
Ms. Teresa Polk, Supervisor of School Health Services
Ms. Gina Bellamy, Administrative Coordinator, School Health Services
Council Orientation
Work Session 1: Grading
December 10, 2020 Presentation: Grading
Mr. Ken Bassett, Director of Student Learning
Work Session 2: Communication and Technology
January 14, 2021 Presentation: Communication and Technology
Mr. Ken Bassett, Director of Student Learning
Mrs. Rita Goss, Associate Superintendent for Student and Professional Learning
Work Session 3: Budget
February 11, 2021 Presentation: Budget
Mr. John Wallingford, Associate Superintendent for Finance and Risk
Presentation: CIP
Mr. David Beavers, Supervisor of Planning and Financial Services
Ms. Maureen Hannan, Supervisor of Land Acquisition and CIP
Hot Topics
March 11, 2021 Approval of Bylaws
Topic Selection for Annual Report (by submission and virtual discussion)
April 8, 2021 Report Adoption
End of Year Survey
May 13, 2021 Best Practices Conference for Parents (virtual)
Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction 2020-21 Annual Report
Appendix III: Highlights from the Best Practices Conference for
Parents 2021
Appendix III will be updated at the conclusion of the Conference in May